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Meow! Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot humans can't speak kitty talk. My name is Princess Clawdia. I was named Princess because that is what I am, and Clawdia came from the movie, "Interview with a Vampire". That was the name of the child vampire. My mommy says I act just like her, throwing temper tantrums and stuff. I always say, Meow, because I can't speak. I am 12 years old. My birthday is August 26th. I can't wait! I try to keep the kitten in me by driving my mommy crazy. I do alot of crazy things around our house (I have to say our house, since she pays the bills, even though I know it is mine). I have 2 new brothers. Their named after the Odd Couple, Oscar and Felix. Oscar is a big troublemaker and quite the slob, which is how he got his name. Felix is a momma's boy, always around mommy. I have a hard time getting quality time with mommy. Their birthday is April 25th, so they aren't even 6 months old yet. I have a few cousins too. Shorty and Patches lives with my Aunt Jennie and Uncle Jason. Shorty is almost 9 years old and Patches is Felix and Oscar's sister from the same litter. They are nothing like me. I am an angel. I'm perfect. Everybody who knows me knows that. I have 3 more cousins who live with my Aunt Theresa and her 2 children, Kayla and Cindy.

Let me give you a description of myself. My mommy says I resemble a cow, although I am not as big as one. I am a white domestic short hair with 2 black spots on my side, a black tail, one black paw and a black splotch right on my forehead. I am so adorable. Check out my pictures in my list of links to the left. Everyone can see how irresistable I am.

I love to play. I pretend I'm a dog. I like to play fetch. My favorite fetch toys are my soda bottlecaps, twist ties, and pipe cleaners. I also like to roll over on command. I usually only do that when I've had too much catnip.

Let me know what you think of my web page by emailing me or signing my guestbook with your comments. I hope to hear from you really soon. Also, make sure you bookmark my site. I am constantly changing it.

One more thing, if you have a cat related webpage, why not send me your homepage address or sign my guestbook and put the URL in it. I will try to add it to my list of links. Thanks for visiting!!


My mommy finally got around to getting an award for me to hand out. My award is right up there with the Oscar. If you would like to apply for my award, click here.

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Check out my awards page!

Here are a few of the souvenirs I picked up while at Triffan's Katnip Hut

I absolutely LOVE catnip!! My mommy is trying to break me of the habit. I refuse to give up catnip.

Page updated 03/18/2025

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