The Copreopsis Very Unofficial Poll: Threads

Well, I've counted up the answers. Most of us seem to prefer Nymo for our peyote (twill) work. And just about everybody does some kind of conditioning. (I find that very interesting.)

October's Questions:

What kind of thread do you use for peyote (twill) stitch?

Nymo: 10 people

Silamide: 3 people

If "Something Else," What do you use? Nobody had a preference

Do you use a thread conditioner such as beeswax or Thread Heaven? Yes, just about everybody.

Any comments you'd like to share about threads in general? Hints? Tips? Gripes?

Lots of interesting comments -

Ginger: "Wish they would make Nymo in colors on larger spools like the black and white. The little bobbins make it curl and twist too much and causes more knots.

Barbara: Even with conditioning and not too much length I still get some tangles. It's hard to get through the needle after the initial threading (sometimes I make mistakes and have to pull out and rethread!)

jdjohnson: Stretch it (Nymo) as you take it off the spool. It takes the kinks out of the thread so it tangles less. Also, thread the end that first comes off the spool into the needle for the same reason. (Great hints!!)

Deb Walker (Beltana): I hate frays! But Thread Heaven does help.

Suzanne Cooper: If you have trouble threading Silamide, there is a hint on my web sight. It's in the "Frog Stitch" of the Jump Start Classroom. (Coreopsis note: I'm a proud recipient of the Beaders' Rippit Award of Merit. Click on the award graphic below to visit Suzanne's site.)

Different threads for different jobs, and different stitches for different witches! (I like that, too)

Thank you, everybody!