An Introduction to

                                                         Uranian Astrology = (UR + AP - HA)

     The Advantages of Using Uranian Techniques 

Use of the Transneptunian planets and Uranian techniques gives astrologers new insights 
that otherwise are left unseen.  Revelations are often startling accurate. 
Here are a few comments made by Uranian astrologers: 

From Penny:
There are some very important patterns forming this year in space that the peoples of the world should be aware of. These patterns have already materialized to some extent. They appear only in Uranian TNPs. 

From John:
The first chart I did on returning home was a business man, I did not know what his business was but his Hades in the 10th linked to Sun, Moon. Apollon, to I told him that I was experimenting with a new form of Astrology and that his business seemed to respond to the symbolism that Robert Hand had given for Hades, " Death, decaying, sick and no-hopers and those who serve them."  He told me he was an undertaker.  I was hooked. 
I now use all the Uranian techniques plus all traditionals. 

From Bill:
I urge you not to get discouraged, which some do because of the scantiness of Uranian literature. You will eventually be rewarded, and you will look back wondering how you ever did without your Uranian techniques. 

From Dechen:
One remains in awe of Witte's feat in giving such accurate keywords for all possible combinations of planetary pairs, which using his system of analysis, through midpoint structures and planetary pictures gives such accurate images to be integrated filling out the details of the event. 

From Lea:
Uranian astrology provides us with very complex planetary pictures, that can give quite a detailed (maybe accurate) description of an event, from the chart drawn for the event's exact date, time and geographical coordinates (at least more than "traditional astrology" can). 

From 'Anonymous' 
I had a consultation where I used midpoints with TNPs and the client was impressed that I had told her something about herself that no one had before. She was startled that I had found something that others had not. It was pleasant news for her. 


          The Differences and Similarities Between... 

'Uranian Astrology'
'The HamburgSchool'                          'Cosmobiology' 

     Witte started it all back in the 1920's, in Germany.  This system of astrology evolved into what was to be known as 'The Hamburg School'. Ebertin left this group and formed a simplified (but nevertheless clear and accurate!) approach that he termed 'Cosmobiology'.  Through what I believe to be good marketing skills, Cosmobiology is today much more widely accepted than The Hamburg School's techniques.  In fact, Cosmobiology is probably more widespread than 'Uranian' astrology, a term coined in the USA and initially taught in the 50's and 60's by Hans Niggeman in New York City.

     The Hamburg School represents the core teachings.  It has a very traditional approach when compared to 'Uranian Astrology' which tends to be eclectic.  Generally, house systems and soft aspects are disregarded, but there are exceptions.  A group of astrologers still meet regularly in Hamburg, Germany, as they have done so for over sixty years.  In my opinion, their research and subsequent verification of techniques is nothing short of astounding. This 'school' is headed by Udo Rudolf, now in his late 70's. It could easily be argued that the Hamburg School techniques are themost accurate and reliable.  I have heard it described that the Hamburg School is a subset of Uranian astrology (and vice-versa), but this may be interpreted in a negative sense which is not intended.

     Cosmobiology does not use the Transneptunian Planets, nor does it use the complex system of 'planetary pictures' (eg. A + B - C).  Direct and indirect midpoints are used, and house systems are disregarded.  To get a feel for Cosmobiology, have a look at Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences ;  this is a book that every astrologer should have.

Cosmobiology uses both direct and indirect midpoints. There used to be a
tendency to emphasise the direct ones, but experience has shown the indirect
ones to be as important. Cosmobiology tends not to use the 22.5 aspects. It
is more common to focus on the 8th harmonic and to downplay the use of the so-called "soft aspects" also. Cosmobiology generally ignores the houses,
zodiac and TNP's.

The other main differences are the dial styles. Ebertin developed the
cosmogram; a mix of a 360 wheel and 90 degree dial. He also used a 45 degree graph format as the basis of a life diagram by solar arc and secondary
progression. I don't know if these are used in Uranian. To some astrologers, there is not a lot of difference between Uranian and Cosmobiology. The most obvious is Cosmobiology's non-use of the TNP's and planetary pictures.

     Can you simply add the Transneptunian Planets to traditional astrological charts ?  Yes and no... if you want to do real Uranian work, especially the Hamburg School techniques, then the answer is NO !  However, using the TNP's by looking at hard aspects in a natal chart (down to 22.5 degrees) can give you insights that just cannot be seen by other methods, but remember to use tight orbs of less than one degree. 

** Many people coming to "Uranian" Astrology don't realise that the system has been evolving over the last 50 years in Hamburg, and much of the older methods have now been replaced by techniques that have been well researched by the Hamburg Study Group, and this book covers many of these methods.

     It would be only honest and fair to say that there has been dissension and conflict between these three groups of astrologers.  In fact, I still notice this occasionally, and I see it as the age-old forms of bias, prejudice, arrogance and jealousy.  This type of negativity is unnecessary, to say the least.  After all, we are in the later part of the 1990's.  Let's hope that the Internet can provide better communication and education that not only will dispel such conflict, but will advance each of the three types of astrology.

  -  Steve

For corrections and additions, please email me. Thanks - Steve


  The point half way between two planets (or other notables).  For example, the distance 
   between 0 degrees Aries and 0 degrees Cancer is 90 degrees.  Half of 90 is 45, so 
   the midpoint would be located at 15 degrees Taurus. 

'Indirect Midpoint'
  The point opposite 15 degrees Taurus is 15 Scorpio :  this is an indirect midpoint. 
   In fact, it is common to use all indirect midpoints at 45 or even 22.5 degree intervals. 
   Indirect midpoints carry nearly the same energy as a direct midpoint. 


Thomas Doharty (Hamburg) developed and named the Indirect Halfsums using 
the 3deg45' series of aspects. The technique is the same principle as the
22deg30' Indirect half distances. 

For information on the Trends ie "coverings" and "Indirect half distances" 
see "The Handbook of Techniques for the Hamburg School" by Udo Rudolph and 
Ruth Brummund, page 123 to 134. 

Indirect half distances can be easily generated by AstrologicPC. 
Because we are working with such a small series, they are only effective 
for two or three days.  "Coverings" are not generally used with this method. 



       Criticism of Uranian Astrology 

     In my opinion, there are three areas which are problematical:

1.  A serious lack of resources - books, teachers, and conferences.

2.  Planetary pictures and dial work are seen as difficult to learn.

3.  Personality clashes, bickering, arrogance and other disharmonies
     between individual astrologers and groups.

     And here are 'answers' to my own criticisms:

1.  Have a good look at this web site.  There are some excellent books. 
     Conferences and workshops are lacking, however.

2.  From my experience, when people have actually shown me how to do dial
     work, it appeared much simpler than I had thought.  The Dial Detective also
     makes this work a lot easier.

3.  There really isn't that much these days.  I know of two excellent 
     Cosmobiologists,and they readily share information.  Any organization 
     has people who are impolite and harshly critical.  I have indeed had such
     experience with Uranians.  However, the great majority are wonderful people
     who are very willing to exchange information cooperatively.

                                                                                         -  Steven Lee


    Suggestions for Beginners 

1.  Get several of the suggested reference books.

2.  Purchase a 90 degree dial.

3.  Look for tight-orbed hard aspects with the Transneptunian planets in your own natal chart.  A tight orb is less than one degree.  Less than 30 minutes is even more significant.  Forget wide orbs!  For interpretation, use Rules for Planetary Pictures (but see Scott's advice on the 'Books' page), or better yet, use the symbology in Jacobson's Language of Uranian Astrology.

4.  Find a teacher.  Attend a workshop... if you cannot find one then suggest this to your local astrological association!

Uranian astrology is a technical subject, but it need not be a difficult subject, especially for those who measure accomplishment by the challenge of learning new things.                     -  R. A. Jacobson 


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