
Hello! I`m glad you found my page! I hope it will provide you with information and support with eating disorders. Let me know what you think!:)

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 percent of girls have anorexia, and an additional 2 to 3 percent have bulimia. They usually show up in girls, but boys are getting them more and more now too.

A slow form of suicide, eating disorders are emotionally as well as physically harming. Although the person may want help deep down, the eating disorder may tell her that she`s not worth the effort, or that she`s not that bad. Some people are afraid of recovering, because they don`t know what they`ll be without an eating disorder, who has comforted them for so long. It almost becomes like a "friend."

Signs of anorexia include: *strange eating habits, like eating at specific times, or cutting food up in small pieces,

*seperation from family and friends

*obsessing over food and weight

*constantly saying negative things about themselves and their bodies.

*sometimes small hand writing can be a sign

*a significant amount of weight loss

Please remember, althougt weight loss is often a major indicator of anorexia, an "average" weight person can still be feeling the same guilt and worthlessness about food.

Signs of bulimia include:

*making excuses after eating to use the bathroom

*not necessarily as thin as an anorexic (which makes it harder to detect)

*laxative abuse

*eat foods in large quantities

*seperation from friends and family

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me!:)

This Support, Concern and Resources for Eating Disorders WebRing is owned by: Eating Disorders Support Network Please join us in: The S.C.a.R.E.D Webring
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For more info, visit these cool sites...

National Eating Disorder Association (NEDO)
The American Anorexia/Bulimia Association
Bre`s Eaitng Disorder Page
ANAD online
A personal story of a woman`s sister; with links
Eating Disorder Recovery Online
Hazel`s Eating Disorder Support Center
An excellent resource
Mirror, mirror
***An excellent resource