It can be purchased for $11.96 + S&H at The Cornell Bird Shop ***************
Last Update: 4/27/2004
~~ Attracting Eastern Bluebirds ~~ Greetings from Southampton, Massachusetts! This web site is dedicated to bluebirds and all the people who share an interest in them. My goal here will be an attempt to make a useful page for anyone interested in attracting these colorful birds to their area. My interest began in the fall of 1989, when I spotted a pair of bluebirds while out walking the dog. This sighting was only the second or third time I had seen bluebirds and decided to look into what could be done to help them. After some research, I assembled twenty nesting boxes that winter and was absolutely thrilled to have three nesting pairs my first year during the spring of 1990! During the past dozen or so years I've enjoyed many interesting and sometimes disturbing experiences with bluebirds and would like to share them with you here in order to help others enjoy these beautiful creatures. Whether you're just starting out or have previous experience with bluebirds, please contact me with any feedback or ideas which will help develop this page into a useful tool. Thank you, Ed Nied Jr.