Pasta Angel
Here is a simple Pasta Angel that even the lil' ones can make.
Start with a body of Rigatoni and add a small foam ball on top for the
head. Use elbow macaroni on each side for the arms and Farfalle(bow tie
shaped macaroni) for the wings.You can paint all but the head gold. Glue on
star-shaped pasta for perfectly heavenly hair. Can add anything you want for
a halo and a hanger. You can paint on or use magic markers to make a face.
That is all there is too it and you have your heavenly lil pasta
angel....Happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuts and Bolts Angel
Materials you will need for this darling and different Angel is :
Assorted nuts and bolts and washers, 1..3/4" diameter wooden ball, 1-10"length
30-guage beading wire, gold paint and paint brush,glue, Ribbonfor wings,
gold ribbon for bow, yarn for hair.
Thread assorted nuts and washers onto bolt as desired to form body of
ortiment, leaving 1/4" at end of bolt uncovereed for neck. For arms use
1 wing nut.Paint or spray paint all Gold or Silver and let dry.
Drill hole through wooden ball for head. Paint ball blush and let dry.
Paint on Facial features or do with marker.
Bend wire length in half. Wrap ends of wire around body about 1/4"
from top. Thread loop of wire through hole in bead, pushing bead down onto
free end of bolt. Glue head to bolt to secure. Leet dry.
Cut various lengths of yarn and glue to head for hair. Cut out two
hands and two arms and wrap around wire at top. Cut a small length of Gold
or Silver matalic ribbon and glue under where head was attached. Take larger
ribbon and shape or tie for the wings and glue to back. Takee a gold flat
button and put gold thread thru for a hanger and glue button on top of head
for the halo.........Are really cute and different......Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Hershey Kiss Angels
These are so cute and easy and fun to make.....Take 1 hershey's kiss
and glue a one half inch wood ball or pom pom to the pointed end for the
head. Make heart shape angel wings out of half of a glitter pipe cleaner and
glue to the back. The halo can be a lil piece of glitter pipee cleaner made
into a circle or a lil gold or silver ring.You can add a face with a marker
pen and hair if you want made out of anything and glue halo to the top. can
add a lil bow or some lil type of X-mas holly or a flower to the front and
add a gold hanger around where you attached the head to hang with........Let
your mind enjoy craftin' and make it with what you have or
want...........Love these angels!!!!!!!
Carrot Pins
These are so easy to make and are so cute...2 green pipe cleaners cut in thirds. One bumpy orange pipe cleaner and cut past two bumps..1 pin and glue stick..Take the two humps of orange and fold it in half and twist together at the top. Take the green pipe cleaners and twist in the middle together and then take a pencil and wrap around to make a curl like the top of a carrot.continue with all of them. Hot glue to orange carrot and then glue pin on the back.....Looks just like a carrot.