Rage Against The Machine


This Rage Page is brought to you by Justin Kessler at BLKessler@MSN.com

The new Rage album is out!

If you don't have it yet, buy it. You won't be disappointed.

Try Some of the sound patches off of Evil Empire down below.

Sound Patches and Video Clips

Bulls on Parade (mov)

Bulls on Parade (wav)

Bombtrack from the PinkPop import single (Aiff)

People of the Sun (Aiff)

Audio Players Fof The Net: US Windows & Macintosh


Rage Game for Macintosh

In case your interested I also have a list of RATM tour dates.

Here are some cool Rage Pics

  *If you are a big rage fan check out my Discography*

  *Want some Rageā„¢ Merchandise*

  *Guitar Tablatures*

Visitor since 5/31/96 :


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