
to Wee Tyme's Printables

Miniature Drinks Page

Here are some popular soda collections for your miniature surroundings.

please click on the above link to go to the pantry and get more flavors.


Right click on the soda flavors of your choice and save to disk. Print out using best printing mode and cut out following design shape. Wrap around a straw cut to size or a bead of proper proportions and glue securely.

Please remember that these are for your personal enjoyment only. They are not for sale and are not to be sold. Names of products are owned by thier parent companies Coca-cola. Thank you!

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This page was made by Wee Tyme Creations® Please feel free to email me with comments or suggestions.


This page was last updated on January 19th, 1999

at 10:00 pm cst.