Sunday Scrabble® Crossword 004
by Mover


1Insignificant detail (6)
5Shoddy or inferior merchandise (6)
10Speech impediment (7)
11Sisterly or sisterlike (7)
12Evil spirits (6)
15Veil worn by Muslim women (6)
16Speak or utter in a certain way (7)
17Rectangular paving stone with a curved top (4)
18Disparaging remark (4)
19Pair of microphones (7)
20Referees (4)
22Expresses disapproval (4)
25Drinks consisting of wine and hot water with sugar and lemon juice (7)
27A less travelled route (6)
28Decomposes or rots (6)
31Permitted (7)
32Very wide flat strips of pasta (7)
33Musical compositions that evoke rural life (6)
34Old World rats (6)


2Include or allow in again (7)
3A severe shortage of food (6)
4British peer ranking below a Marquess and above a Viscount (4)
5Figure out (informal) (4)
6Immature free-living forms of most invertebrates and amphibians (6)
7Substance formed by bonding ceramic particles with a metal alloy (7)
8Hebrew alphabets (6)
9Mechanical device for forming calcium hydroxide (6)
13Scoffed (7)
14Commonplace or lacking in variety (7)
15Called or named (archaic) (7)
20Shadows (6)
21Placed in a difficult or dangerous position (7)
23Got by acting quickly and smartly (7)
24Walk with a lofty proud gait (6)
25Arctic whale having a long spiral ivory tusk (6)
26One who takes legal possession of land (6)
29Japanese salad plants (4)
30Edible oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single hard stone (4)


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