Symptoms of Gulf War Illness/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Aching Joints        Chronic Fatigue      Memory Loss
Sleep Difficulties   Headaches            Skin Rashes
Concentration Loss   Depression           Muscle Spasms
Nervousness          Diarrhea             Blurred Vision
Anxiety              Breathing Problems   Chest Pain
Dizziness            Nausea               Stomach Pain
Vision Problems      Light Sensitivity    Loss of Balance
Hives                Sex Problems         Hair Loss
Frequent Urination   Night Sweats         Bleeding Gums
Frequent Coughing    Rectal Bleeding      Eye Redness
Eye Pain             Excess Tearing       Excess Dry Eyes
Irritability         Gastrointestinal     Sinus congestion
Speach Problems      Heart Palpitations   Chest Pain
Mood Swings                               Racing Pulse
Nasal Mucus Discharge                     Wheezng at Rest
Chest Pressure                            Sinus Pain
Chemical Sensitivities                    Sore Throat
Hear Palpitations                         Excess Sneezing
Frequent Clearing of Throat               Short of Breath
Coughing Up Thick Saliva/Phlegm           Suicidal Thought
Loss of Interest/Enthusiasm               Depression
Flashbacks of Gulf War                    Nightmares
Skipped/Extra Heartbeats                  Fever at Night
Abnormal Change of Hair Color             Skin Itching
Reddening or Flushing of Skin             Genital Itch
Cracking, Peeling of Skin                 Itchy Scalp
Cuts & Wounds Slow to Heal                Stomach Cramps
White "itchy-scaly" Between Toes          Excess Gas
Yellow coloring of Skin (jaundice-like)   Bloating
Skin Sunburn-like Sensation               Blood in Stools
Wart-like Growths on Skin                 Blood in Urine
Difficulty Swallowing                     Regurgitate Food
Lack of Bladder Control                   Vomiting
Increased Salivation                      Dental Abscesses
Double or Wavy Vision                     Blurred Vision
Problem with Eyeglass Prescription        Itchy Eyes
Deteriorated Night Vision                 Black Spots/Eyes
Increased Visual Sensitivity to Light     Eye Twitching
Short-term Memory Loss                    Lightheadedness
Problems Thinking and Concentrating       Vertigo
Deteriorated Penmanship                   Ringing in Ears
Poor Balance/Unsteadiness                 Hearing Loss
Stuttering/Stammering                     Numbness of Lips
Difficulty Finding Words                  Drooling
Reduced Sense of Smell                    Excessive Thirst
Dry (Cotton) Mouth                        Swollen Abdomen
Change in, or Lack of Taste               Numb Hands
Less Capacity for Alcohol                 Tingling Hands
Swollen Glands (Neck, Armpits, Groin)     Ankle Swelling
Toenail/Foot Fungus                       Body Swelling
Weak Voice/Horseness                      Lower Back Pain
Loss of Sexual Libido (Drive)             Pain in Neck
Reduced Joint Mobility                    Excessive Hunger
Aching or Burning Muscles                 Loss of Hunger
Loss of Strength/Endurance                Insomnia
Other Numbness and Tingling               Loose Teeth
Trembling, Shaking, Twitching             Mouth Sores
Black and Blue Bruising More Easily       Lip Sores
Difficulty Waking Up                       
Sensativity to Cold/Easily Chilled
Teeth Easily Chilled by Cold Foods
Frequent Infections
Frequent Colds or Flu
White Coated Tongue
Increase in Allergic Sensativities
Bothered by Diesel or Gasoline Exhaust or Fumes
Bothered by Cigarettes and Smoke

Sexual Impotence
Aching or Swollen Testicles

Frequent Yeast Infections
Irregular Menstrual Periods
Worse PMS
Worse Menstrual Cramps
Cervical Pain

Glenn M. Ryan, Jr.
New Jersey
United States

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