Other Rooms to Explore
The Record of the Lodoss War Archive
The Main Alcove
Genesis Lodoss War Gallery
Anime Art Resource
The Anime Web Turnpike
Journey of the Heroic Knight Image Gallery
I would like to give credit to the Genesis Gallery for their fan art of Deedlit as well as The Loddos War Archive for the thumbnails I use here. Without them this page would still be bare!
Do you hear the music?
Come, the ball has started. Everyone from Lodoss has arrived and the dancing is in full swing. Walk up the stairs and you can see the hall festooned with banners and many brightly dressed people around. But it is the young couple in the center of the floor who are making the room buzz.
It is Pan with his fairy love, Deedlit. Here in the Hall you will find my favorite character, Deedlit, as the most prominent character. I loved the elves of Lodoss War and so they will be the stars of this page. Enjoy the ball!
My friends off to the left are Deedlit the High Elf and Pirotess the Dark Elf. They fight against each other in the anime series, each in love with the opposing characters. I also put in a picture of the five dragons of Lodoss with our heroic party before them and the gold dragon in flight.