This gem of an ascii dictionary that contains all you need to know about Urdu words to post lyrics properly. We believe this was created by Dinesh Prabhu who's clearly spent a lot of effort and produced a great source of reference. Use it.With acknowledgements to Dinesh Prabhu
Alphabet -------- Vowel Pronunciation Key ----------------------- a : "u" in "but" aa : "a" in "far" e : "e" in "bed" i : "i" in "fit" ee : "ee" in "feet" o : "o" in "code" u : "u" in "put" oo : "oo" in "booed" au : "ow" in "how" ai : "ei" in "neighbor" Notes: 1. ' indicates a glottal stop (pronounced like "uh") in very careful ----- speech. Normally, however, it is not pronounced at the beginning of a word and in other positions it represents 'aa'. 2. The combination 'ah' at the end of a word is pronounced like 'aa' or 'e'. For example: 'jagah' could be 'jagaa' or 'jage', i.e., the h is silent. 3. The combination 'ah' or 'aH' in the middle of a word is pronounced like 'e'. 4. n. (n period) indicates nasalization. 5. a - is used to distinguish between sh and s+h, kh and k+h, etc. Letter Transcription Remarks ------ ------------- ------- 'alif : a Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel be : b pe : p Does not occur in Arabic te : t Used in native words Te : T Does not occur in Arabic and Persian se : s Used in loan words jeem : j che : ch Does not occur in Arabic baRi he : H Used in loan words khe : kh daal : d Daal : D Does not occur in Arabic and Persian zaal : z Used in loan words re : r Re : R Does not occur in Arabic and Persian ze : z Used in native words zhe : zh Does not occur in Arabic seen : s sheen : sh saad : s Used in loan words zaad : z Used in loan words to-e : t Used in loan words zo-e : z Used in loan words ain : ' Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel ghain : gh fe : f qaaf : q kaaf : k gaaf : g Does not occur in Arabic laam : l meem : m noon : n vaa-o : w Stands for oo/o/au at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for w/oo/o/au chhoTi he: h Used in native words chhoTi ye: y Stand for ee/e/ai at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for y/ee/e/ai baRi ye : y Occurs only at the end of a word and stands for e or ai ################################################################################ Abbreviations ------------- Grammatical Word Origin ----------- ----------- n.f. : noun feminine P : Persian n.m. : noun masculine A : Arabic pron. : pronoun T : Turkish adj. : adjective H : Hindi v. : verb S : Sanskrit adv. : adverb G : Greek conj. : conjunction intj. : interjection prep. : preposition suff. : suffix pref. : prefix fig. : figurative plu. : plural lit. : literal poet. : poetic ################################################################################ Vocabulary ---------- 'alif (long) ------------ aab: P n.m. water aab: P n.f. splendor/elegance/polish/brightness/ temper(steel)/lustre(gems)/sharpness(sword) aab-e-aa'inah: n.f. polish of a mirror aab-e-talkh: n.m. bitter water/tears/wine aab-e-chashm: n.m. tears aabaad: P adj. populated/inhabited/peopled/prosperous/happy aabru: P n.f. honor/fame/good name/dignity aap: H pron. self/selves/respectful term of address aatish: P n.f. fire aatmaa: S n.f. soul/spirit/mind aasim: A n.m. sinner/culprit aakhir: A adj. last/final aadaab: A n.m. manners (plu. of adab) aadmi: P n.m. man (lit. offspring of Adam) aadmiyyat: A n.f. humanity/human nature/civility aaraa: P adj. embellishing/adorning aaraam: P n.m. rest/repose/respite/relief/ease/comfort aara'ish P n.f. decoration/adornment/beauty aarzoo: P n.f. yearning/desire/wish/longing aaz: P n.f. ardent desire/lust/covetousness aazaad: P n.f. free/unrestrained aazardah: P adj. annoyed/dejected/uneasy/gloomy/sad aazmaa'ish: P n.f. trial/experiment/testing/proving aas: H n.f. longing/desire/hope/faith/shelter/refuge aasaan: P adj. light/facile/easy aasraa: H n.m. means of subsistence/protection/shelter aasmaan: P n.m. heaven/sky aasmaani: P adj. heavenly/celestial/azure aasoodah: P adj. opulent/rich/satisfied aashaa: S n.f. desire/hope/longing aashuftah: P adj. perplexed/careworn/distracted/confused aashnaa: P n.m. aquaintance/friend/lover aashiyaan.: P n.m. nest/house aakhaaz: P n.m. commencement/outset/beginning aaghosh: P n.f/m. embrace/lap/bosom aafaat: A n.f. evils/disasters/misfortunes (plu. of aafat) aaftaab: P n.m. sun aag: H n.f. flame/fire (fig. anger/passion/love/lust) aalaap: H n.f. conversation/preparatory tuning H n.f. flame/warmth/fervor/loss/grief aan.chal: H n.m. corner of the 'dopaTTa' worn by women aan.dhee: H n.f. dust-storm/hurricane aan.soo: H n.m. tears aawaarah: P adj. without home aawaarah: P n.m. wanderer/vagrant/destitute aawaaz: P n.f. noise/sound/cry/shout aawaazah: P n.m. rumor/fame/report/reputation aah: P n.f. sigh aahistah: P adv. softly/leisurely/slowly aa'inah: P n.m. mirror aayandah: P adj. hereafter/in the future ################################################################################ 'alif (short) ------------- ab: H adv. now/presently ubaal: H n.m. boiling/rage/anger ibtidaa': A n.f. commencement/beginning abtar: P adj. ruined/scattered/worthless ibtisaam: A n.m. smile/cheerfulness ibtilaa: A n.m. trial/misfortune/suffering abad: A n.f. eternity abr: P n.m. cloud abroo: P n.m. eyebrow absaar: A n.m. eyes (plu. of basr) ibn: A n.m. son abnaa': A n.m. sons (plu. of ibn) ittiHaad: A n.m. union/alliance ittifaaq: A n.m. agreement/concord/chance/event/opportunity ittifaaqaan: A adv. accidentally ittikaa': A n.m. dependence/reliance itlaaf: A n.m. loss/ruin/decay itmaam: A n.m. completion/perfection ittihaam: A n.m. charge/imputation/blame aTak: H n.f. obstacle/obstruction isbaat: A n.m. proof asar: A n.m. mark/sign/trace/effect ujaaR: H adj. ruined/waste/abandoned ijaazat: A n.f. permission/leave/sanction ajnabee: A n.m. stranger/foreigner/alien iHtiyaaj: A n.f. need iHtiyaat: A n.f. caution/heed aHzaan: A n.m. sorrows (plu. of huzn) iHsaas: A n.m. feeling/emotion iHsaan: A n.m. beneficence/favor/good deed akhbaar: A n.m. news/newspaper ikhtiyaar: A n.m. choice/option/power/influence/control/authority akhz: A n.m. grasping/seizing/taking ikhlaas: A n.m. sincerity/purity/love/selfless worship adaa: A n.f. payment of debt/settlement adaa: P n.f. charm/grace/beauty idraak: A n.m. perception/comprehension adib: A n.m. learned, man of letters (plu. udabaa') iraadah: A n.m. aim/object/will/desire arjmand: P adj. exalted urdoo: T n.f. army/camp irshaad: A n.m. instruction/order/command/guidance arz: A n.f. land/region/earth armaan: P n.m. desire/yearning/wish azal: A n.f. eternity/without beginning asaas: A n.f. foundation asbaab: A n.m. causes/motives/means ustaad: P n.m. master/professor isti'faa: A n.m. resignation isti'maal: A n.m. application/usage/use asad: A n.m. lion asraar: A n.m. secrets (plu. of sirr) israaf: A n.m. waste/extravagance asfaar: A n.m. voyages/travels (plu. of safar) asqaam: A n.m. evils/weaknesses/defects (plu. of suqm) asir: A n.m. prisoner/captive ishaarah: P n.m. gesture/symbol/wink/sign ishtihaar: A n.m. notification/poster/reputation/renown ishtiyaaq: A n.m. longing/craving/desire ishraaq: A n.m. dawn/day break/lustre ashfaaq: A n.m. favors (plu. of shafaq) ishfaaq: A n.m. compassion/kindness ashqiyaa': A n.m. cruel/heartless (plu. of shaqi) ashk: P n.m. tearS as-haab: A n.m. lords/masters (plu. of saahib) israar: A n.m. obduracy/persistence/obstinacy asl: A n.m. root/foundation/essence (plu. usool) asli: A adj. original/genuine/real/true iztiraab: A n.m. restlessness/perturbation/anxiety iztiraar: A n.m. helplessness/agitation/constraint atfaal: A n.m. children/offspring (plu. of tifl) iz-haar: A n.m. disclosure/proclamation/statement/testimony i'tibaar: A n.m. trust/confidence/faith/reliance i'tiraaz: A n.m. objection/criticism/protest i'jaaz: A n.m. miracle/marvel/wonder i'laam: A n.m announcing/notifying aghlaat: A n.f. mistakes (plu. of ghalat) aghyaar: A n.m. strangers/rivals (plu. of ghair) uftaad: P n.f. misery/distress/mishap/foundation iftikhaar: A n.m. honor/glory/repute/distinction ifraat: A n.f. excess/exuberance/plenty afsaanah: P n.m. tale/legend/fiction afsurdah: P adj. melancholy/depressed afsos: P n.m. regret/remorse/dejection ufaq: A n.m. horizon iqbaal: A n.m. prosperity/good fortune/success/confession iqraar: A n.m. promise/pledge/confession/declaration/covenant iqtizaa': A n.m. requirement/need/demand akbar: A adj. greatest (sup. of kabir) aksar: A adj. most/much/many/frequent aksar: A adv. frequently/usually/generally/often agar: P conj. if/in case al: A art. the iltifaat: A n.m. regard/kindness/favor/friendship alfaaz: A n.m. words (plu. of lafz) amaanat: A n.f. something given in trust/deposit/security imtiHaan: A n.m. examination/test/trial/proof/experiment imtiyaaz: A n.m. discrimination/discernment/distinction ummid: P n.f. hope/expectation/trust intikhaab: A n.m. selection/choice/election intizaar: A n.m. waiting (anxiously)/expectation intizaam: A n.m. management/order/method/arrangement intiqaam: A n.m. revenge/reprisal anjaam: A n.m. end/conclusion/result/issue anjuman: P n.f. assembly/meeting/society/council andaazah: P n.m. measurement/guess/rough estimate an.dar: P prep. within/inside/inward insaan: A n.m. man/human being/mankind insaaniyyat: A n.m. humanity/civility in'aam: A n.m. gift/reward/largesse inqilaab: A n.m. revolution inkaar: A n.m. denial/contradiction auqaat: A n.m. times (plu. of waqt) auqaat: A n.f. status/position awwaal: A adj. first/excellent/best aulaad: A n.f. children (plu. of walad) imaan: A n.m. belief/faith/creed/conscience ################################################################################ be -- bi: A prep. by/with/from/in/into/near/on/for/towards (Always prefixed to another word) ba: P prep. by/with/from/in/into/to/on/upon/for/upto (Always prefixed to another word) baa: P prep. with/by/possessed of baab: A n.m. door/gate/chapter/topic/subject baabul: H n.m. father baat: H n.f. word/saying/speech/tale/news/question/business proposal/point/gossip/substance baad: P n.f. wind/air/breeze baadshaah: P n.m. emperor/king baadal: H n.m. cloud(s) baadah: P n.m. wine/spirits baadiyah: A n.m. wilderness/desert baadiyah: P n.m. goblet/cup baar: H n.m. time/turn/chance/opportunity/delay/obstacle baar: P n.m. burden/load/permission/grief/court baarish: P n.m. rain baarah: P n.m. time/turn/about/in regard of baareek: P adj. fine/slender/delicate/difficult/subtle baaz: P suff. denotes doer/agent baaz: P n.m. falcon baaz: P adv. again/back/refusing baazaar: P n.m. market baazaaree: P adj. common/low/vulgar/relating to the market baazoo: P n.m. arm/fold of a door/flank of an army baazi: P n.f. sport/game/wager baazichah: P n.m. toy/fun/sport baagh: P n.m. garden/orchard/grove baaqee: A adj. remaining/lasting baaqee: A n.f. residue/remainder/arrears baalam: S n.m. a lover/sweet-heart/husband baam: P n.m. upper storey/terrace/balcony baan: P suff. signifying keeper or guardian baan.kaa: H adj. curved/crooked/sly/cunning baano: P n.f. lady/gentlewoman bachchah: P n.m. child baHaal: A adj. status quo/refreshed/happy baHs: A n.f. dispute/argument/debate/controversy bukhaar: A n.m. steam/temperature/fever/rage bakht: P n.m. good fortune/luck/prosperity bakhshish: P n.f. gift/donation/reward/alms/tip bad: P adj. bad/wicked/evil bad akhtar: adj. unfortunate bad anjaam: adj. having a bad end bad tar: adj. worse/inferior bad chalan: adj. of bad conduct/ill-mannered/immoral bad khwaab: n.m./f. nightmare bad du'aa: n.f. curse/malediction bad sirat: adj. ill-tempered bad soorat: adj. ugly bad m'aash: adj. roguish bad naam: adj. disreputable/notorious/ignominous bad naseeb: adj. unfortunate/unlucky badr: A n.m. full moon badal: A n.m. exchange/change/substitution badlaa: n.m. exchange/retaliation/revenge badan: A n.m. body baraabar: P adj. equal/even/level/alike/opposite/accurate bardaasht: P n.f. endurance/tolerance/patience barsaat: H n.f. rain/rainy season barkat: A n.f. abundance/prosperity/blessing/auspiciousness baRhiyaa: H adj. superior/of good quality/expensive buzurg: P adj. great/venerable/aged/noble bazm: P n.f. assembly/company (at a feast or entertainment) bas: P adj. sufficient/enough/plenty bisaat: A n.f. bedding/carpet/chess board/extent/capacity bast: P n.m. obstacle/knot/asylum/sanctuary bistar: P n.m. bed bismil: P n.m. sacrificial animal/a lover baseraa: H n.m. roosting/a night's lodging/shelter bashar: A n.m. man/mortal basheer: A adj. a messenger of good news basar: A n.f. sight/vision/the eye baghaawat: A n.f. revolt/rebellion/disloyalty baghal: P n.f. armpit/side balaa: A n.m. calamity/distress/trial/misfortune buland: P adj. high/lofty/sublime/exalted/tall/loud billaur: P n.m. crystal/crystal glass/transparent P adj. composition/elegance of style/plan/obstruction ban.dagi: P n.f. devotion/worship/service bandah: P n.m. slave/servant/individual/man bunyaad: A n.f. foundation bood: P n.f. being/existence bahaadur: P adj. brave/valiant/high-spirited bahaar: P n.f. spring/prime/bloom/beauty/glory/delight bahaanah: P n.m. excuse/pretext/evasion/reason bhool: H n.f. forgetfulness/omission/mistake/lapse/fault bhool bhulayyaan.: a maze/labyrinth be: P pref. without/void of be aabroo: adj. dishonorable be ittifaaqi: n.f. discord/disunity be iHtiyaati: n.f. incautiousness be ikhtiyaari: n.f. helplessness/without choice be adab: adj. rude/unmannerly be i'tibaar: adj. untrustworthy/discredit be imtiyaaz: adj. indiscriminating be an.daazah: adj. unlimited/endless be insaaf: adj. unfair/unjust be imaan: adj. faithless/liar/cheat be bas: adj. helpless/weak be pardah: adj. unveiled/immodest/exposed be parwaa: adj. heedless/indifferent/above want be taab: adj. restless/powerless/impatient be taasir: adj. ineffectual/useless be tameez: adj. indiscreet/rude/uncultured be jaan: adj. lifeless be jurm: adj. faultless be chain: adj. restless/uneasy be Hadd: adj. endless/boundless be Hayaa: adj. shameless/impudent/bare-faced be khabar: adj. uninformed/ignorant/stupid be khataa: adj. faultless/innocent be khud: adj. enraptured/in ecstasy/delirious/senseless be daad: n.f. iniquity/injustice/oppression be daagh: adj. spotless/without blemish/innocent be dard: adj. without feeling/pitiless/merciless be rahm: adj. merciless/cruel be riyaa: adj. without guile/candid/sincere be zaar: adj. disgusted/displeased be zabaan: adj. dumb/speechless/modest be zar: adj. destitute/poor be sakhtah: adj. artless/unaffected/natural/plain be saaz: adj. without tools or apparatus be sabab: adj. without cause or reason be sharm: adj. shameless/immodest be sabr: adj. impatient be taaqat: adj. powerless be 'izzat: adj. without honor or respect be gham: adj. happy/without sorrow be fikr: adj. free from care or worry be qadr: adj. worthless be qaraar: adj. uneasy/restless/unsettled be qusoor: adj. innocent/not guilty be kaar: adj. idle/unemployed/useless be kas: adj. friendless/lonely be gunaah: adj. innocent/guiltless be ma'ni: adj. meaningless/absurd be naam: adj. without name, character or reputation be naseeb: adj. unfortunate be nazir: adj. unequalled/matchless/unique be wajh: adj. without cause be wafaa: adj. faithless/ungrateful/treacherous be waqoof: adj. foolish/stupid/dolt be hunar: adj. unskilled be hosh: adj. unconscious bayaabaan: P n.m. desert/wilderness bayaan: A n.m. description/statement/account bait: A n.m. house/abode bait: A n.f. couple/verse bedaar: P adj. awake/alert/vigilant bezaar: P adj. displeased/angry/out of humor begaanah: P adj. strange/alien/foreign bimaar: P adj. sick/ill ################################################################################ pe -- paa: P n.m. leg/foot/root of a tree paa ban.d: n.m fettered/bound/subjugated paa maal: adj. trodden under foot/ruined paa yaab: adj. fordable/within man's depth paar: H n.m. opposite bank/the end/termination paas: P n.m. custody/regard/supervision paas baan: n.m. guard/sentinel paar daari: n.f. favor/partiality/favoritism pak: P adj. pure/holy/immaculate/chaste/undefiled pakeezah: P adj. pure/clean/neat paagal: H adj. mad/insane/idiotic/distressed paani: H n.m. water/rain/lustre/character/honor pardah: P n.m. curtain/screen/veil/secrecy/privacy parastish: P n.m. worship paraknaa: H v. to examine/to test parwaanah: P n.m. moth/lover/warrant/permission parwarish: P n.f. fostering/rearing/sustenance/protecting pariwash: P adj. fairy-like/beautiful pareshaan: P adj. troubled/distracted/distressed pasand: P n.f. choice/approval/preference pasinaa: H n.m. perspiration/sweat pashemaan: P n.f. penitent/repentant/ashamed pal: H n.m. a moment palak: H n.f. eyelash/a moment/an instant panaah: P n.f. protection/asylum/refuge pahlu: P n.m. side/advantage/flank of an army payaam: P n.m. message peshaah: P n.m. craft/trade/profession paighaam: P n.m. message/news/advice paimaan: P n.m. promise/agreement/oath/confirmation ################################################################################ te -- taab: P n.f. heat/power/endurance/rage taabish: P n.f. heat/splendour/grief/sorrow taasir: A n.f. effect/impression taj: P n.m. crown/tiara taarikh: A n.f. date/annals taarik: P adj. dark/obscure taazah: P adj. fresh/new/tender/happy taak: P n.f. look/regard/aim/view tabaah: P adj. ruined/spoiled/depraved/wretched tabdeel: A n.f. change tabassum: A n.m. smile/smiling tajribah: A n.m. experience/experiment/test/proof toHfaa: A n.m. a gift takht: P n.m. throne/seat tadbir: A n.f. deliberation/opinion/advice/arrangement/order taraanah: P n.m. harmony/symphony/a kind of song tarjumaan: A n.m. interpreter tars: P n.m. fear/terror tars: H n.m. compassion/pity/mercy tarraqqee: A n.f. elevation/promotion/proficiency tarkeeb: A n.f. composition/mixture/plan/mode/method tasallee: A n.f. consolation/comfort/satisfaction tasleem: A n.f. salutation/greeting/resignation/submission