H a i k u    M o m e n t s                                     Bamboo Shoots 

 Featured April 1998 Haikuist 
** "Emile between Surprise Tulips" copyright 1998 by Wendy C. Bialek**
*E m i l e    M o l h u y s e n*
guiding ducks
gargoyles in Paris
my perculator
raindrops sliding down
to touch your skin
 Learn more about the man behind the tulips
coming soon!

  H a i k u    M o m e n t s    copyright June 1997,  1998  by Wendy C. Bialek  
*All haiku is copyrighted by the author, if you wish to use it you must
contact the author for permission.
**All art is composed and copyrighted by Wendy C. Bialek, if you wish
to use it in part or in full, in any form
first seek permission from me in writing: