
happy 1st b-day

g's spot

G's Spot was first viewed on January 1st, 1998. It has grown quite a lot since then. I am very happy that so many people have visited my site and signed my guestbook. When I first started I had no idea that it would grow so much, especially in just one year. A lot has happened this past year. I have met a lot of very nice people, and have shared a lot of myself with them. G's Spot had two kitties go to the bridge this year. Two new little kittens now have their pages here. I have had fun building this site and hope you have had as much enjoyment viewing it.
Let the party begin...


G's Spot 1st Birthday Cake
Domestic Catnip, our favorite flavor!


Would you like to take a balloon ride? Or maybe ride on the merry-go-round? Just paw around and have a good time.



I bet you are getting hungry now. All of that play can sure make the tummy growl... Just help yourself to a snack!! Isn't all food 'self-serve' for the kitties??


Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please stop back again real soon. Take a piece of catnip cake home with you so you can snack later. G's Spot Wishes a Happy and Safe New Year To All of Our Friends...


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