Words from the Master!
8/17/97 20:11:36 MST
Back from the rough weather of Baja...I hear it's incredible now, go figure! I'm presently checkin' out various local digs in Southern California (Refugio, Leo Carillo, Topanga, and the landing jetties from Newport to Oxnard)- Trying new flavors, continuing the extensive field testing and lovin' every minute of it! My local testing extends from surf to kayak, the jetty to the party boat. Speaking of kayaks, check out Dennis Spike's web page. He has a nice variety of different services for the light to hard core angler. That's it for now. Thanks for stoppin' by...
7/29/97 14:32:22 MST
Just successfully wrapped up 5 days of DBK research & development in Utah with much SUCCESS! Dbk's is still standing firm as an ANGLER'S Dream! Flying back to L.A. this afternoon... Leaving tomorrow for additional field testing in the wonderful waters of Baja! Stay tuned!
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