tashreef: A n.f. honoring tishnagi: A n.f. thirst/desire/longing tasawwur: A n.m. imagination/fancy/idea tasawwuf: A n.m. mysticism tasweer: A n.f. picture/portrait/painting ta'ajjub: A n.m. wondering/admiration/amazement/surprise ta'areef: A n.f. explanation/description/praise/definition ta'alluq: A n.m. connection/relation/consideration taqaazaa: A n.m. demanding settlement of a debt/importunity taqdeer: A n.f. fate/luck taqriban: A adv. approximately taqwaa: A n.f. piety/abstinence/fear of God takleef: A n.f. imposition of a burden/difficulty/inconvenience talaash: A n.f. search/inquiry/quest talkh: P adj. bitter/acrimonious/pungent/unpalatable talwaar: H n.f. sword tamaashaa: A n.m. entertainment/fun/amusement/sport/spectacle tamaam: A adj. entire/complete/perfect/end tameez: A n.f. discernment/judgement/observance of etiquette tan: P n.m. body tanqiH: A n.f. cleaning/investigation/inquiry/issue tangi: P n.f. narrowness/hardship/poverty tanhaa: P adj. alone/solitary taubah: P n.m. repentance taubah taubah: intj. Heaven forbid! tauheen: A n.f. disgrace/contempt/defamation/dishonor/insult taiyaar: P adj. ready/prepared/finished/alert/ripe teer: P n.m. arrow tez: P adj. sharp/keen/caustic/pungent/swift/clever tegh: P n.m. sword/dagger ################################################################################ Te -- Taan.g: H n.f. the leg/a share Tapaknaa: H v. to leak/to drip/to fall down (fruits) Takkar: H n.f. collision/encounter/rivalry/competition TukRaa: H n.m. a piece/a morsel/a part/fraction TooT: H n.f. breaking/fracture/loss Thikaanaa: H n.m. fixed abode/proper place/goal/limit ThanD: H n.f. cold/chill Thokar: H n.f. obstacle/kick/stumble TeRh: H n.f. crookedness ################################################################################ se -- saabit: A adj. confirmed/established/fixed/stable saabit: A n.m. a fixed star saaqib: A adj. shining brightly/splendid/sublime sabaat: A n.m. stability/endurance/resolution/constancy sabt: A n.m. permanence/a seal/writing suboot: A n.m. evidence/proof/conviction/constancy/stability saarwat: A n.f. wealth/power/influence saraa: A n.m. the earth siqaafat: A n.f. culture siqaalat: A n.f. burden/weight siqaahat: A n.f. reliability/trustworthiness sawaab: A n.m. reward/recompense sawaabit: A n.m. the fixed stars (plu. of saabit) ################################################################################ jeem ---- jaadu: P n.m. magic/conjuring/charm/effect of evil spirits jaazib: A adj. alluring/attractive jaaree: A adj. running/flowing/current/continuing jaagir: P n.f. a fief jaam: P n.m. goblet jaan: P n.f. soul/life/mind/vigor/sweetheart/beloved jaanee: P adj. of or relating to life jaanee: P n.m. a beloved/a lover jaahil: A adj. ignorant/illiterate/barbarous jaa'edaad: P n.f. property/estate/assets jaa'iz: H adj. legal/permitted jabeen.: P n.f. the forehead judaa: P adj. separate/apart/asunder/peculiar judaaee: P adj. separation/absence jazb: A n.m. allurement/attraction jazbah: A n.m. passion/rage/desire/feeling jurm: A n.m. crime/guilt jurmaanah: P n.m. fine/penalty justjoo: P n.f. search/inquiry jism: A n.m. body jashn: P n.m. a feast/celebration ja'l: A n.f. counterfeit jafaa: P n.f. oppression/injustice/injury jigar: P n.m. liver/heart/soul/mind jalaal: A n.m/f. splendor/majesty jalwah: A n.m. lustre/splendour/display/show jamaal: A n.m. beauty/elegance janaab: A intj. sir!/your honor! janaazah: A n.m. corpse/funeral jumbish: P n.f. movement jannat: A n.f. paradise/garden jang: P n.f. battle/war junoon: A n.m. madness/insanity jawaab: A n.m. answer/equal/parallel/match jawaan: P adj. young/youth jawaahir: A n.m. jewls/gems (plu. of jauhar) josh: P n.m. heat/zeal/enthusiasm/passion/lust jahaaz: A n.m. ship/vessel jahaan: P n.m. the world jahaannum: A n.f. hell jeewan: H n.m. life/existence ################################################################################ che --- chaarah: P n.m. remedy/cure/help/aid/resource chaadar: P n.f. a sheet/veil/waterfall chaaq: T adj. active/alert/healthy/fat/hale and hearty chaaqoo: P n.m. a small knife chaal: H n.f. gait/walk/custom/trick/strategem chaalaak: P adj. clever/expert/cunning/nimble chaan.d: H n.m. the moon chaan.dani: H n.f. moonlight chaan.di: H n.f. silver/wealth chaah: H n.f. desire/love/affection/need/choice chitwan: H n.f. look/glance/appearance charaagh: P n.m. lamp charaagaah: P n.f. meadow/pasture chust: P adj. alert/active/clever/quick/tight cashm: P n.f. eye/hope chasm-e-baddoor:intj. God preserve from evil eyes! chashm-o-chiraagh:n.m. light of the eye/dearly beloved chasmak: P n.m. wink/winking/misunderstanding/spectacles chakaan.: P adj. dropping/distilling chilman: H n.m. a venetian blind chamak: H n.f. glitter/splendour/flash/gleam chaman: P n.m. flower garden chand: P adj. how many/how much/few/how often/how long chah: P suff. used to form dimunitives chehraa: P n.m. face/visage/a mask cheez: P n.f. thing/commodity chain: H n.m. ease/comfort/rest/peace Word beginning with baRi he/khe ################################################################################ baRi he ------- Haatim: A n.m. generous (derived from Haatim Tai) Haadisah: A n.m. accident/occurence/calamity/misfortune Haazir: A adj. present/ready/in attendance Haakim: A n.m. ruler/governor/judge/an official Haal: A n.m. state/condition/narrative/circumstance Haalat: A n.f. condition/state/circumstance (plu. Haalaat) Hubb: A n.f. love/friendship/desire/affection/wish Habeeb: A n.m. beloved/sweetheart/comrade/friend Hijaab: A n.m. veil/modesty/bashfulness/night Hadd: A n.f. boundary/limit Hadd: A adv. very/at most/utmost point Hiddat: A n.f. sharpness/fury/acrimony/poignancy Hads: A n.m. novelty/innovation Hudood: A n.m/f. boundaries/penal laws Hizaaqat: A n.m. Intelligence/wisdom Haraarat: A n.f. heat/fever/ardor/fervor/zeal Haraam: A adj. unlawful/forbidden Hirs: A n.f. eager/greediness/desire/ambition Hoorriyat: A n.f. emancipation/freedom Hazm: A n.m. firmness of mind/resolve Huzn: A n.m. grief/sadness/sorrow Hisaab: A n.m. reckoning/account/computation/rate/sense Hasrat: A n.f. regret/intense sorrow/desire/longing Husn: A n.f. beauty/elegance Haseen: A adj. beautiful/elegant/charming/handsome Hashmat: A n.f. state/dignity/pomp/retinue Hisaar: A n.m. fort/enclosure/fence Husool: A n.m. acquisition/profit/advantage/achievement Hissah: A n.m. share/portion/lot Hazrat: A n.m. dignity/a title of respect Huzoor: A n.m. presence of superior authority Huzoor: A intj. Your Highness! Hifaazat: A n.f. guarding/security/safety Haqq: A adj. just/truth/right Haqeeqat: A n.f. truth/reality/narration/condition Hukm: A n.m. order/decree/statute/law Hikmat: A n.f. wisdom/knowledge/cleverness/device Hakeem: A n.m. wise man/doctor/philosopher Halaal: A adj. legal/permitted Himaayat: A n.f. protection/patronage/support/defence Hamlah: A n.m. attack/assault/invasion Hawaas: A n.m. the senses Hawaalah: A n.m. charge/custody/care Hoor: A n.f. virgin of Paradise/nymph Hausalah: A n.m. capacity/courage/spirit/resolution/desire Hayaa: A n.f. modesty/shame Hayaat: A n.f. life/existence Haiseeyat: A n.f. rank/capacity/merit/status/prestige Hairaan: A adj. amazed/confounded/perplexed/worried ################################################################################ khe --- khaas: A adj. special/particular/private/noble/unmixed khaatir: A n.f. the heart/mind/memory/sake/behalf/choice/favor khaak: P n.f. dust/earth/ashes khaalis: A adj. pure/genuine/sincere(friend) khaam: P adj. raw/green/inexpert/immature/vain khaamosh: P adj. silent khaandaan: P n.m. family/lineage/dynasty khaanum: P n.f. lady/princess/wife khaanah: P n.m. house/room/compartment/partition khabar: A n.f. news/information/report/rumor/notice khatm: A n.m. conclusion/seal khatm: A adj. finished/done khajaalat: A n.m. shame/bashfulness khajaalat: P adj. happy/auspicious/blessed khuda: P n.m. God khidmat: A n.f. service/office/duty kharaab: A adj. bad/depraved/ruined/spoiled/wretched/obscene khurram: P adj. happy khareed: P n.f. purchase khazaan.: P n.f. autumn/decay/old age khizaanah: P n.m. treasury/treasure khastah: P adj. wounded/broken/sorrowful khushk: P adj. dry/withered/cynic khatt: A n.m. letter/note/mark khataa: A n.f. mistake/slio/oversight/error khutbah: A n.m. sermon/oration/introduction khatrah: A n.m. danger/fear/risk khafaa: A n.f. concealment/secrecy khafaa: P adj. angry/displeased khalaas: A n.m. deliverance/redemption/freedom khilaaf: A n.m. opposition/contraiety/falsehood khilaaf: A prep. against khalish: P n.f. prick/pain/anxiety/apprehension khumaar: A n.m. intoxication khanjar: A n.m. dagger khwaab: P n.m. sleep/dream khwaar: P adj. wretched/deserted/friendless/poor khwaahish: P n.f. desire/request/demand khoob: P adj. good/excellent/beautiful/amiable khood: P n./adj. self/private/personal/own khoodi: P n.f. egotism/vanity/presence of mind khoorsheed: