Picton New Zealand (Home)
This page created
November 1997, last update 22 April 2002 WebMaster
Picton Information: This is a guide to Picton and it's amenities. ALL known businesses and services are listed, with contact information, links, and detailed information wherever possible. This is a FREE and COMPLETE listing service. Street Map
Private Accommodation
Hostels homestay B&B Sight-seeing RESTAURANTS
NITE-LIFE service-organisations events
CLUBS medical emergency marina retail
take-away commercial-services
Marlborough District Council
boating/sailing jobs wanted-to-sell wanted-to-buy
Real-Estate Nature Parks Links Tug&Barge
Operations Architecture/Engineering
Links: NZ_InfoPage good info about NZ
BandBClub provides other NZ community links, as well as Bed & Breakfast info
Comments and suggestions are welcomed,
particularly new material and errata on existing listings. Please send to the WebMaster.
Policy: This site is intended to help residents and vistors to Picton to find contact information (and details) of business, facilities, events, in Picton. It will not replace personal knowledge such as that available at the Information Centre, but it will be available anytime, and have little cost This page, unlike similar pages, seeks to include ALL businesses operating in Picton, not just those who pay a fee. If anyone objects to their listing (or requests a listing), please advise, and the listing will be modified/added to your requirements - at no cost. Links to your existing pages (detailed listings, with photos) will be provided on application, free of charge.
Listings and links are free, creation of pages on enquiry.
Service organisations and non-profit activities will have separate information listing provided free . Advantages with a Web Listing: You can change it quickly, update your rates, add promotional rates for a short term (eg off-season). It is extra-ordinarily cheap (can be free!!) , and can be viewed by people looking for you from their own homes. It is not junk-mail, it has to be searched by people wanting to find you. You avoid middle-men, no "booking-fee" or commission is taken if you are contacted directly via the information you supply. You can make your own advertisements if you have access to the Internet (that's what you are looking at now). Or, you can engage professional web-designers to produce sophisticated, artistic, and searchable web-sites of your own, linked for free to this site. You can show-off your accomplishments, your house-for-sale; or whatever at minimal cost. If you try to do this with any other medium, you will be charged $hundreds, this has little cost.
What's in it for me? ..... I want to give
something back to Picton. This service should be useful, and is intended to help the
community (and visitors) quickly find the resources they need.