American Hawaii Cruise Vacation

Day 5 - American Hawaii Cruise - Monday on Kauai
Captain's Formal Dinner

Kauai "The Garden Isle" is the oldest of all the Hawaiian Islands, and because of its untouched appearance, many say it is the most beautiful. A visit to Kauai gives you the chance to experience places found nowhere else on earth, such as Waimea Canyon, the Wailua River and Fern Grotto.

I'm an early riser and one of my favorite things to do was to go out on deck and watch the sun rise over the islands ... breath taking!

Chosen tour: Wailua River/Fern Grotto
We journeyed by motorcoach from Nawiliwili Harbor through the town of Lihue to Opaeka'a Falls, then back down the mountain to the mouth of the Wailua River where we boarded a riverboat for a relaxing trip up the river to the Fern Grotto, which took about 30 minutes. Tropical grasslands line the river and cloud-capped Mount Wai'ale'ale looms in the background, adding an element of mystique. Guides narrate the ride, indicating points famous in Hawaiian mythology and other items of interest. You may recognize the scenery from location shots in films like Elvis' "Blue Hawaii" and George C. Scott's "Islands in the Stream." Upon arrival at the Fern Grotto you disembark and take a short walk to the fern-draped cave mouth where Hawaiian musicians serenade you with "The Hawaiian Wedding Song"

Some of the things we also chose to do today was to take the free shuttle to Hilo Hatties to shop for Hawaiian wear and aboard ship to go to a port talk on Maui, whale watching from deck, Invitation to Dance show, and the Newly Wed Not So Newly Wed Game. Since tonight was the Captain's dinner, we decked ourselves out and went to Captain Zarynoff's Welcome Aboard Champagne Party before going on to dinner. At the party we were introduced to the Captain and senior officers as they toasted our cruise through paradise. We danced to the S.S.Independence Orchestra and enjoyed champagne and Hawaiian pupus (hors d'oeuvres).

Other activities one could have participated in were: energy-building and stretch and breathing class, discovery table (about whales), walk-a-mile, daily quiz, Kauai walk, games, Hawaiian crafts - orchid corsage making, line dancing, ukulele lessons, Hawaiian serenade, old-fashioned sing along, Broadway on the Pacific show featuring music of Lerner and Loewe, or Disco time starting at 11:30 p.m.

We set sail for Maui about 4 p.m.

A few pictures from Day 5 ...

river Looking down at Wailua River and Fern Grotto boat

fern Fern Grotto's lush vegetation

capt Captain's Night

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American Hawaii Cruise Vacation
is created, edited & maintained by
Linda-Jeanne Dolby © 1998
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