P n.m. sun khoosh: P adj. pleasing/happy khoon: P n.m. blood/murder khiyaaban: P n.m. flower-bed/flower garden khayaal: A n.m. thought/imagination/opinion/care/respect khair: A adj. good/best khair: A adv. very well khair: A n.f. welfare/happiness ################################################################################ daal ---- daakhil: A adj. entering daad: P n.m. justice/appeal/revenge/praise daar: P n.f. gallows/a piece of wood daar: P suff. having/holding daar: A n.m. house/country daaraa: P n.m. holder/sovereign/king daaru: H n.f. alcohol daaru: P n.f. medicine/remedy daastaan: P n.f. story/fable/tale daagh: P n.m. scar/blemish/stain/calamity/grief/loss daam: P n.m. net/snare daam: H n.m. price/value daaman: P n.m. skirt/foot of a mountain/a lap daanaa: P adj. wise/learned daanistah: P adv. knowingly daanish: P n.f. knowledge/science/learning daa'im: A adj. perpetual/permanent dakhl: A n.m. entrance/access/reach/skill dar: P n.m. door/gate/entrance dar: P prep. in/into/within/to/about/by durr: A n.m. pearl daraaz: P adj. long/tall/extended darbaar: P n.m. court (royal) darkhwaasht: P n.f. request/petition/appeal dard: P n.m. pain/affliction/sympathy/compassion dars: H n.m. sight/view/look durust: P adj. right/proper/well/safe/precise durusht: P adj. rough/hard/rigid/oppressive/fierce darmiyan: P n.m. middle/midst/interval darwaazah: P n.m. door/gate darya: P n.m. a large river/sea duzd: P n.m. thief dastoor: P n.m. custom/usage/manner/rule dushman: P n.m. enemy dushnaam: P n.f. abuse/invective dushwaar: P adj. difficult du'aa: A n.f. blessing/prayer/wish da'wat: A n.f. invitation/banquet da'waa: A n.m. claim/law suit/charge/demand/accusation daghaa: P n.f. deceit/treachery/delusion daf'a: A n.f. time/turn/section/class dafn: A n.m. burial/concealment diqqat: A n.f. difficulty/intricacy/minute point dil: P n.m. heart/soul/courage/generosity/wish dil aawar: adj. brave/valiant dilbar: adj. lovely/sweetheart dil band: adj. charming/attractive dil chasp: adj. interesting/pleasing/delightful dil kharaash: adj. heart rending dil daar: adj. charming/beloved dil daar: n.m. sweetheart dil daari: n.f. consolation dil doz: adj. heart-piercing dil rubaa: adj. fascinating/alluring dil rubaa: adj. fascinating/alluring dil rubaa: n.m. sweetheart dil sokhtah: adj. grieved/suffering dil soz: adj. touching/pathetic/passionate/ardent dil shaad: adj. cheerful dil fareb: adj. charming/alluring/enticing/beautiful dil figaar: adj. melancholy dil kash: adj. attractive/winning dil geer: adj. melancholy dil lagi: n.f. amusement/diversion dil nawaaz: adj. soothing (the mind) dilaasaa: P n.m. consolation/encouragement dam: P n.m. breath/vitality/moment/edge of a sword dimaagh: A n.m. brain/intellect/airs/conceit dunyaa: A n.f. world/worldly goods dawaa: A n.m. medicine door: P adj. distant/remote/far daur: A n.m. revolving/period/cycle/orbit dost: P n.m. friend/lover daulat: A n.f. riches/fortune/happiness/cause/means diyaar: A n.m. country/region deedaar: P n.m. sight/interview deedah: P n.m. the eye deen: A n.m. faith/religion deewaar: P n.f. a wall deewaanah: P n.m. madman ################################################################################ Daal ---- Daabar: H n.m. lake/pond/water pot Daakaa: H n.m. robbery Dar: H n.m. fear Dagar: H n.f. path/road ################################################################################ zaal ---- zaat: A n.f. being endowed with/soul/self/caste/race zaati: A adj. innate/inherent/essential/natural zaakir: A adj. remembering/grateful zaakir: A n.m. grateful person/obe who praises God zikr: A n.m. remembrance/memory/Qur'an recital zillaat: A n.f. insult/dishonor/affront/abjectness zaleel: A adj. abject/base/wretched/contemptible zauq: A n.m. taste zehn: A n.m. acumen/wit/sagacity/understanding ################################################################################ re -- raaHat: A n.f. rest/repose/comfort/tranquility/ease raaz: P n.m. mystery/secret raast: P adj. true/honest/straight/even/level raastah: P n.m. path/road/manner raazi: A adj. willing/satisfied/agreed/pleased raah: P n.f. road/pathcustom/journey/method raah bar: n.m. a guide raah numaa: n.m. conductor/leader/guide rabb: A n.m. creator/god rahm: A n.m. mercy/pity/compassion/kindness/tenderness rukh: P n.m. face/cheek/side/point rukhsaar: P n.m. face/cheek/complexion/aspect rukhsat: A n.f. leave/permission/dismissal/indulgence radd: A n.m. rejection/repulsion/returning razm: P n.m. war/battle rasm: A n.f. marking/writing/established usage/model/law rasan: P n.f. rope/string/cord ruswaa: A adj. infamous/dishonored/disgraced rasool: A n.m. a prophet rishtah: P n.m. thread/line/relationship/kinship/alliance rashk: P n.m. jealousy/envy/malice/spite raghbat: P n.f. strong desire/esteem/pleasure raftaar: P n.f. speed/pace/walk/motion rafi': A adj. high/sublime/exalted rafeeq: A n.m. friend/ally raqs: A n.m. dance/dancing raqeeb: A n.m. rival/competitor ran.j: P n.m. grief/sorrow/trouble/inconvience ran.jish: P n.m. grief/indignation/misunderstanding/anguish ran.g: P n.m. color/dye/fashion/enjoyment ran.geen: P adj. colored/lively/elegant/flowery/figurative rawaanah: P adj. despatched/proceeding rooH: A n.f. soul/spirit/life/essence/divine revelation roz: P n.m. a day roz: P adj. daily rozah: P n.m. a fast raushan/roshan: P adj. light/illuminated/bright/clear/splendid raunaq: A n.f. lustre/beauty/elegance/freshness resham: P n.m. silk ################################################################################ Re -- This letter does not occur as the first letter of a word and hence there are no entries. The letter has the sound of a hardened 'r' and is often used interchangeably with Daal. ################################################################################ ze -- zaar: P n.m. weeping/lamentation/garden/desire/wish zabaan: P n.f. tongue/language/flame (of a candle) zabar: P n.m. above/superior/greater/top zabardast: adj. vigorous/violent/tyrranical/superior zaHmat: A n.f. uneasiness of mind/trouble/pain zakhm: P n.m. wound/damage/loss zadah: P adj. struck/stricken/oppressed zar: P n.m. gold zukaam: A n.m. cold zulf: P n.f. curl/ringlet/tress zamaanah: P n.m. time/age/period zameen: P n.f. ground/earth zanjeer: P n.f. chain zindaan: P n.m. prison/jail zindagi: P n.f. life/living/existence zindah: P adj. alive/living zinhaar: P adv. never/by no means zinhaar: P intj. beware! zood: P adv. quickly/soon/suddenly zor: P n.m. force/strength/power/influence/stress zahr: P n.m. poison ziyaadah: P adj. too much/more/excessive ziyaarat: A n.f. pilgrimage/visit (a shrine) zebaa: P adj. adorned/beautiful/proper/graceful zeenat: A n.f. decoration/beauty ################################################################################ zhe --- zhaalah: P n.m. hail/dew/frost zharf: P n.m. deep/penetrating/acute of mind zholeedah: P adj. dishevelled/entangled/intricate zhiyaan: P adj. terrible/furious/angry/rapacious ################################################################################ seen ---- saajan: H n.m. lover/sweetheart/beloved saaHir: A n.m. magician saaHil: A n.m. shore/beach saadah: P adj. simple/plain/candid/sincere saaz: P n.m. apparatus/equipment/concord saazish: P n.f. conspiracy/intrigue/collusion saaqee: A n.m. cup-bearer/page/beloved saal: P n.m. year saalim: A adj. safe/sound/perfect/whole saamaan: P n.m. apparatus/custom/understanding/power H n.f. truth/reality saan.s: H n.m./f. breath/sigh saa'ir: A n.m. thw whole/the rest/wandering/walking/tax/duty saayah: P n.m. shadow/shade/shelter/apparition sabab: A n.m. cause/reason sabaq: A n.m. lesson/lecture/advancing subuk: P adj. light/delicate/trivial/frivolous/futile sitaarah: P n.m. star sitaan.: P adj. taking/seizing sitam: P n.m. oppression/tyranny/injustice/violence sajdah: A n.m. prostration saHar: A n.m. dawn/morning sakht: P adj. hard/firm/cruel/harsh/vehement sukhan: P n.m. speech/words/business/affair sukhan war: adj. eloquence sar: P n.m. head/top/pinnacle/origin/chief/desire sar afraaz: adj. exalted sar bastah: adj. hidden/secret sar basar: adv. wholly/entirely sar buland: adj. eminent/glorious sar taabee: n.f. rebellion sar taaj: n.m. chief/leader sar-e dast: adv. at present/immediately sar-e raah: adv. on the road sar zameen: n.f. country/limits/region sar-e shaam: n.f. about evening/evening sar-o saamaan: n.m. necessities/furniture/luggage siraaj: A n.m. lamp/candle/sun surkh: P adj. red sard: P adj. cold/damp/dull/dead suroor: A n.m. pleasure/joy/exhilaration sazaa: P n.f. correction/punishment/requital sust: P adj. loose/frail/lazy/slow/dull sifaarish: P n.f. recommendation safar: A n.m. journey safed: P adj. white saktah: P n.m. trance/swoon/pause sukoot: A n.f. silence/peace/rest/tranquility sukoon: A n.m. peace/rest/tranquility salaam: A n.m. salutation/peace/safety/compliment silsilah: A n.m. chain/series/pedigree/genealogy saleeqah: