2DOLLARS.WAV The Paperboy: "Two dollars!" 3.95kb
7YEARS.WAV Charles Dumar: "Lane, I've been going to this high school for 7 and a half years. I'm no dummy." 19.1kb
BACON.WAV Mr. Meyer: "What is that...?"  
Mrs. Meyer: " said you didn't like all the grease from fried bacon, so I boiled it."
BLEWUP.WAV Lane: "Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky." 4.97kb
BROKEUP.WAV Mrs. Meyer: "Hello Lane, how was your day?"  
Lane: "Beth broke up with me."  
Mrs. Meyer: "Oh, that's nice."
CRISMISS.WAV Mrs. Smith: "Do you have Christmas in France...? Crisssmiss...CRISMISS!" 37.4kb
FMLYCRSS.WAV Lane: " grandmother dropped acid and she freaked out and hijacked a school bus full of penguins..." 37.2kb
NASLSPRY.WAV Lane: "I'll be as bad as my neighbor Ricky Smith, who sits around crocheting all day and snorting nasal spray..." 22.7kb
THROWUP.WAV Lane: " a nervous stomach...don't wanna throw up in the chairlift again..." 16.6kb
TURN.WAV Charles Dumar: "Go that way, really fast, if something gets in your way...turn." 19.1kb
WHITEBOY.WAV Utility Worker: "Man, now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that." 15.8kb