The Good Housekeeping Stran-Steel House
Chicago World's Fair, 1933
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This home was part of the 1933 Chicago World's Fair Century of
Progress Homes of Tomorrow exhibition and was given the name the
Good Housekeeping Stran-Steel Home.
In 1934, it was purchased by real-estate developer,
Robert Bartlett, and transferred to Palos Heights where it stood until
1992. In spite of community efforts to move the home, it was was torn
down to make way for urban development. This
unusual art deco design was commissioned by Good Housekeeping
magazine and the Stran-Steel Corporation.
A West Virginia family saw the home and purchased plans. Making a few
modifications, the Darwin Ensign family erected a tan brick version of the Stran-Steel home in 1934. The
current owner is looking for any others that may exist
in the United States. As far as she knows, there were two in
addition to the original home built for the fair in 1933. Another demo
home was built from the plans and displayed in Philadelphia, PA. It is
unclear what happened to this home, but assumed that it was also
destroyed sometime during the mid 30's.