Deputy Headmisstress: Proffesor Minerva McGonagall
Gamekeeper: Hagrid
Caretaker: Filch
Teachers and their subjects:
Professor Sinistra-Astronomy This one sent in by Tim.
Professer McGonagall - Transfiguration
Professor Flitwick - Charms
Professer Snape - Potions
Professor Binns - History of Magic
Professors Quirrell, Lockhart, and Lupin - Defense Against the Dark Arts
Hagrid - Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Trelawney - Divination
The Hogwarts Ghosts:
Slytherin - The Bloody Baron
GryPHindor - Nearly Headless Nick
Ravenclaw - The Grey Lady
Hufflepuff - The Fat Friar
Professor Sprout: HerboLOgy
Madam Pomfrey: Nurse
Madam HoocH: Flying instructor
Madam PincE: Librarian
Professor Vector is the Arithmancy Witch