The Virtual Function Mechanism
 (Author :Saurabh Mathur)
Vitual functions are a key feature of C++. Via dynamic binding, they provide a powerful mechanism to change the semantics of a function at run time. To support the virtual function mechanism, different schemas have been adopted. I shall discuss the method used by Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (Model proposed by Martin O' Riordan).
Whenever a class declares a virtual function or is derived directly or indirectly from a class which declares a virtual function, the complier adds an extra hidden member variable which points to the virtual table. A virtual table is nothing but an array of pointers to the virtual functions. The entries in the virtual table are changed at run time to point to the correct function.
Consider the following class  :
  Base defines a trivial virtual function VirtFunc(). Let us derive a new class 'CDerived' from 'CBase'.
  As you can see, CDerived has overriden  VirtFunc().  When we create an instance of CDerived, typical object layout is shown below :
0064FDE0      84 30 41 00 E8 FD 64      „0A.èýd 
0064FDE7      00 54 30 41 00 28 FE      .T0A.(þ 
0064FDEE      64 00 CF 10 40 00 01      d.Ï.@.. 
0064FDF5      00 00 00 38 FE 64 00      ...8þd. 
0064FDFC      D9 27 40 00 01 00 00      Ù'@.... 
0064FE03      00 48 02 76 00 98 02      .H.v.˜. 
0064FE0A      76 00 68 F1 59 81 48      v.hñY.H

The first four bytes are pointer to the virtual table. The virtual table itself contains pointers to the virtual functions of the object. In our case, it is a pointer to  VirtFunc().

Memory layout of the virtual table is :
00413084    32 10 40 00 FF FF FF    2.@.ÿÿÿ  
0041308B   FF DE 2D 40 00 EB 2D    ÿÞ-@.ë-  
00413092    40 00 00 00 00 00 FF     @.....ÿ  
00413099    FF FF FF 00 00 00 00    ÿÿÿ....
The first four bytes are pointer to VirtFunc().

With this information, we can tweak an object  and make it do weird things !! (just for fun)
Let us change the virtual table pointer and point it to our own table !!!.

A similar though slightly complex technique is used for multiple inheritance and virtual inheritance. Might as well write about them sometime. Please send me e-mail if you have any question or comment about this article.