By Author Unknown
   When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I wanted to paint another. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me, and I knew that little things are special things. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I felt you kiss me goodnight, and I felt loved. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's ok to cry. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be. 

    When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked- and wanted to say thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking!   

I hope that you all enjoy this page and I would appreciate your input and own child rearing stories.  If you would like to contact me please do so at :  Garfieldpta@hotmail.com  Att: Jenn.  I look forward to hearing from you!  :-)                       