A n.m. good disposition/good taste/mode/skill sang: P n.m. stone/weight sanh: A n.m. year/era siwaa: P adv. except/save/but/besides sawaal: A n.m. question/petition/application/request/demand saudaa: P n.m. trade/marketing/goods soz: P n.m. burning/passion/vexation saugand: P n.m. oath soona: H adj. void/empty/desolate/lonely siyaah: P adj. black/dark/unfortunate/bad sair: A n.f. walk/excursion/recreation/amusement seerat: A n.m. quality/nature/disposition sailaab: A/P n.m. flood/deluge/torrent seenah: P n.m. chest/bosom ################################################################################ sheen ----- shaabaash: P intj. bravo! well done! (contr. of shaadbaash) shaakh: P n.f. branch/bough/dilemma/difficulty/objection shaad: P adj. happy/cheerful/delighted shaadaab: P adj. full of water/fresh/agreeable/verdant shaa'ir: A n.m. poet shaagird: P n.m. pupil/apprentice/servant shaam: P n.f. evening shaamil: A adj. including/comprising/connected/mingled/common shaan: A n.f. dignity/glory/grandeur shaah: P n.m. king/prince/monarch shaahtir: n.m. a beam/roof support shahzaadah: n.m. prince shaayad: P adv. perhaps/probably shab: P n.f. night shab bakhair: intj. goodnight! shabnam: n.f. dew shabaab: A n.m. youth shabeenah: P adj. nocturnal shujaa': A adj. brave shakhs: A n.m. a person/individual/being/body sharaab: A n.f. wine/liquor sharaarah: A n.m. spark/gleam/flash sharaafat: A n.f. nobility/civility/good manners shart: A n.f. condition/agreement/wager sharm: P n.f. shame/modesty shuroo': A n.m. beginning shareef: A adj. noble/eminent/honorable shi'r: A n.m. verse/couplet shu'lah: A n.m. flame/blaze/flash/light shu'oor: A n.m. wisdom/intellect shafaqat: A n.f. kindeness/compassion/mercy shakk: A n.m. doubt/suspense/hesitation shikaar: P n.m. hunting/prey shikaayat: A n.f. complaint/accusation/illness shukr: A n.m. gratitude shakl: A n.f. form/appearance/model/image/diagram shikwah: A/P n.m. complaint/chiding shumaar: P n.m. counting/numbering/estimation/account shams: A n.m. the sun shamsher: P n.f. sword shama': A n.f. lamp/candle shinaas: P adj. knowing/acquainted with/intelligence shokh: P adj. playful/mischievous/bold/insolent shor: P n.m. noise/outcry/tumult/clamor/ardor shauq: A n.m. taste/fondness/desire/interest shahd: P n.m. honey shahr: P n.m. city shuhrat: A n.f. renown/fame/rumor shaheed: A n.m. martyr shaikh: A n.m. elder shekhi: A n.f. bragging sher: P n.m. lion/tiger/brave man shireen: P adj. sweet/pleasant/gentle shishah: P n.m. glass/bottle/glass pane shaitaan: A n.m. satan/devil/demon ################################################################################ saad ---- saahib: A n.m. master/lord/ruler/companion/title saaf: A adj. clean/pure/innocent/clear/legible/plain subH: A n.f. morning/dawn sabr: A n.m. patience/endurance/submission/suffering suHbat: A n.f. companionship/society/conversation saHraa: A n.m. plain/desert saHeeH: A adj. right/correct/genuine/sound/pure/just sadr: A n.m. chest/bosom/chief sadmah: A n.m. shock/blow/calamity/collision/suffering sirf: A adj. only/mere/sheer sirf: A adv. purely/exclusively sa'oobat: A n.f. difficulty/hardship salaaH: A n.f. peace/treaty/integrity/advice/counsel sanam: A n.m. idol/sweetheart/mistress surat: A n.f. form/figure/countenance/aspect/manner/plight ################################################################################ zaad ---- zaabit: A n.m. governor/master/possessor zaabit: A adj. strict/punctual/patient/disciplinarian zaabitah: A n.m. rule/custom/canon/law/code zaamin: A n.m. sponsor/surety/guarantor zaa'i: A adj. lost/destroyed/wasted/fruitless zidd: A n.f. the contrary/opposition/stubborness zarb: A n.f. injury/beating/impression (plu. zarbaat) zarar: A n.m. injury/damage/harm/affliction/loss/ruin zaroor: A adj. necessary/expedient/needful zaroor: A adv. certainly/absolutely zaroorat: A n.f. need/compulsion/want/exigency zu'f: A n.m. weakness/feebleness za'if: A adj. weak/infirm/feeble/old/faint zalaal: A n.m. error/fault/vice zamaanat: A n.f. surety/bond zameer: A n.f. mind/heart/thought/reflection/sense zau: A n.f. light/sunlight ziyaa: A n.f. light/splendour/brilliancy zeeq: A n.f. anguish/melancholy/ ################################################################################ to-e ---- taab: A adj. sweet/agreeable/pure/excellent taa'at: A n.f. obedience/devotion (plu. taa'aat) taaq: A n.m. arch/cupola/niche taaqat: A n.f. strength/power/might taalib: A n.m. seeker/enquirer/lover/candidate tabi'at: A n.f. nature/temperament/disposition tapaan.: P adj. palpitating/throbbing tarh: A n.m. manner/mode/form/design/plan tarz: A n.m. manner/fashion/way taraf: A n.f. side/margin/direction tariqah: A n.m. method/custom/path/way ta'n: A n.m. blame/reproach/censure/chide talaaq: A n.f. divorce/repudiation talab: A n.f. search/inquiry//wish/demand/request taur: A n.m. manner/condition/mode/state toofaan: A n.m. storm/tempest/hurricane taiyyaar: A adj. ready ################################################################################ zo-e ---- zaalim: A n.m. tyrant/oppressor zaahir: A adj. manifest/clear/evident zaahiraa: A adv. outwardly/manifestly zarif: A adj. witty/subtle/fine zafar: A n.m. victory/triumph/gain zulm: A n.m oppression/tyranny zann: A n.m. suspicion zaheer: A n.m. ally/associate ################################################################################ ain --- 'aajiz: A adj. powerless/weak/helpless/dejected 'aadat: A n.f. custom/habit/usage/practice/manner 'aadil: A adj. just/sincere/righteous 'aazim: A adj. determined/resolute 'aashiq: A n.m. lover/suitor 'aaqibat: A n.f. end/conclusion/future life 'aaqibat: A adv. finally/at last 'aaqil: A adj. wise/sensible 'aalam: A n.m. world/universe/regions/public/beauty/period 'aalim: A adj. learned/wise/intelligent 'aali: A adj. high/sublime/exalted/grand 'aam: A adj. common/public/general/ordinary (plu. 'awaamm) 'ibaadat: A n.f. prayers/devotion 'ibaarat: A n.f. composition/style/diction 'abas: A adj. useless/profitless/trifling/idle 'abd: A n.m. slave/servant of God 'ibrat: A n.f. warning/admonition 'itaab: A n.m. rebuke/reproach/anger/displeasure 'ajab: A n.m. wonder/astonishment 'ajab: A adj. wonderful/amazing/strange/rare 'ajeeb: A adj. wonderful/surprising/rare/admirable/unique 'adaalat: A n.f. court of justice/tribunal/justice/law 'adam: A n.m. non-existence/nothing/annihilation 'azaab: A n.m. torment/pain/punishment 'arsh: A n.m. roof/canopy/highest heaven 'arz: A n.f. petition/request/exposition/review 'irfaan: A n.m. knowledge/science/wisdom 'urooj: A n.m. ascension/rising/exaltation 'uryaan: A n.m. naked/bare/devoid 'izzat: A n.f. honor/esteem/glory/reputation 'azeez: A adj. dear/beloved/honored/respected/worthy 'ishrat: A n.f. pleasure/enjoyment/mirth/society 'ishq: A n.m. love/excessive passion 'atr: A n.m. perfume 'atf: A n.m. kindness/favor/affection/present 'azeem: A adj. great/high in dignity/large 'iffat: A n.f. purity/chastity 'aql: A n.m. intellect/reason/knowledge 'uqoobat: A n.f. punishment/torment/torture 'ilaaj: A n.m. cure/treatment/antidote 'ilaaqah: A n.m. jurisdiction/area/tenure 'illat: A n.f. fault/defect/bad habit/illness/pretext/basis 'ilm: A n.m. knowledge/science/doctrine 'aleem: A adj. wise/learned 'imaarat: A n.f. building/edifice 'umr: A n.f. age/life-time/span of life 'amalan: A adv. practically/truly 'inaad: A n.m. enmity/obstinacy 'awaam: A n.m. populace/common people (plu. of 'aam) 'aurat: A n.f. woman/wife/nudity 'aiyaash: A adj. luxurious/rakish/addicted to pleasure 'aish: A n.m. pleasure/delight/luxury ################################################################################ ghain ----- ghaalib: A adj. victorious/predominant ghaalib: A adv. often/likely/most probably ghaa'ib: A adj. hidden/absent ghubaar: A n.m. vapor/fog/mist/dust/vexation ghaddaar: A adj. disloyal/treacherous gharaz: A n.f. intention/meaning/design/view/want ghuroor: A n.m. pride/vanity gharib: A adj. poor/destitute/strange/innocent/wonderful ghazal: A n.f. ode/poem ghash: A n.m. stupor/fainting ghussah: A n.m. anger/passion/rage/anxiety/grief ghaflat: A n.f. negligence/drowsiness/stupor ghulaam: A n.m. slave/boy/youth ghalat: A adj. wrong/incorrect/inaccurate ghaleez: A adj. dirty/filthy/gross/coarse/obscene gham: A n.m. grief/sorrow/concern/care gham khwaar: adj. consoling gham deedah: adj. afflicted/grieved gham gusaar: n.m. comforter ghammaaz: A n.m. informer/tattletale/back-biting ghaur: A n.m. deep thought/meditation/close attention ghair: A n.m. stranger/foreigner ghair: A adv. besides ghair: A adj. other/different/alien/bad ghair: A prep. without/except/but/save ghairat: A n.f. honor/modesty/bashfulness/envy/enmity ################################################################################ fe -- faakhir: A n.m. a boaster faash: P adj. apparent/known/notorious faasilah: A n.m. distance/space/separation faazil: A adj. superfluous/accomplished