About Me

Name: Virginia Viadas Diaz

Sex: Female

Race: Mestizo (my skin is like brown yellow color)

Hair Color:Black and lank it end in my shoulders.

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 1.50 m (Make the change to feet)

birthday: September 11th.

PET:I have a Collie dog just like Lassie, its name is Tiepolo (strange no? is the name of a an Italian paint artist) .

Favorite Colors:Black, Blue and I like not shinning colors like brown, gray etc.

Favorite Food: I like hamburgers, pizzas, lasagna, smoked salmon and cheese cake.

Favorite TV Series: X-Men, The Tick, Spider Man, Fantastic Four, Freakazoid, Dark Water Pirates, Animaniacs, Beast Wars and Muppets Tonight.

Favorite Movies: Disney HoND, Hercules, BatB, Lion King, TLM, Con Air, Jurasic Park, Lost World, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Batman Movies, Brave Hart, Alien Trilogy,MIB and Terror Movies.

Hobbies: Make Page in Internet, Internet, Read Comics, Watch TV, go to the movies, draw in computer and write novels.

Favorite Characters: Frollo, Pegasus, Hercules,Wolverine, Storm, Jubilee, Robin, Night Wing, Batman, Spiderman, Mulan, Mushu.

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