Alternative Paintball Weapons!

The time has come, yeah, it is past time, to announce the latest paint flinging invention. One that will guarntee that players everywhere will now spend time yelling "incoming!!!". I give you.... THE PAINT MORTAR!!! Click on the pics below to be taken to the homepages for each mortar. On the right is the Tippmann heavy mortar, on the left Alternative Paintball's light AP2 mortar.

light mortar heavy mortar

Now for a real treat: One you've all been begging and asking for: Bret Golihew's LAW paintball rocket launcher! Just click on the thumbnail to take you to its very own page!
The next alternative weapon category is: Grenade Launchers!

This is an M-79 paintball weapon built by Loki, based off of Bret Golihew's designs. If you would like to get the plans to one, or buy one, please go to: M-79 page and tell Tommy I sent you!

The other variety of paintball grenade launcher is the underbarrel style. Two execellent cannons of this sytle are available. Both are based off the M203 GL. Stop by either Rusty's Paintball Gear or Alternative Paintball to see these really cool pieces of paint slinging mayhem!

Ladies and Gentleman!!! I now present to you the Paintball Cannon FAQ! Created by none other than the infamuous Reverend Heywood! So step on through this link to get all the preachin' on the most ass kickin' weapons system devised yet for paintball! All your questions will be answered! All your wants fulfilled! All your dark desires met!!! ;)

The Paintball Cannon FAQ!!!

Remember, there are more cannons than just LAWs and grenade launchers. Make sure to stop by . Alternative Paintball to see all the varieties of paint cannons available!

Now for my first section on how to build an alternative paintball weapon! This first how-to plan will be for how to make your own Paintball Grenades.Paint Grenades...

Double-Barreled Monstrosities....

guy holding moffgun moffgun standing tall

Now for a true monstrosity, brought to us from the frozen land of Sweden, a paintgun to strike fear into the hearts of all players everywhere: THE MOFFGUN!! Get a close look at the end of paintball as you know it!!! These pictures have been graciously provided to me by DEADHEAD:
make sure to drop by his page and check things out!


And now for the Doc 9000! This is the creation of that mad genius, Doc Nickel. Make sure to check out his page at Doc's Machine. The man is one the world's best airsmiths!

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