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History of the Terror
The TCS Terror was commisioned in 2662 as a new breed of medium carriers, designed to be an effective strike and escort carrier. Faster than a fleet carrier, but lighter armed and with a slightly smaller fighter complement, these ships can be very, very dangerous. Up to today, August 28th, 2665, the Terror and her pilots have destroyed 9 capital ships, two of those Kilrathi fleet carriers, and neumerous transports and corvettes. Due to a prolonged campaign against a Kilrathi fleet carrier, wich just recently ended, we have had to enlist several new crew members, their bio's will be up soon.
Also, please welcome the new Confed cruiser, the TCS Phalanx (wing commander: Rory "Kamakaze" O'Sullivan), to our battle group, as well as our corvette escort, the TCS Erebus.
Stats of the Terror and Her Support Ships
TCS Terror
Class: medium carrier
Length: 701.6 meters
Shields: Phase Shields
Armour: Heavy
Max speed: 150 kps
Guns: Flak cannon (5), Anti-matter cannon (4), mass driver point cannons
Missiles: Freind-or-Foe tubes, torpedoes
Fighter Complement: 75
TCS Phalanx
Class: cruiser
Length: 503.9 meters
Shields: Phase sheilds
Armour: Heavy
Max Speed: 200 kps
Guns: Flak cannon (4), Anti-matter cannon (2), mass driver point cannons
Missiles: Freind-or-Foe tubes, torpedoes
Fighter Complement: 50
TCS Erebus
Class: corvette
Length: 97.4 meters
Sheilds: 25 cm equivelent
Armour: Light
Max Speed: 225 kps
Guns: Flak cannon (2), mass driver point cannons
Missiles: Friend-or-Foe (10), Torpedoes (4)
Fighter Complement: none
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