person/virtuous faaqah: A n.m. starvation/fasting/poverty faa'idah: A n.m. benefit/profit/utility faa'iq: A adj. superior/great fitnah: A n.m. sedition/revolt/mischief/temptation fatwaa: A n.m. judicial decree fakhr: A n.m. glory/honor/pride/egotism fida: A n.m. sacrifice/devotion/ransom/exchange fidaa'ee: A&P n.m. lover firaaq: A n.m. separation/anxiety/absence/distance firdaus: A n.m. garden/paradise farishtah: P n.m. angel/apostle/prophet/messenger fursat: A n.f. opportunity/leisure/rest/recovery farz: A n.m. duty/moral obligation/statute farq: A n.m. difference/distance/separation/defect furqat: A n.f. separation/disunion/absence (of lovers) farmaan: P n.m. mandate/order/royal decree farmaa'ish: P n.f. order for goods/requisition/pleasure/will faro: P adj. down/below/under faryaad: P n.f. complaint/cry fareb: P n.m. deceit/trick/fraud faza': A n.f. lamentation/wailing fasanah: P n.m. romance/tale/fable fazl: A n.m. excellence/virtue/reward/wisdom fitrat: A n.f. nature/creation/deceit/intrigue/wisdom fughaan.: P n.m. clamor/lamentation/cry of distress faqr: A n.m. poverty fikr: A n.m./f. opinion/notion/care/concern/anxiety/counsel figaar: P adj. wounded/sore/afflicted/confused falak: A n.m. sky/heaven/fortune/fate fuwaad: A n.m. the heart fauj: A n.f. army/crowd/multitude fauran: A adv. immediately/quickly/directly fahm: A n.m. understanding/intellect faisalah: A n.m. settlement/decree/decision faiz: A n.m. liberality/grace/bounty ################################################################################ qaaf ---- qaabil: A adj. worthy/able/competent/deserving/clever qaaboo: P n.m. power/command/authority/possession/hold qaatil: A n.m. murderer/assassin/homicide qaazee: A n.m. judge qaa'idah: A n.m. custom/rule/manners/habit/established order qaafiyah: A n.m. rhyme/metre/cadence qaanoon: A n.m. rule/law/system/state qaa'il: A adj. confessing/agreeing/conceding/subdued qaa'im: A adj. erect/stagnant/firm/durable qabr: A n.f. grave/tomb qabzah: A n.m. gridp/clutch/possessing/power/hilt of a sword qubool: A n.m. consent/acceptance/assent/recognition qatl: A n.m. killing/murder/assassination qadd: A n.m. stature/size/height qadr: A n.f. dignity/honor/worth/value qudrat: A n.f. power/strength/universe/nature qadam: A n.m. step/pace/footstep qaraar: A n.m. residence/stability/rest/patience/satisfaction qurbaan: A n.m. sacrifice/victim/offering qarz: A n.m. debt/loan qareeb: A adj. near/adjacent/akin/approaching qasam: A n.m. an oath qism: A n.f. sort/kind/species/portion/nature qismat: A n.f. fortune/fate/share/portion/head/category qusoor: A n.m. fault/defect/blame/sin/failure qissah: A n.m. tale/fable/romance/quarrel/dispute qazaa: A n.f. fate/destiny/jurisdiction/judgement qafas: A n.m. cage/network/body qalb: A n.m. heart/mind/soul/intellect/marrow/pith qalam: A n.m. reed/pen/handwriting qamar: A n.m. the moon qaul: A n.m. word/saying/promise/consent/vow qaum: A n.m. nation/people qiyaamat: A n.f. resurrection/Judgement Day/tumult qaid: A n.f. imprisonment/confinement/obstacle/control qeemat: A n.m. price/value/woth/cost ################################################################################ kaaf ---- kaatib: A n.m. scribe/writer kaazib: A adj. false kaar: P n.m. affair/work/labor/duty/profession kaarwaan: P n.m. caravan/large company of pilgrims kaasah: P n.m. cup/goblet/bowl kaash: P intj. would that ! kaashif: A adj. discoverer/revealer kaaghaz: P n.m. paper/letter/document kaafir: A n.m. infidel/sweetheart/mistress kaafir: A adj. impious/ungrateful kaafur: A n.m. camphor kaafi: P&A adj. sufficient/enough kaam: P n.m. palate/desire/object/purport/design/intention kaamraan: adj. successful/fortunate/happy/blessed kaam yaab: adj. prosperous/successfulhappy/satisfied kaahish: P n.f. anxiety/pining/decline/decay kaahil: A adj. lazy/slow/indolent/relaxed/tardy/ailing kabootar: P n.m. pigeon/dove kabeer: A adj. great/large/immense kitaab: A n.m. book/writing/despatch kasrat: A n.f abundance/excess/bulk kadah: P n.m. a place (usually a suff.) karam: A n.m. kindness/favor/bounty/clemency kareem: A adj. bountiful/generous/merciful/epithet of God kas: P n.m. man/person kasab: A n.m. profession/trade kasr: A n.f. breach/loss/affliction kasal: A n.m. laxity/cowardice/depression/sickness kiswat: A n.f. dress/appearance/habit/figure/form/manner kashaakash: P n.f. struggle/dilemma/contention/grief and pain kashti: P n.f. ship/boat/vessel/tray kashish: P n.f. drawing/attraction/allurement kufr: A n.m. paganism/infidelity/profanity kafan: A n.m. shroud kul: A adj. all/complete/entire/aggregate/universe kalaam: A n.m. discourse/oration/a work/composition/objection kam: P adj. deficient/few/little/rare/scanty kam bakht: adj. unfortunate/wretched kamzor: adj. weak/feeble/powerless kamaal: A n.m. excellence/perfection/miracle/art kamaan: P n.f. bow/arch/spring kamar: P n.f. waist/girdle/zone/army flank/arch kamee: P n.f. deficiency/loss/abatement/reduction/dearth kameenah: P adj. mean/vulgar/base/defective kinaarah: P n.m. shore/river bank/edge/margin/limit kandah: P adj. carved/engraved koshish: P n.f. attempt/endeavor/labor/exertion koft: P n.f. beating/pain/vexation/grief/gilding kaul: H n.m. mouthful/morsel koh: P n.m. mountain/hill kaif: A n.m. intoxication kaifiyyat: A n.f. narrative/circumstances/explanation/situation keenah: P n.m. malice/rancor/enmity ################################################################################ gaaf ---- giraan.: P adj. precious/costly/dear/important/heavy gard: P n.f. trifle/dust gird: P n.m. round/circumference/environs girdaab: P n.m. whirlpool/abyss/vortex gardish: P n.f. revolution/circulation/misfortune/vagrancy gardan: P n.f. the neck giriftaar: P adj. captured/seized/smitten/prisoner/captivated garm: P adj. hot/burning/ardent/choleric/lively girau: P n.m. pledge/pawn girah: P n.f. knot/joint/knuckle giriyaan.: P adj. weeping/crying giryah: P n.m. weeping/lamentation/crying/plaint gaz: P n.m. a yard measure guzaarish: P n.f. petition/request/explanation guzaarah: P n.m. living/subsistence/passage/abode guzar: P n.f. a pass/a living/a road gazeedah: P adj. stung/bitten guzeedah: P adj. selected/chosen gusaar: P adj. taking away/dissipating/removing gustaakhee: P n.f. rudeness/arrogance/audacity guftgoo: P n.f. conversation/discourse gul: P n.m. rose/flower/ornament/brand gul badan: adj. delicate/graceful gul dastah: n.m. a bouquet gul zaar: n.m. flower-bed/garden gul sitaan.: n.m. rose-garden gulshan: n.m. a flower or rose garden gulaab: P n.m. the rose gilah: P n.m. complaint/blame/reproach/lamentation gum: P n.m. lost/missing/distracted gum raah: adj. astray/lost/wicked/depraved gum sum: adj. still/silent gum gashtah: adj. lost/wandering gum naam: adj. nameless/anonymous/unknown/inglorious gumaan: P n.m. doubt/surmise/fancy/pride/opinion/distrust gunaah: P n.m. fault/sin/crime/guilt gawaaraa: P adj. palatable/agreeable/pleasant/nice gawaah: P n.m. a witness gawaahee: P n.m. testimony/evidence gosh: P n.m. the ear goshah: P n.m. corner/angle/cell/privacy goyaa: P adj. speaking/eloquent geer: P adj. taking/holding/seizing/conquering gesoo: P n.m. tresses/locks gaihaan.: P n.m. the world/the universe ################################################################################ laam ---- laa: A suff. no/not/by no means/without laa jawaab: adj. rendered speechless/silenced laa chaar: adj. helpless/destitute/forlorn/disabled laa waaris: adj. heirless laazim: A adj. necessary/compulsory/important laash: T n.f/m. corpse laa'iq: A adj. worthy/suitable/able/qualified/decent lab: P n.m. the lip/edge/margin/shore/bank laHzah: A n.m. the twinkling of an eye/moment/glance lazzat: A n.f. taste/flavor/enjoyment/pleasure larzaan.: P adj. termbling/tremulous/fearing lataafat: P n.f. pleasantness/elegance/subtility lutf: A n.m. kindness/favor/grace/pleasure latmah: A n.m. slap/blow lateefah: A n.m. pleasantry/witticism/joke lughat: A n.m. tongue/speech/dialect/word/dictionary lifaafah: A n.m. cover/envelope/wrapper/secret lafz: A n.m. word/saying luknat: A n.f. stammering/speech impediment lagaam: H n.f. bridle/rein lamHah: A n.m. minute/moment lang: P n.m. lameness/limp lan.gar: P n.m. anchor/cable/rope/public kitchen/alms lau: H n.f. candle flame/ardent desire/attachment lauH: A n.f. plank/board/table/tablet/title page liyaaqat: A n.f. worth/ability/merit/skill ################################################################################ meem ---- maa: A adv. which/what/that which/whilst/during... maa ba'd: adj. following maa Haul: n.m. surroundings/environs maa faat: adj. what is past or dead maa waraa: adj. what is beyond or behind maatam: A n.m. mourning/grief maal: A n.m. riches/property/merchandise/revenue maalik: A n.m. master/lord/owner/God maani': A n.m. impediment/hinderance/objection/stopper maah: P n.m. the moon/month maah paaraa: adj. handsome/beloved maah taab: