
The Nail Gun
The Nail Gun normally is a tool found in many places. But it makes a very good weapon, too.
Not as brutal as a Needler, the Nail Gun shoots one nail per round. The nail is about 10 centimeters long, but "only" 5 millimeters thin.
The gun itself is about as big as a rifle but is heavier. Also, the Nail Gun uses compressed air to fire the nails. The air tank is integrated in the rifle, but it can be exchanged if the user spends a combat round.
Use all normal rules for small arms and ranged combat.
Availability: A
Legality: A or B (GM decides)
Cost: 100 C-Bills
Weight: 5 kg
Air use: 1 (see Equipment page for details)
Shots: 10
Reload: 2 C-Bills (for the nails)
Damage: 2D6 + 4
Range: 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-8

The Nail Gun (Quickfire version)
This version is capable of firing up to three shots per round. It can load up to twenty nails and has a bigger air store. This make the weapon quite heavy and bulky.
Availability: A or B (GM decides)
Legality: B
Cost: 120 C-Bills
Weight: 7 kg
Air use: 1 per nail fired
Shots: 20
Reload: 5 C-Bills
Damage: 2D6+2 per nail
Range: 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6

The Nail Gun (Terror version)
The Terror version is quite similar to the Quickfire version, but features an additional top-loader and has improved abilities as follows:
The top-loader is the major improvement because it enables the user to use common nails instead of the special Nail Gun ammo. Though this solution is cheaper, range and damge are reduced slightly.
Availability: C
Legality: C
Cost: 500 C-Bills
Weight: 9 kg
Air use: 3 per nail fired
Shots: 20
Reload: 5 C-Bills (or 1 C-Bill if using common nails with the top-loader)
Damage: 3D6 + 4 (or 2D6+4 if using common nails)
Range: 1-3 / 4-6 / 7-10 (if using common nails: 1-2 / 3-4 / 5)

The Nail Gun (Wrist version)
I have to admit that I just love these Nail Guns. That's the reason why I presented so many different versions of it.
The wrist version is used by wannabe special agents. It is hard to find (ever checked a wrist watch for guns?) and can do considerable damage if used at short range.
Like the Wrist version Grappling Hook this weapon is fired by pushing a lever near the wrist. This lever can be hidden when not needed. This weapon could be called a Hold-out Nail Gun, with the difference that it can be reloaded. The weapon doesn't need external air tanks but uses many small air chambers just behind the nails. When activated, the air chamber behind the first nail releases the compressed air stored inside it and boom (or should I say piff?).
Availability: B
Legality: C
Cost: 50 C-Bills
Weight: 0.25 kg
Air use: 1 (internal air tank, difficult to reload during a fight)
Shots: 5
Reload: 2 C-Bills
Damage: 2 D6 - 1
Range: 1 / - / 2

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