The Rugrats MovieGets Misted
Above: From the unofficial Rugrats Online.

Some say that the Rugrats Movie is pretty good, and others say otherwise (case in point, Siskel and Ebert). This page caters to the latter group. Basically the premise of this page is to have readers here riff the Rugrats Movie. If you've got any good riffs, email me here.
Some basic ground rules, though, before MSting:
1. Visit this page on how to write a MSting:
2. Try reading other MStings before doing your own:
3. Try to put a clever pop reference. Read some pop references from MST3K here:

From: Joe Klemm -
Scene: After Lil says that Angelica may be able to fly because she's a witch,
Crow: Yep. She sure is a....
Mike: CROW!!!!
"Obviously, you probably get what I'm saying in the riff."

From: Joe Klemm -
Scene: Angelica is singing "One Way or Another" by Blondie
Riff: This settles it. Angelica's heart really is made of glass.
Obviously a reference to Blondie's song "Heart of Glass". - Rover_Wow

From: Joe Klemm -
Scene: The 2001 music is playing when the babies mistake Stu as the Wizard.
Riff: Oh no, thus that mean Ric Flair is in this film also?
(Note, you probably need to watch pro wrestling to get the joke.)
After searching on the web for a while, I found that the wrestler Ric Flair (also known as the 60-minute man for lasting that long in WWF's Royal Rumble) uses the theme music from 2001 (aka "Also Sprach Zarathustra") for his entrance music. - Rover_Wow

From: Larry Stetz -
Scene: The title of the movie appears on the screen. Rugrats: The Movie.
Tom: Rugrats? So we're going to watch a film about a group of mice who live in the carpeting?
Mike: Somehow I really doubt that.

From: Larry Stetz -
Scene: Any shot of Angelica.
Crow: You know after watching Angelica for a while, I feel like I know her. Her personality reminds me of a rare pearl.
Mike: (Confused) A rare pearl?
Crow: Yeah, Pearl Forrester. She's rude, obnoxious, and she hates it when people don't do things her way.

From: Joe Klemm -
Scene: The opening credits, with the credits written in what looks like crayon.
Riff: Film written in crayon.
Scene: Angelica telling the babies that they don't know nothing about the "facts of life".
Riff: With Kim Fields.
Reference to the 80s sitcom Facts of Life. Kim played Tootie on the show. - Rover_Wow
Scene: The song with all the newborns singing about the new world they are in (note that some of the babies are voiced by the B-52's).
Riff: I got me a baby; it's as big as a whale, and it's about to set sail.
Some of the babies in that song (This World is Something New to Me - Rover_Wow) about them being born are members of the rock group the B-52's. One of the group's best known songs is Love Shack, which contains the line "Hop in my Chrysler; it's as big as a whale, and it's about to set sail." - Joe Klemm Scene: The card reading "Four weeks later".
Riff: (to the tune of the Old Grey Mare) Swimming down the Deleware, etc.
Refers to an old schoolground song which is sung to the tune of the Old Grey Mare. Usually, it is sung right after a version of Row, Row, Row Your Boat where the teacher is thrown overboard. - Joe Klemm
Scene: Grandpa tells the delivery guy to take the crate away, saying, "Take it away. Take it away."
Riff: Calgon, take it away.
Refers to Calgon ads where streesed women would relax in a bath after saying, "Calgon, take me away." - Joe Klemm
Scene: Dil tears off Tommy's diaper strap, revealing his privates to the other babies.
Riff: Tommy's doing his Pee-Wee Herman impression.
In 1991, Pee-Wee Herman was arrested while in an adult theater. I think he was arrested for showing off his privates. Obviously, when Tommy's diaper is pulled down, the other babies could probably see his dinky. - Joe Klemm

Nov 7 2000: Today I found out that someone had transcribed the film. Read it at:
From: Jesse Shearer -
Jesse sent me his MSTing of part of the film. Also, instead of using the "standard" characters, he used himself in the MSTing. Read it here.
From: Jesse Shearer -
He's finished with the MSTing! It's here. As I said in the entry above he uses himself -- but in the finished MSTing, he add uses other characters for his host segments. Enjoy! (Warning though, there was some problem with his word processor or something, and the result is very bad spacing in the movie parts.)
From: Jesse Shearer -
Here are some more riffs from the film. This is from when the film aired on CBS with extra scenes. (He's also added some comments that tie in to his earlier MSTing of the film, above.)
Opening theme: Full screen, please. [a few seconds later] I said FULL SCREEN, damnit!
Tommy squeezes bottle to reveal full screen logo: Dah!
Didi pregnant: Yikes! Monster! Grandpa's rock-throwing anecdote: Yes. We can tell that's what you used to do.
Reptar wagon's voice: Worf? {Star Trek: The Next Generation}
Susie and Angelica sing their baby song: If you hated this in the text version ... you'll hate it more in this version.
Dr. Lipschitz on the monitor: Damn. I'd hate to have had his face bee the first thing I saw when I came into the world.
Play area in hospital: That is one flimsy-ass divider if a couple one-year-olds can push it down like that.
The scene with the book on raising kids, apparently by Dr. L. (Extra scene #1):
The monkeys hijack the circus train: Boy, I wish *my* monkey could do things like that. ("monkey" referring to the male sexual organ)
Lullaby for Dil: Boy, if I asked for a phazer in the text misting, now I really want one.
Tommy hides in the closet: Who knew?
Stu's responsibility speech: Tommy may have faith, but is it faith of the heart? (reference to the new Star Trek spinoff; title music contains the phrase "faith of the heart.")
Grandpa tells delivery person to take the crate away: OK, now here's an example of how it's not *what* you say but *how* you say it.
Detective Angelica: Butthound? Did she just call Spike a butthound?
The shipping people find the goat on the plane: Why's that stupid goat so important, anyway?
Crashed mattress truck:
Panicking Chuckie: This is bad.
Me: Yeah, it's the beginning of Soultaker. (Remember when they did that on MST3K?)

Diaper change:
Tommy: I'm doing the best I can!
me: Well, then, get your neck out of his area. Ew!

Angelica falls over a cliff with Spike in tow: My cat died sorta like that.
Climbing hill song (Extra scene #2): Stop! Stop! Please! Have mercy on me! It's only because I still care about those around me a little bit that I don't want to go mad!
Chuckie is doomed: This is a bad thing?
Silhouette of wolf's head: Renamon? Here? (reference to Digimon: Saga of the Devas)
Dil removes Tommy's diaper: [chanting all the while Tommy speaks] Pants! Pants! Pants!
Wolf howls on demand: Boy, talk about delayed reaction syndrome on the kids' part, eh?
Wagon on cliff over river: OK! Everyone to the *front* of the cart!
Wagon about to go over waterfall: Turning around now won't do much good unless that thing's got warp ... oh screw it. You're safe.
Tommy gives his brother both barrels:
Stu's air search is more just a seizure, I'd say. (refers to the medical condition)
Stu's glider crashes and explodes on impact.
From: "Pokejedservo" -
Pictures from here.
Tommy's diaper has just fallen off
Tommy: You all ought to try this, it's really refreshing.

Brothers Stu (left) and Drew looking for the babies, with Grandpa Lou dressed in WW2 gear
Drew's bizarre plan of utilizing Lou's old war know-how doesn't seem to be sitting well with Stu. Gee, I wonder why?

Stu and Chazz talking down Stu's glider
Stu: I can't believe we have to secure this wall to keep those nagging parents out! I mean they never seen a naked butt of a baby before?

On to The Rugrats Get Riffed
Somehow, the Rugrats managed to come out with a sequel. You can see riffs for it at Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Gets MSTied.

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