Hi, this is my page loaded with all those fun facts that you might not have known! I will update it every time I get some new info to paste on the page. In order me for me to do that regually I need you guys to email me if you know something that is not already posted on the page! E-mail

Thanx :)

Full name: Joshua Carter Jackson

Birthday:June,11 1978

Birthplace:Vancouver,B.C. Canada

Height:about 6ft.

Sibs:One sister named Ashleigh

Favorite TV shows: X-Files & Home Improvment

Josh's Fan mail addy:

Joshua Jackson c/o William Morris Agency

151 El Camino Drive

Beverly Hills,Ca


Josh's next movie: Apt Pupil

Josh has two step brothers

Josh was kicked out of school twice!

Josh's fav bands:Gang Starr & Common Sense

What's with Josh's blonde hair? He dyed it blonde for a movie he is doing. He said he would dye it back as soon as the movie finishes shooting!

What's Josh's dream girl like? Someone who returns his phone calls!

Josh's favorite hangout: Nat's New York Pizzeria, his homtown hangout in Vancouver!

Josh writes with his left hand.

Being born in June makes Josh a Gemini.

Josh has 3 pets: A turtle named Searesha, A cat named Magic, And a dog named Shumba.

The name of Josh's High School: Kitsilano High School

Josh is part Irish from his mom's side.

Josh currently wieghs in at 155 lbs.

Josh drives a leased Chevy Tahoe.

Josh has the most adorable blue eyes!

Josh's most prized possesion is a silver pocket watch.

Josh's fav movies: Good Will Hunting, Pulp Fiction,& Braveheart.

Josh's fav book : Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein

Josh has a little red birthmark right next to his belly button