Gitte's webpage
Interesting reads
Favourite links!
About me

Hello and welcome!

This new version of my website has been up and running since May 2003 and I try to do my best to add new interesting links as often as possible.

I hope you will enjoy your visit here. Thank you for visiting!

Gitte :-)


A few of my favourite websites:

  • Google's news service with articles from several thousand news sources - constantly updated:
  • A fantastic forum to meet fellow booklovers, get inspired, and exchange (or release!) books:
  • A smorgasbord of knowledge. Ever wondered how your VCR works? Or how the Amish live? Go straight to:
  • For language nuts like myself this is sheer heaven. Go learn a new language, or create a dictionary link to your browser, at:
  • Founded (and inspired) by Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this site is unmissable. Your guide to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
  • Every film fanatic's wet dream, head on over to the Internet Movie Database for all your movie news, knowledge, trivia and buzz.

And if you're curious, you can read a little bit about me here.




Do you like movie trailers? I mean *good* movie trailers? So do I :-).
Here are links to a few of my favourite trailers:
A Mind's I (Starring up-and-coming Danish actor, Mads Koudal)
Backtrack (A western shot in Denmark and also starring Mads Koudal)
You can find more film and trailer links on my Favourite Links page!

Last updated on

New York Times tribute to Hepburn

E-Mail 10

31/01/04 - Happy New Year. I have removed a few ads from the front page, and a new page is up and running: My favourite reads, which contains a list of online articles that I have read lately and found of interest. Enjoy.
18/09/03 - There's now a banner to the excellent online (and free) movie magazine "16:9" (In Danish). In addition, I've changed one of the photos of me, and I have added a bit more detail in the description.
12/09/03 - I've added a few more links, including some on art, architecture, philosophy, psychology, and pure fun. :-)
16/08/03 - I have added a page of my favourite links. There's lots to explore :-).
16/08/03 - I have changed the photos of me, because I took some b/w ones that I like better.
02/08/03 - I have added updated photos of myself on the About Me page.
04/07/03 - Watching movie trailers has always been fun, at least to my mind. So I've added links to a few of my favs.
30/06/03 - I have added a small tribute to one of the greatest actresses of all time, Katharine Hepburn. She will be greatly missed.
24/05/03 - Wow, a year has gone by. Precisely one year, actually! And I didn't even notice. Well, I have added some of my favourite links and the opportunity to e-mail me. :-) Hope this yields results.
24/05/02 - I have taken the old site down and put up "Under Construction" page.



I have lit this candle for Katharine Hepburn. May she Rest in Peace.


