Thanks to CB4DoGG for the awesome logo, plus the one on biolab.htm - what would we do without ya? :P
Welcome to the Bio Systems Lab, brother site of the Relic Games Database and Emu page there! (Be sure to check 'em out:
For more info on the opening where I can help you and you can help me, see below.

Gurt's E-Mag!

Everyone chuck a spaz for my new E-mag! It's on emulation, funnily enough. Around 350k, viewed offline. DOS. I think you need UNIVBE or a good graphics card too. Fixed version SOON!
If you want to send a letter to my e-mag for the letters section, click here.

High Scores

Retro Review Mark II

The Heart of the Biosystems Lab (Phantasy Star 2 and 4 beastiary with pictures!! 100% Unique!)

The Phantasy Star 4 Hints Page

The Phantasy Star 4 IPS patch directory

Welcome to The Biosystems Lab!

I'm not slow updating this page, am I? :) 
Soon all the IPS patches will be converted to KGEN format. Hang on... :)

Letter to Emutech:

How did you find my page? EH?

I know you want more! Fill in the survey for my emag.


Greetings go out to the following ppl: (In no order...I might just copy text from IRC :P - yes, I will)
DragoonX, Zorak, Biatch_Z, DaToon, DamneD, Tricky, Ginger_/Daria, gaK, Dragoon, Otaku-7, NailShri, CB4, ^NeutroN^, Rza, Kumquat, Funbox. There's a few others, but they have brackets and stuff in their nicks and I forget 'em. Sorry. Also thanks to the wonderful people who bring us rom sites, and no thanks to the people that link to their roms.

Good links (Phantasy Star and Emulation related)

 Next site 
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Want to join Global ROM Village? Click HERE for info. 

Email for me should be sent to here now: That Mailexcite one has been inaccessable for a week. Please resend anything emailed since then, even comments. Tell me that you're resending too if you can so you don't get 2 replies! :P