The Electronic Journal of Emergency Management


Copyright 2000 by Walter G. Green III. All rights reserved.

This page was last updated on 20 November 2000. Permission to reproduce material from the JOURNAL is granted for academic research, library or other archives, or classroom instruction provided the source of material is acknowledged by appropriate citation. Individual authors hold copyright to their articles, and as a condition to publication, agree to permit reproduction under the conditions cited above.


The JOURNAL has been recognized as a BEST PRACTICE in Emergency Management by the Metro Richmond Emergency Planning Group.


The mission of this independent electronic journal is to publish research on the application of integrated emergency management in the emergency services, including emergency management, business continuity, fire, emergency medical, law enforcement, and voluntary services. In addition, we solicit research on the operational effects of hazards and the management of the response phase of emergencies and disasters. Preference is given to work that is multidisciplinary or integrative and that addresses significant practitioner issues not commonly documented in journals currently in print. Research using both qualitative and quantitative methods is welcome. All submissions should be original research, not previously published by the author. Submissions of papers by students in undergraduate and graduate programs are encouraged.


Issues of the JOURNAL are dated and numbered based on their opening for articles. Each issue will contain four articles and will remain open until filled.


Initial acceptance of articles is by peer review by one academic and one practitioner reader. In addition, this is an on-line peer reviewed publication. On-line peer review was selected to provide the widest possible continuing dialog on the subject matter of articles published in the JOURNAL. We solicit peer review of each article by both academic and practitioner readers. Please submit comments to the Editor in accordance with the instructions posted on the reference and peer review page linked to the text of each article. Peer review comments should be constructive and provide supporting citations as appropriate.


Material may be submitted for an open issue at any time. Articles will be posted in the order reviewed, until an issue is completed. Printed and bound copies of completed issues may be obtained from the contact address at the bottom of this page.

All proposed articles should be submitted in two paper copies and a disc to Walter G. Green III at P. O. Box 799, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 or electronically to the contact address below for consideration. Authors must verify that all discs or electronic files submitted have been checked for viruses with current virus checking software prior to their submission.


While the editor will work with authors to ensure the best possible presentation of your work, we urge you to consider the following guidelines as you prepare a proposed article.

1. Each article should address a clearly identified problem. The problem researched should be stated at the beginning of the article so there is no doubt in the reader's mind of the direction of the work. Historical surveys and literature reviews should clearly identify the topic surveyed and state a rationale for its importance.

2. Please restrict articles to eight double spaced pages, not including your bibliography. This will most probably require that your problem be a narrow one.

3. Edit your work to eliminate words that do not contribute to meaning and understanding. Make every word count.

4. Paragraphs should also be brief to make your paper easier to read on-line. Number paragraphs from the start of the article to the end in sequence, regardless of major headings, to facilitate citation by other researchers.

5. Use standard formats for in-text citations (author name and date for general use of a source, followed by page number for quotations). Index your bibliography based on alphabetical ordering of authors' last names. Publications only known by title are indexed alphabetically using, as first preference, the title of an article cited and then the name of the publication if no article is cited.

6. Titles of books, journals, and other publications normally underlined in most style guides should be typed all in upper case.

7. Standard headings for divisions of your paper are, in order: (1) ALL UPPERCASE at the left margin, (2) Capitalized Text at the left margin, and (3) First word capitalized followed by a colon: at the left margin.

8. Although our space limitations may preclude lengthy descriptions of research methods or statistical processes, make certain that a reader can easily understand what you did and why. When describing mathematical or other formulas, we are limited to the normal range of symbols on a computer keyboard.

9. Due to current technical limitations of our authoring software, the JOURNAL cannot include tables or illustrations. Explain results clearly, and include supporting numbers and percentages in the text.

10. If possible, use the current editions of Word or Word Perfect to prepare your paper. Please indicate the word processing software used when you submit the article.

Issue and Article Links

Issue 1: Integration of Emergency Medical Services Officers in Community Disaster Preparedness
by Walter G. Green III
Issue 1: The Hurricane History of Colonial Virginia to 1775
by M. Kent Brinkley
Issue 1: Pocahontas Island: Resistance to Post-Impact Evacuation in a Historic Black Community
by Janice H. Cosel and Laura Jo Leffel
Issue 2: Emergent Organizations and Women's Response Roles in the 1998 Central Florida Tornado
by Jennifer Wilson and Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel

Rho Epsilon Mu

The JOURNAL is sponsored by Rho Epsilon Mu, the academic honor society for emergency management, founded at the University of Richmond in 1999 and endorsed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Higher Education Project as a key initiative in emergency management education.

Links To Related Emergency And Crisis Management Pages

Emergency Services Management at the University of Richmond
Course information for the Emergency Services Management Bachelor, Associates, and Certificate programs.
Certified Crisis Operations Manager
Information on professional certification for emergency managers and business continuity professionals.
Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership
Professional exchange site for emergency managers.
Learning Resource Center, National Emergency Training Center
Card catalog of the NETC library holdings.

The Electronic Journal of Emergency Management
P. O. Box 799
Glen Allen, VA 23060-0799
United States