Sunday Scrabble® Crossword 003
by Mover


1Coldest (6)
5Old World freshwater catfishes (8)
8Food and game fish related to the pompano (8)
9Climbing perch genus (6)
11North American percoid fish (9)
12Arab sailing vessel (4)
13Large snake mackerels with rings like spectacles around their eyes (8)
16North American freshwater fish with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction (6)
17Small usually hand-propelled cart for carrying a load (6)
19Coarsest or crudest (8)
21Doughnut shapes (4)
22Artists who created animated cartoons (9)
25Angles (6)
26Rabbitfishes (8)
27Embraces (8)
28Young Atlantic cods or haddocks especially when split and boned for cooking (6)


2Complaining fish? (5)
3Young eel (5)
4African cichlid fish (7)
5Spanish mackerels of western North America (7)
6Slender freshwater fishes of Eurasia and Africa resembling catfishes (7)
7Small often brightly colored scaleless marine bottom-dwelling fishes (9)
10Causes someone to become dependent (7)
14American gurnards; mostly found in bays and estuaries (9)
15Thin deep-water tropical fish 20 to 30 feet long having a red dorsal fin (7)
18Chiefly tropical marine fishes with fleshy lips and powerful teeth; usually brightly colored (7)
19Young salmons after its first return from the sea (7)
20Citrus fruits (7)
23Possessor or proprietor (5)
24Aligned oneself with (5)


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