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Alexander Bursa




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It has been developed an interesting new technology in the field of human endeavor, which is applicable to many activities and enterprises. The genesis of this technology is based on ancient wisdom traditions, known to a few elect throughout the millennia, who have kept it carefully hidden from outside eyes, on the theory that all were not ready for such knowledge, and years of training were needed to advance a seeker to the adept level. The methodology of this system is basically new. We have researched among many different and diverse groups to understand scientifically why brainwave patterns change in altered states of consciousness, and what can result from these changes. The result of this research is a distillation of the wisdom of the ages taken out of its mystical context, and applied to every day problem solving abilities for the average man.. To put this research into practical application, and to develop it further into all areas of the human experience, is the thrust of the Center at this time. To that end we have designed a Paradigm on 2 different levels of intensity , 7 and 14 days respectively.

It has been found that the most favorable condition for learning is in a seminar format, where student and instructor work together 24 hours a day for a specified time. The curriculum is based on several interactive modalities. Sessions start with lectures, allowing for question and answer periods, until it is assured the student is thoroughly familiar with the subject matter. Then the students are taught different ways of accessing their inner talents. Next are field exercise, conducted with trained telepathic senders and receivers, to assist the student in feeling comfortable with this new talent.

The objectives of this Seminar is to gain knowledge, information, comprehension and skills in training the mind to expand beyond the five physical senses. All of us are born with a degree of psychic ability, this talent can be trained and expanded upon, specifically to enhance the decision making process of the human mind, based on input beyond the common perceptions. In the current stage of human awareness, there is much fragmented material available to help train specific practitioners. The bookshelves are filled to overflowing with all sorts of psychic information. There are many seminars and schools available to teach specific skills. For example, people wishing to enter alternative healing have schools and seminars they can attend to be certified. Others, called to the path of the Shaman, work for years as an apprentice to develop these techniques. Remote viewing is an art taught by some Institutes. There are also metaphysical schools available. However each of these modalities presuppose an interest in that particular field, and are pretty much shied away from by the ordinary man, who still thinks in terms of the unknown being terrifying. The second problem is, people who are interested in these fields take years to dig out and prove the methodology for themselves. There are not too many resources that train a person in a clear and logical manner, in a step by step basis what to do to experience, realize and internalize these concepts. Our seminars are designed to not only impart knowledge, but to also experience it, and to use these skills in practical applications in routine life, and work settings. The far reaches of the human mind yields many talents that can be brought under conscious control to aid with the quality of life of man in the 21st Century. Crimes, accidents and senseless tragedies can be averted and the millions of dollars used for this can be channeled to more productive endeavors.

Besides lectures to instill knowledge, our curriculum involves practical training by innovative games, energetic and rhythmic /medicine/ dances, mind expanding and dynamic meditation Further principle training involves:

Expert-Operator's Interaction:

A Instructor works in tandem with each student, sending and receiving telepathic messages. The operator sends directional signals from his mind, and the student follows him blindfolded through an appointed course. Another exercise consists of the student's repetition of the instructor's physical moves, with eyes closed. This is an exercise in synchronicity and allows the student to become more comfortable with his new found senses.

The following of an information trail:

Here the Instructor and student also work as a team, but there is less energy available to read. The operator chooses to walk a random route, leaving information traces along the way. The student must track him using only his sensitivity to the operator's energy. In advanced students, or those that have above average receiving sensitivity, the operator can show the student the route mentally. The exercise are designed to create an ever expanding level of awareness. This modality is also called *Quest*. When this quality is fully developed in a person, he can successfully seek and find lost people, and objects, and find mineral deposits with the help of a built in pendulum.

The energetic dance.

The energetic dance is a quality of feeling for both the music and the inner man. The inner spirit defines the music, and is felt at all levels of being. One can learn to express every emotion through dance. The technology is ancient and based on shamanistic ritualistic dances, the whirling dervishes, technologies of ecstacy practiced by monks in medieval monasteries, meditative dances taught in Buddhist temples, and other sources. These dances are for the purpose of freeing the spirit within, as the body becomes more relaxed. The brain is also more critically activated as it attunes to the function of muscles performing the dance. The energy of the body becomes more harmonious during these exercise, giving an overall improvement to the general health of the practitioner.

Working with images.

In this exercise the instructor gives the student different images. The images range from a simple flower reaching for the sun, a tree bending in the wind, to a cat or dog, a cloud or rainstorm, a quiet pond or a complex street scene. The objective is for the student to literally become the image, and by his sensitivity be able to project it to the audience. This is similar to a student entering a drama school and learning to become an actor. This is the key of being able to create, the ability of the art.

Information torrents.

This is the first level of clairvoyance which is founded on movement. To work on this level, the student must first pass all previous levels. In the space surrounding us there are all kinds of information, put there by the collective thought of humanity. This can be compared to radio waves which are in the atmosphere at all times, but can only be attenuated when an instrument such as a radio is used. The student's goal is to tune into this information torrent and decipher it with expertise. With practice the student can align his mind to this torrent of information and easily and with unsurpassed skill do what is seldom done. All kinds of skills can be improved, including sports results, art, writing, science, inventions, and so on.

Higher level torrents.

This format is direct clairvoyance. When a student becomes proficient at this, he can look through walls, see what is in the other end of the world, or mentally go to any library in the world and read a book. This skill is also known as ‘remote viewing'. Human interaction with the general information field of the earth is a real possibility. One practical application of this is being able to learn the languages of the earths's people in the space of several days, without actually studying them. The proficiency level of the language can be at a level of communications. With this skill it is also possible to learn and retain pure information many times faster and more efficiently than it can me mastered now under optimal conditions. The information is also much more qualitative, allowing for complex decision making on the part of the student which will also be more often correct. This is the foundation of the man of the FUTURE. It is also the aim of parapsychology, which is based on spirituality to come into the field of science. The phenomena of parapsychology is provable and repeatable in a laboratory. At one time spirituality and science were sisters. Their path have diverged over the last few hundred years. It is time to unite them again. It is our deepest conviction that science, parapsychology, philosophy and spirituality must present a united front as the foundation of education, health and harmony of humanity in the twenty first century.

We would like to call your attention to some important details, between the instructor and student interaction. This system is absent of even the least probability of what might be termed 'mind control', the ability of anyone to influence another man without agreement. During training the student's ability to resist any outside interactions is also developed. This training develops an adaptive quality, along with the ability of self defense, by means of a compaction of the protective membrane and an amplification of the biostructure. The student learns to feel good, positive energy which he admits into himself with joy and pleasure. Conversely he also learns to sense negative energy and does not allow it into his personal space. As he progresses in the training he builds an automatic defense system against negativity. A trained student learns to feel the difference between the positive and negative energies, between reason and consequence, between good and evil..Learning this, he can avoid conditions where unpleasant events and catastrophes are unfolding. This is one of the foundations of avoiding catastrophic events which is an addendum technology. In this brief outline it is not possible to totally expound on all of our teaching tools, nor of all the learning available with this new technology.

Alexander Bursa, Principal Investigator of the Program.

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