
Born: June 1987
Left Us: June 1999

Once a person gets over the initial shock of an unexpected loss, the memories start to flood in.  This has been the case with my "once in a life time friend", Jessie. She was quite a character.. one we will never forget... Here is Jessie's story.

One day in August 1987, Elizabeth, our daughter insisted that we get a new cat. I was not really wanting to get a cat but Elizabeth felt that I should have one. Since my heart was not into this, Elizabeth picked out the kitten and even gave her a name... Jessica.

We called her Jessie. And soon everyone loved that ornery kitten.  She was sick a lot and very small.  We took many trips to the vet to get her medicine and to have repeated surgeries.

When Jessie was very little, she learned that Pete, my husband, liked to play with her.  The minute he would come home from work, she would run to the door to greet Pete and flip over on her back.  Pete would put his foot on her belly and the fight would begin!  What fun they had, and over the years, Jessie has always come to Pete to play.  If Pete was watching television, she would creep up onto his lap and start to hit him in order to get Pete to fight with her.   When she had enough, she would get mad and turn her back on Pete and pout!

Of course, when Jessie wanted to be loved and cuddled, it was to me that she would turn.  If I would reach my hand into their fight, I would get a lick. Many times she would nestle close to me for a hug and on a winter day would even crawl under the covers and curl up in a ball beside me.  Other times we would share the pillow.  Then there were those cold mornings when I refused to get up after the alarm sounded.  Jessie was the back up alarm. When the alarm would go off and I would not get up, she would start running circles around the bed.. each time running across the top of my head... soon she would accomplish her goal and breakfast would be served!  Many a time she kept me from being late for work!

Jessie had more personality than any cat we have ever had.  She was an ornery cat.. she never really mewed.. she made little squeak meows sometimes but mostly she growled.  That is right.. she growled.. and frequently had temper tantrums.  I think that her temper tantrums is one thing that we will always remember her for.  We always talked about getting her tantrums on video but somehow we never did.

When we would have company that would stay too late, Jessie would always tell them when it was time to go home. She would go to the door, lay down on her side and have a temper tantrum.. she would start growling and kick her front feet with her hind feet ... growling all of the while.  It was quite a site!  This was her way of telling the company that it was time for them to go home so that she could eat!  It was pretty funny..

Jessie was a food-aholic. When she was a baby, I would give her baby formula on her kitten food.  she loved the formula and would put her whole body into eating.  she rarely had a clean face!!  When ever I would crack an egg, it didn't matter where Jessie was. She would hear the sound and come running, just in case she might get a bite. As Jessie grew, she continued to throw temper tantrums in order to get food. At times, if I ignored her, she would rush up and bite me on the rear end in order to get my attention.  When I would respond, she would turn and run away!

Jessie hated to leave her own environment.  I remember once we took her camping and as we sat by the campfire she played on a long leash.  We glanced at her and she was nose to nose with a skunk!! Oh My!! Both of them had this look of "What on earth is that?!!"  What should we do? Well, we got lucky.. Pete  grabbed the leash and gave it a sharp yank and the skunk ran away.. :o)  After that camping trip we decided that Jessie was happier to stay at home when we went camping.

Jessie loved Christmas from the time she was a very small kitten. Every Christmas as the tree was taken out of storage, Jessie would get very excited and no matter how old she was, she would act like a kitten again... jumping into  boxes and grabbing at the tree.  Once the tree was decorated, you could find her in her favorite nap spot, tucked beneath the branches of the tree.  For many years,  we never had a christmas with bows still on the presents.  Jessie would see to that. She would spend hours attacking the bows and pushing them off of the packages. Some years it was even hard to tell who the packages belonged to because Jessie had sabotaged them.

Jessie was never much of a mouser.  This was because she lived most of her life indoors. However, she did not live her life without catching a mouse.. or a ground mole.. or four.  I remember the first time she saw a mouse... one had been in our dog food sack which sat above the washer... Well, the sack fell into the washer, mouse and all!!  I thought, "Here is her chance to get a mouse." (she was about 1 year old) so I put her in the washer... WELL... she made one quick trip around the inside of the washer  and came back out with a sheer look of terror on her face!! It was pretty funny! That was the last time she encountered a mouse for many years.

One summer day, Jessie was tied outside on a long leash so she could enjoy the summer sun.  An unsuspecting ground mole must have popped his head out of the ground at the most inopportune time... right into Jessie's paws!  She played with that ground mole for hours and was so proud of it.

One cold winter morning we heard a ruckus in our bathroom.  I got up to see what was happening which was followed by a screech because when I opened the door, there was Jessie with her newly caught mouse.

Jessie had one last hunting trip in her little lifetime.  About a month before she left us, we were putting a new roof on our house.  Jessie usually stayed in the bedroom with the door closed when we were going outside a lot, but this particular day she had escaped.  Pete had left the door open to outside and unknown to us, Jessie had escaped!!
With a house full of company and the excitement of working on the roof, Jessie went unnoticed until the following morning.  When I realized that she was gone, I began to search outside.  There was a neighbor cat sitting on our deck and in the back yard was our Jessie.  she had caught a ground mole and was laying on top of her prize to prevent the neighbor's cat from taking it from her.  Now that I look back, I am glad that Jessie had that one long night of adventure in the woods.

Jessie was 12 years old when she left us.  It was a hot day in June.  No one knows for sure what happened that day, but the best we could tell, Jessie died in her sleep, in her favorite sleeping place, under our bed...

Jessica, you will be greatly missed!
By Diana
June 1999

Rainbow Bridge

                Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.

                 All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.

                 They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from the group, flying over t he green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.
                 Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...

*Author Unknown*

Don't Grieve Too Long

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Potrait of an Angel
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