n.m. moonlight maah jabeen: adj. a beautiful person maah wash: adj. having a face as beautiful as the moon maahir: A adj. skilled/expert/master/excel maayoos: A adj. without hope/disappointed mubaarak: A adj. auspicious/blessed/felicitation mubaahaat A n.m. contending for glory/boasting/arrogance mubtada: A n.m. commencement/principle mutaassif: A adj. sorrowful/repentant/grieving mutabassim: A adj. smiling/laughing mutaHammil: A adj. affable/tolerant/patient/passive mutaraddid: A adj. hesitant/perplexed/wavering/grieved matrook: A adj. abandoned/obsolete/rejected muta'assib: A adj. prejudiced/partial/superstitious matwalaa: A adj. intoxicated/inebriated mutawaqqi': A adj. expecting/hopeful matin: A adj. strong/solid/vigorous/obstinate misaal: A adj. simile/likeness/metaphor/example masal: A n.f. proverb/example majaal: A n.f. power/strength/stability/opportunity majboor: A adj. compelled/helpless/oppressed mujrim: A adj. criminal/culpable/faulty mujrim: A n.m. felon/criminal/sinner majrooh: A adj. wounded/hurt/smitten majma': A n.m. congregation/assemblage/crowd/collection majnoon.: A adj. insane/madly in love muHaafiz: A n.m. protector/guardian/guard maHabbat: A n.f. love/friendship maHboob: A n.m. lover/friend/sweetheart maHboob: A adj. loved/lovely maHboobah: A n.f. mistress/sweetheart maHboos: A adj. confined/imprisoned muHtaj: A adj. needy/poor/defective maHjoob: A n.m. modesty/shame/bashfulness maHdood: A adj. limited/bounded/finite maHroom: A adj. deprived/unlucky/prohibited/disappointed moHzoon: A adj. grieved/vexed muHsin: A n.m. patron/benefactor maHsood: A adj. envied/hated maHsoos: A adj. felt/perceived/sensible maHzooz: A adj. pleased/delighted/rich/contented maHfil: A n.f. congregation/assembly maHfooz: A adj. kept safe/guarded/secure/memorized muHallah: A n.m. quarter(of a city)/street/ward miHnat: A n.f. labor/toil/difficulty/trial makhboot: A adj. mad/insane mukhtasar: A adj. concise/abbreviated makhmal: A n.m. velvet makhmoor: A adj. intoxicated/drunk madaar: A n.m. circumference/orbit/station/dependence mudaam: A adv. eternally/always/continually muddat: A n.f. period(of time) madad: A n.f. help/assistance/reinforcement/wages madhosh: A adj. intoxicated/astonished mazaaq: A n.m. joke/taste/relish/perception mazhab: A n.m. religion/sect/doctrine muraad: A n.f. desire/will/intention/vow/tenor/meaning martabah: A n.f./m. degree/office/class/order marhalah: A n.m. stage/inn/day's journey/difficulty marhoom: A adj. dead/deceased mard: P n.m. man/male/hero/husband murdah: P adj. dead/weak/decrepit murshid: A n.m. teacher/spiritual guide marghoob: A adj. desired/beautiful marqoom: A adj. written/inscribed marmar: G n.m. marble marham: A n.m. ointment/salve/cure mareez: A n.m. patient mizaaj: A n.m. mixture/temperament/humor/pride mazaar: A n.m. shrine/tomb/grave mazah: P n.m. taste/relish/enjoyment/pleasure musaafir: A n.m. traveller/stranger mast: P adj. drunk/intoxicated masroor: A adj. glad/cheerful/pleased mash'al: A n.f. torch/lantern mushkil: A adj. difficult/intricate/hard/painful mashhoor: A adj. noted/famous/reported/proclaimed museebat: A n.f. misfortune/calamity/adversity/evil mazboot: A adj. strong/firm/resolute/valid mutaqbiq: A adj. conformable/suitable/like/in accordance with matlab: A n.m. object/aim/meaning/motive/wish/desire mazloom: A adj. injure/oppressed/wronged mu'aahid: A n.m. ally/confederate mu'ijzah: A n.m. miracle ma'shooq: A n.m. beloved/sweetheart ma'loom: A adj. known/evident/clear ma'mool: A adj. governed/prepared/customary ma'nee: A n.m. meaning/intent/signifcance/reality/essence maghz: P n.m. brain/pith/intellect maghroor: A adj. proud/arrogant maghloob: A adj. conquered/subdued muft: P adj. free/gratis maftoon: A adj. tempted/enamored/charmed/mad (with love) muflis: A adj. poor/indigent/bankrupt maflook: A adj. indigent/beggarly/destitute mufeed: A adj. profitable/beneficial/useful muqaabil: A adj. opposite/converse/against/matching maqaal: A n.m. word/speech/saying/proverb maqaam: A n.m. dwelling/station/position/basis maqbarah: A n.m. tomb/grave maqbool: A adj. accepted/chosen/grateful muqaddar: A n.m. fate/destiny/predestination muqaddam: A adj. antecedent/prior/superior/chief muqir: A adj. confessing/admitting/acknowledging muqarrar: A adj. established/fixed/certain/customary/permanent maqsad: A n.m. intention/purpose/aim/goal/desire maqsood: A adj. intended/proposed makkaar: A adj. cunning/artful/deceitful makaan: A n.m. house/place/habitation mukaddar: A adj. turbid/muddy/sullen/gloomy/vexed mukarrar: A adv. repeatedly/again maknoon: A adj. hidden/concealed magar: P conj. unless/perhaps/except/but/however mulaazim: A n.m. servant/aide mulaaqaat: A n.f. meeting/encounter/interview/visit malaal: A n.m. sadness/grief/langor/fatigue malaamat: A n.f. censure/rebuke mulaa'im: A adj. soft/tender/gentle/placid mulk: A n.m. nation/realm/territory malool: A adj. sad/depressed/tired/bored mumtaaz: A adj. exalted/eminent/chosen mumkin: A adj. possible/feasible munaasib: A n.f. proper/suitable/fit/apt/congruous munHasir: A adj. surrounded/besieged/dependent/resting manzil: A n.f. day's journey/destination/storey/house manish: P n.f. heart/mind/soul/magnanimity/pride manzar: A n.m. countenance/visage/sight/aspect/scene manzoor: A adj. admired/chosen/approved/accepted/granted mana': A n.m. prohibition/refusal/hindrance/forbidding maut: A n.f. death/mortality mauj: A n.f. wave/surge/enjoyment/ecstasy/caprice/plenty moojib: A n.m. cause/reason maujood: A adj. present/existing/at hand/ready mausam: A n.m. season/time mauqa': A n.m. occasion/opportunity/place/situation mom: P n.m. wax mua'yyid: A adj. corroborative/confirmatory muhaajir: A n.m. refugee/emigrant mahtaab: P n.m. moonlight mihrbaani: P n.f. favor/kindness muhlat: A n.f. retarding/delay/respite/leisure mihmaan: P n.m. guest mai: P n.f. wine/liquor mai khaanah: n.m. bar/tavern mai kadah: n.m. bar/tavern maidaan: A n.m. open field/battlefield/ground muyassar: A adj. facilitated/easy/possible/feasible ################################################################################ noon ---- naa: P&H pref. no/not/termination of the infinitive naa aashnaa: adj. not acquainted/stranger naa ittifaaqi: n.f. discord/disagreement naa ummeedee: n.f. hopelessness/despair naa insaafi: n.f. injustice naa bood: adj. nonexistent/annihilated/extinct naa paa'idari: n.f. inconstancy/frailty naa pasand: adj. disliked/unacceptable/offensive naa tars: adj. hard-hearted/severe/pitiless naa tamaam: adj. incomplete naa tawaani: n.f. weakness/inability naa jaa'iz: adj. unlawful naa chaar: adj. helpless/destitute/forlorn naa cheez: adj. trifling/insignificant/worthless naa khushi: n.f. disagreeableness/displeasure naa daari: n.f. poverty naa daanistah: adv. unwittingly/unknowingly naa daani: n.f. ignorance naa deedah: adj. greedy naa raasti: n.f. dishonesty naa raazi: n.f. discontent naa saaz: adj. indisposed/dissonant/uncivil naa samajh: adj. ignorant/dull/foolish naa shaad: adj. cheerless/joyless/dull naa shukr: adj. ungrateful naa shinaas: adj. ignorant naa saaf: adj. unclean/impure/unchaste naa saboor: adj. impatient/restless naa taaqat: adj. weak/feeble naa farmaan: adj. disobedient naa fahm: adj. stupid naa qaabil: adj. unfit/unworthy/incapable naa qadr: adj. unappreciative naa kaam: adj. unsuccessful naa kas: adj. worthless/base naa gawaar: adj. unpleasant/unpalatable naa laa'iq: adj. unworthy/unsuitable/improper naa muraad: adj. disappointed naa mard: adj. unmanly naa ma'loom: adj. unknown naa mumkin: adj. impossible naa manzoor: adj. disallowed naa yaab: adj. scarce/rare naataa: H n.m. relationship/alliance/kin/affinity naach: H n.m. dance naakhun: P n.m. nail/claw naadir: A adj. rare/singular/precious naadim: A adj. penitent/ashamed/bashful naar: A n.f. fire/hell naaz: P n.m. coquetry/airs/pride/elegance/softness/delicacy naazish: P n.f. pride/arrogance naazuk: P adj. thin/slender/fragile/delicate naasoot: A n.m. humanity/human nature naafiz: A adj. having effect/piercing naak: P suff. affected with/full of naalaan: P adj. lamenting/moaning naalish: P n.f. complaint/accusation naam: P n.m. name/title/honor/fame/ naamah: P n.m. treatise/book/history naa'o: H n.f. boat/ship/vessel naa-onosh: P n.m. carousing/feasting naa'ib: A n.m assistant/deputy nabz: A n.f. the pulse nabi: A n.m. a prophet nataa'ij: A n.m. results/consequences (plu. of nateejah) nateejaa: A n.m. result nisaar: A n.m. throwing/dispersion/scattering/sacrifice najm: A n.m. star/planet/fortune/horoscope najeeb: A adj. praiseworthy/noble/generous nakhraah: A n.m. airr/coquetry/trick/pretence/swagger nadeem: A n.m. intimate friend nar: S&P n.m. man/male niraalee H adj. unequalled/rare/strange nargis: P n.f. Narcissus/the eye of a mistress narm: P adj. smooth/tender/soft/slow nazaakat: P n.f. neatness/elegance/politeness nazdeek: P adj. near nisbat: A n.f relation/affinity/attribute/comparison