
Patricia Mundorf currently lives in Sterling, Kansas, is married, and has three grown children who are all now married.

Patricia has suffered many trials in her life. In 1987, she was the helpless victim of a criminal assault that left her with permanent brain damage. Since 1990, she has suffered congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, lung dysfunction and diabetes, requiring constant treatment and surgery.

Patricia also has had surgery for advanced arthritis and was forced to use a walker until the Blessed Virgin Mary came to her aid and helped her walk again.

In 1995, Pat Mundorf started receiving visits from Our Blessed Mother, who has been guiding her life. After multiple contacts over a period of time. In August of 1997 Our Lady started appearing more frequently and in October 1997 Our Lady asked Pat to start releasing her messages to the public.

Comments from Patricia:

I was never a religious person until this past August when Mary started to visit, and then gave me messages to write down. I grow deeper in Love daily with Mary and Jesus, and seems like I can never get enough prayer done. My whole life has changed. I love everyone, and just want to help everyone in any way I can I used to be very materialistic, and now all that has changed too. Mary works in my life, and my husbands. He has such a deep devotion to Mary.

Patricia's bishop has issued no statement for or against her messages.