We updated on the 14th April 2007


Taken on the 24th of November 1996
By AURA PHOTOGRAPHICS (WA) +61 08 9316 3028

Right                                                    Left
                                                                                    Violet                                                  Green
   Mystical. Unifying                                                     Healing. Teaching


During the year of 1997 my husband's health deteriated badly, most of my time was spent utilising healing methods to aliviate his stress. Late in the
year he finally had open heart surgery which was very successful, and the need for the emphasis on healing has been alleviated,
this shows in my 1998 photograph.

Taken on the 22nd of May1998
Right                                                    Left
                                                                                     Violet                                                  Violet
          Mystical. Unifying                                                          Mystical. Unifying


The green healing indications are now gone the circumstances that required those vibrations from me are no longer applicable.
Violet is a mix of blue [unlimited knowledge], and red [activity].

the high colour over the head means spiritually motivated.
If you are planning a party in Perth or it's surrounding environs why not give

AURA PHOTOGRAPHICS a call on (WA) +61 08 9316 3028
you will need to have 25 or more people, they will charge you no more for travelling ($30.00aus for a full reading) and your friends will have a lot of joy discovering their inner selves



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