Clinton Grove Elementary School

9420 Temple Hills Road
Clinton, Maryland 20735

Phone: (301) 599-2414
Fax: (301) 599-2412

Quick Stats - 2000

days of peace - 1999-2000
School Development Program Demonstration Site
Surrattsville Cluster Oasis School
80 students participating in the Banking Program
Anticipated: 1998 to 1999 MSPAP scores increase dramatically
1999-2000 Parental Involvement even
h i g h e r

Quick Stats - 1999

585 students
165 days of peace - 1998-1999
School Development Program Demonstration Site
Surrattsville Cluster Oasis School
80 students participating in the Banking Program
1997 to 1998 MSPAP scores increase dramatically
1998-1999 Parental Involvement high
Maryland State Department of Education awards Challenge Grant
Principal receives Yale University's 1999 Patrick Francis Daly Memorial Award for Excellenmce in Educational Leadership
Conflict Management Program a smashing success

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The History of Clinton Grove School

In the 1998 issues of the PL HUG we began a series of articles about the beginnings of what is now known as Clinton Grove Elementary School. Much of this information has been gleaned from a book titled Records and Recollections: Early Black History in Prince George's County, Maryland written by Bianca P. Floyd and published by the Park and Planning Commission. This book can be obtained at the Surratt House in Clinton.

August, 1867

Clinton Grove Elementary School began life in 1868 as the Robeystown School No. 1, District 9. It was the first school established for the African-American community in the Surrattsville (Clinton) area. It was established to provide education to the children of freed slaves by the Freedmen's Bureau at a time when there was not strong support for the education of these children.

The construction of the school began in August, 1867, after the land was was 'given' to the Freedmen by Townley B. Robey, a white farmer. Freedmen were supposed to provide money for the school's support. In actuality, the land was purchased by the Freedmen's Bureau and deemed to the trustees. Two hundred dollars was provided for the construction of the school and the finished building measured 18 feet by 32 feet. It was located on the property now occupied by the American Legion Hall on Piscataway Road.

There we many difficulties in opening and running the school. Failure to support the school when the trustees tried to solicit the remainder of the final $400 cost caused delays in opening the school for the children. In fact, many of the better-off families refused to send their children to the school, opting instead for the Bureau School in Oxen Hill or Niles Chapel.

December, 1868

It was not until the end of November or beginning of December, 1868 that a teacher was selected and directed to open the school. That teacher was Martha J. Smith. She was also directed to organize a school association among the Freedmen who were to select five men to serve as trustees to the school. She did so.
Controversy continued between the trustees and Robey to the point where it was suggested that school matters be taken out of Robey's hands.

The First Teacher

Martha Smith was the first teacher at the old Robeystown School. She was directed by Rev. Kimball to organize a school association among the Freedmen and have them select five ment to serve as trustees. It was his intent, if this meeting was successful, to pay for both the school and to deed it to the Freedmen. Rev. Kimball also praised Martha Smith, stating that the Freedmen's Bureau could not have found a better 'colored' teacher. Apprently this meeting was the best that had been held since the shool house was built.

The "Poorest Concern"

Miss Smith continued her efforts to work with Mr. Robey and the trustees while also running the school. On Feb. 8, 1869, John Butler, a Freedmen's Bureau representative, visited the school and reports afterwards to Rev. Kimball that this was the "poorest concern I have come up with in all my travels." It was his feeling that Miss Smith was exerting all of her powers to make the school into a success despite Mr. Robey's interfrence. The community agreed with Mr. Butler's evaluation and stated that its desire to "determine and direct their own affairs were thwarted by the control Robey exerted over the school."

Ultimately, Mr. Robey sent Rev. Kimball the deed and two bills for school construction. These were sent to Martha Smith to be given to the trustees. Mr. Robey insisted that the school yard be fenced in.


The concerns regarding the Robeystown School involved interference by Mr. Robey and failure to pay the final bills for construction. These issues were finally resolved when Mr. Robey finally sent the deed and two bills.

Clinton Grove Today.

May, 1869

On May 5th, 1869 Rev. Kimball directed that the chool be closed in July, and that Miss Smith, the teacher, continue to receive her salary but not room and board. If this were not acceptable, she could (and did) close the school earlier and return to Philadelphia.

The next teacher (a male) remained only one month. After several more teachers came and went, Mrs. Ferguson, a white woman from the area applied for the position. She was hired and the Freedman's Union Commission agreed to pay her salary provided that her school had no fewer than 30 pupils. She too experienced the negative sentiments of the community toward "colored" schools. Mrs. Ferguson taught at the school through the fall of 1870.

It is unclear who requested the removal of Mary Ferguson from the teaching position at the Robeystown school, but she left. There is no record of who willed that position from 1971 until the hiring of Rosa E. Cannon in 1873. She had better tenure at the school, remaining until 1877.

August, 1878

The school had originally been built on land that had been part of the Surratt Farm. In August, 1878 a deed to the lot was granted to the Board of School Commissioners. The building was similar to other Bureau schools in that it was a one-room frame structure. The original building remained in use until 1929, when it was replaced by a concrete structure.

January, 1925

The old building was not replaced without controversy and argument. Beginning in January, 1925, patrons of the Clinton Colored School No. 1 District 9 (Robeystown) began petitioning for a new building. The first petition was refused, although the building had been in use for 58 years. In January, 1926, the board agreed to replace the building after the patrons offered to raise $500.00 towards its construction. The board authorized including $2,200.00 in the budget for the new school. The new building was completed in 1929 and remained in use until the early 1950's, when it was sold to the Clinton American Legion Post #259 for $43,000.00.

The new school, for 200 students, was built on a farm in the Clinton Grove area, where it remains with modifications for 600 students.
We hope you have enjoyed this history of the school. It is one of the oldest schools in Prince George's County and its students should know about its history.