naseem: A n.f. Zephyr/gentle breeze nishaan: P n.m. mark/sign/signal/emblem/target/scar/trace nishaanee: P n.f. mark/sign/souvenir/keepsake nashaah: P n.m. intoxication/pride/arrogance nasheen: P adj. sitting nusrat: A n.f. victory naseeb: A n.m. fortune/fate/destiny naseeHat: A n.f. advice/counsel/admonition nazaarah: A n.m. sight/view/vista nazaafat: A n.f. purity/neatness nizaam: A n.m. order/arrangement/custom/system nazar: A n.f. look/glance/favor/motive/view/countenance nazm: A n.f. poetry/verse nazm: A n.m. order/arangement na'sh: A n.f. coffin/corpse/bier ni'am: A n.f. favors/benefits na'eem: A n.f. pleasure/ease/tranquility naghmaah: A n.m. melody/song/musical note nafrat: A n.f. aversion/disgust/fright/terror nafs: A n.m. soul/spirit/essence naqsh: A n.m. painting/picture/map/mark naqshah: A n.m. portrait/model/design/example nuqsaan: A n.m. loss naql: A n.f. narration/tale/mimicing/copying/aping naqli: A adj. artificial/spurious/counterfiet nikaah: A n.m. matrimony nakbat: A n.f. calamity/misfortune nuktah: A n.m. subtlety conceit/point of wit/epigram nuktah been: adj. hypercritical nuktah cheen: adj. captious nuktah daan: adj. sagacious nigaar: P n.m. painting/picture/sweetheart/beloved nigaah: P n.f. look/glance/sight/custody/care nigaah baan: n.m. protector/guard nam: P n.m. moisture/wetness/dampness nam: P adj. moist/wet/damp namaaz: A n.f. prayer numaa'ish: P n.f. show/display/sight/spectacle namoonah: P n.m. example/sample/specimen nau: P adj. new/fresh/raw nau bahaar: n.f. early spring nau jawaani: n.f. youth/prime of life nau nihaal: n.m. sapling/young man nawaazish: P n.f. kindness/favor/patronage naubat: A n.f. turn/time noor: A n.m light nihaal: P n.m sapling nihaan.: P n.m latent/hidden/secret/ niyaaz: P n.f. desire/plea/poverty/need niyyat: A n.f. intention/purpose/will/aim nek: P adj. good/lucky/virtuous/pious neelaam: (Port.) n.m. auction nim: P adj. middle/half niyoosh: P adj. listening/hearing ################################################################################ vaa-o ----- o: P conj. and waa: P adj. open waa: P adv. again/back waa: P prep. with waa bastah: adj. bound together/attached waa pas: adj. behind/back/returning again waa rastah: adj. free/delivered/escaped/carefree waa sokht: n.m. aversion/disgust waasiq: A adj. strong/firm/confident/secure waajib: A adj. necessary/obligatory waajibaat: A n.m. duties (plu. of waajib) waajid: A adj. possessor/creator waahid: A adj. unique/one/single/unit waar: H n.m. blow/attack/stroke waar: P suff. like/resembling/possessing waar: S n.m. day of the week/moment waaris: A n.m. heir waarid: A adj. coming/arriving/happening waaridaat: A adj. events/occurences (plu. of waarid) waastah: A n.m. account/sake/reason/means/motive waaste: A prep. for/for the sake of waazih: A adj. clear/evident/apparent waaqi': A adj. occuring/happening waaqi'i: A adv. really/actually/truly waaqi'i: A adj. true/real/proper waalid: A n.m. father waalidah: A n.f. mother waalah: A adj. distracted/mad with love waan: H suff. possessing/endowed with waahimah: A n.m. imagination/fancy/whim wajaahat: A n.f. dignity/respect/beauty wajd: A n.m. ecstasy/rapture/excessive love wijdaan: A n.m. ecstasy/rapture/intuition wujood: A n.m. existence/essence/being waj-h: A n.m. cause/reason/mode/manner/face/appearance wajeeh: A n.m. handsome/respectable/good appearance waHshat: A n.f. solitude/grief/fear/sadness/loneliness waHeed: A adj. singular/unique/alone widaad: A n.f. friendship/love/affection widaa': A n.m. farewell wadood: A adj. loving/friendly war: P suff. possessing/having warnah: P adv. and if not/otherwise wazn: A n.m. weight/measure/metre/rhyme/esteem/honor waseem: A adj. handsome/fine countenance wash: P suff. like/resembling wasf: A n.m. praise/merit/virtue wusool: A n.m. collection/acquisition wasiyyat: A n.f. testament/last will/legacy/bequest wazaahat: A n.f. vivid description waza': A n.f. state/position/situation watan: A n.m. native country wa'dah: A n.m. promise/agreement waghairah: A adv. et cetera/and so forth wafaa: A n.f. fulfilling a promise/fulfilment/fidelity wafaa begaanah: adj. faithless wafaa daar: adj. faithful/sincere wafaat: A n.f. death waqt: A n.m. time/term/season/hour/opportunity waqf: A n.m. religious bequest wakaalat: A n.f. advocacy/attorneyship wakeel: A n.m. lawyer/attorney wilaayat: A n.f. a foreign country/abroad/realm/union with God walee: A n.m. lord/prince/master/friend/guardian wahm: A n.m. imagination/idea/fancy/opinion/fear/suspicion wairaagi: S n.m. ascetic/recluse weeraan: P adj. desolate/ruined weeraanah: P n.m. a ruined place weeraani: P n.f. desolation/destruction/ruin ################################################################################ chhoTi he --------- haatif: P n.m. angel/voice from heaven haath: H n.m. hand/arm/clutches/power/slap/reach haadi: A n.m. guide/leader/director haar: S&P n.m. necklace/garland haar: H n.f. loss/defeat/fatigue haalah: A n.m. halo/nimbus/circle round the moon haamoon: P n.m. desert/plain/level ground haawiyah: A n.m. the lowest region of hell haa'ilah A adj. terrible/horrible huboot: A n.m. decline/downfall/descent hibah: A n.m. gift/bequest/grant hatauRa: H n.m. sledgehammer hatauRee: H n.f. small hammer hathyaar: H n.f. tool/weapon hathelee: H n.f. palm of the hand hijr: A n.m. separation/absence from one's country hijrat: A n.f. separation/flight (flight of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina) hujoom: A n.m. crowd/mob/tumult/assault/attack hidaayat: A n.f. instruction/guidance/righteousness hadaf: A n.m. target/goal/object hazaa: A pron. this har: P adj. all/every/each har ek: adj. every one har baar: adv. every time har jaa'ee: adj. vagabond/faithless har dam: adv. every moment hiraas: P n.m. fear/terror/confusion/sorrow/disappointment harj: A n.m. tumult/sedition/trouble/loss/harm/injury harzah: P adj. nonsense/absurd/frivolous/vain hargiz: P adv. ever/never haryaalee: H n.f. greeness/freshness/grass hazl: A n.m. joke/jest/pleasantries hasti: P n.f. life/existence hushyaar: P adj. intelligent/alert/awake haftah: P n.m. a week hakaazah: A adv. similarly halaak: A adj. ruined/destroyed halaak: A n.f. ruin/destruction/slaughter/death hilaal: A n.m. new moon/the crescent ham: P conj. also/likewise/together/with/similar & adv. ham bazm: adj. of the same society ham batn: adj. related by blood ham batn: n.m. blood-relation/close ally ham taa: adj. equal/alike ham jalees: adj. close friend & n.m. ham jolee: n.f. playmate/equal/peer/friend & n.m. ham dard: n.f. sympathizer/partner in adversity ham raaz: adj. confidant ham raah: n.m. fellow-traveller ham zabaan.: adj. unanimous/of the same language ham saaz: adj. friendly/unanimous ham saayah: n.m. neighbor ham safar: n.m. fellow-traveller ham mazhab: adj. coreligionist ham nasheen: n.m. playmate/associate humaa: P n.m. eagle/phoenix/bird of Paradise humaayun: P adj. august/royal/fortunate himmat: A n.f. spirit/mind/courage/desire/design hameshaah: P adv. always han.gaam: P n.m. season/time/period han.gaamah: P n.m. tumult/riot/uproar/confusion/disorder hawaa: A n.f. wind/breeze/air/atmosphere hawas: A n.f. ambition/desire/lust hosh: P n.m. sense/mind/understanding haul: A n.m. terror/horror/fright hunar: P n.m. skill/art heeraa: H n.m. diamond hai'at: A n.f. astronomy/face/figure;commission/delegation ################################################################################ chhoTi ye/baRi ye ----------------- yaa: A intj. O! yaa: P conj. either/or yaad: P n.f. remembrance/memory/recollection yaad daasht: n.f. a note/memorandum/memory yaad gaar: memorial/souvenir/keepsake yaar: P n.m. friend/lover/companion yaaraa: P n.m. strength/courage/power yaaraanah: P n.m. friendship yaaraanah: P adv. friendly yaari: P n.f. friendship/assistance/love/intrigue yaas: A n.f. despair/fear/terror yaaghi: T n.m. rebel/enemy yaaqoot: P n.m. ruby/garnet yaawar: P adj. aiding/friendly yaawar: P n.m. assistant/companion/friend yaawari: P n.f. favor/assistance/friendship yaawah: P adj. absurd/vain/futile/lost/ruined yataamaa: A n.m. orphans (plu. of yateem) yateem: A n.m. orphan yad: A n.m. hand/power/authority/protection/succor yazdaan: P n.m. God yasaar: A n.m. left/left hand; affluence/opulence ya'ni: A adv. namely/that is to say yaqin: A n.m. certainity/assurance/truth/confidence/trust yaqinan: adv. certainly/verily/assuredly/indeed yak: P adj. one/a/an yak jaan: adj. one soul yak dil: adj. unanimous yak rukhee: adj. one-sided yak zabaan: adj. uniform opinion or speech yak sar: adj. all at once yak soo: adj. on one side/aside yak lakht: adv. all at once/suddenly yaktaa: P adj. single/unique/matchless/incomparable yagaanah: P n.m. kinsman/kindred yagaanah: P adj. unique/single/sole/agreed/unequalled yumn: A n.m. felicity/prosperity/good luck yamin: A n.m. right hand; oath yoorish: T n.f. assault/storm/invasion yaum: A n.m. a day (TAMAAM)