Data storage of the Starfleet positions and duties available to Academy cadets, as well as the Prime Directive
A pictotial history of some of the Starfleet Uniforms and those currently used aboard the USS Highlander.
Planetary Classification.
Data storage of listing for all known planets and Planetary Classification Chart.
Weapons Locker
Listing of all current Starfleet issued hand held weapons available aboard USS Highlander.
System Diagonostics.
Software and procedures for use when actual or potential malfunctions are experienced.

Starfleet Ranks and Medals Listings of the Curent Rank structure and Medals and Service Ribbons used by the Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets

Engineering Tools
Data storage of the most commonly used tools in the life of a Starfleet Engineer.
Away Teams
Listings of the role of the Away Team, Equipment required and types of Missions.

Alien Races' Database
Data archives containing information on other Alien Races, that inhabit our Universe. Culture, Religion, Ships, and Weapons; It's all Here.

Closed for Refurbishment

USS Highlander Database
Data archives for the USS Highlander NCC 11895 : Defiant Class