buy it the Essen Dreck CD Store
consumer capitalism at its most pathetic!
Specializing in: Industrial Country, Noise Polka, and Techno Folk

[ Foisted upon you by Tripod and CDnow ]

This CD Store was perpetrated by Tripod member EssenDreck.

Album Title
Song Title

or choose from one of these quaintly restrictive categories:



"World/New Age"




buy buy buy or die die die
(it's the American way)

Guy Lombardo
he covers our material

My Heart is Your Toenail Polish
"I'll Vacuum Your Igloo"

he covers Guy Lombardo
here's the Merzbow/Guy Lombardo page
Batztoutai with Memorial Gadgets

David Cassidy
he covers the waterfront

Folk Melodies of Western Siberia
"You're Sitting on my Piroshki"

worship that logo
This CD Store was perpetrated by Tripod member EssenDreck.