1820 census Michilimackinack County, Michigan

Transcribed for transfer to microfilm
Ruby Wiedeman

_____circa 1927_____

Filed in the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court July 25, 1821. Clk.
The number of Persons within my Division, consisting of Eight Hundred and Ninety, appears in a Schedule hereto annexed, subscribed by me, this Twenty Seventh day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty.

Robert Garratt, Assistant to the Marshal of the Territory of Michigan.

Schedule of the whole number of persons within the Division allotted to Robert Garratt.

color line

Abbott, Saml. 
white males 26-44....1
persons engaged in commerce.....1

Agnew, John 
white males 26-44....1

Aikin, William, 
white males 26-44....1
persons engaged in commerce.....1

Alexander, Archibald 
white males 26-44....1

Allen, Benjamin 
white males 26-44....1

(A?)matingue, George 
white males under 10...1
white males 10-15....1
white males 19-25....1
white males 26-44....1
white females under 10.......3
white females 26-44...1
persons engaged in commerce.....1

Archambau, Antoine
white males 26-44....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Assellica, Pierre
white males 45 & over.....1
white females 10-15.....2

Austin, Andrew 
white males 19-25....1

Ayres, Ebenezer
white males 19-25....1

Badwin, Francois
white males under 10...3
white males 26-44....1
white females 26-44...1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Bailey, Alexis
white males 26-44....1

Bailey, Joseph 
white males under 10...1
white males 45 & over.....1
white females under 10.....1
white females 10-15.....1

Bailey, Louis 
white males 19-25....1

Baranias, John B.
white males 45 & over.....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Baranias, Micheal 
white males 19-25....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Barker, Samuel 
white males 19-25....1

Bayton, Micheal 
white males 26-44....1

Beaubin, Charles
white males 26-44....1
white females under 10.....3
foreigners not naturalized.....1
persons engaged in manufactures.....1

Beaumont, William
white males 26-44....1

Beck, Lewis 
white males 26-44....1
persons engaged in manufactures.....1

Bennette, Louis 
white males 19-25....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Bennith, John 
white males 19-25.......1

Berbier, Louis 
white males 16-18....1
white males 19-25....1
white males 26-44....1
persons engaged in agriculture.....1

Beresaw, Louis 
white males under 10...3
white males 26-44....1
white females under 10.....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1
persons engaged in manufactures.....1

Berryman, John 
white males 26-44....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Berthianne, Alexander 
white males 26-44....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Berward (Berwaio?), Daniel
white males 10-15....1
white males 19-25....2
white males 26-44....3
white males 45 & over.....2
white females 10-15.....1
white females 16-25...2
white females 26-44...2
white females 45 & over......1
persons engaged in agriculture.....1
persons engaged in commerce.....5

Biddle, Edward 
white males 19-25....1
white males 26-44....3
white females under 10.....1
persons engaged in commerce.....2

Biles, John 
white males 26-44....1

Blake, Phillemon 
white males 26-44....1

Blakerley, Morris 
white males 19-25....1

Blanchard,  Isaac 
white males 26-44....1

Blane, George 
white males 19-25....1

Blinn, Richard  H.
white males 26-44....1
persons engaged in commerce.....1

Bodwin, Alexis 
white males 26-44....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Bodwin, Joseph 
white males 26-44....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Boileau, David  
white males 19-25....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

Bombier,  ----- 
white males 19-25....1
persons engaged in agriculture.....1

Bonnier, Louis  
white males 19-25....1
foreigners not naturalized.....1

End plate 0402

page 2
Bosthstree?, John B. white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Boudrie, Alexis white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Boursier, Joseph white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Bourtiere white males 19-25....2 foreigners not naturalized.....2 Bouthilier, Francois white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Bowen, Thomas W. white males 26-44....1 Boyd, George white males under 10...4 white males 10-15....1 white males 26-44....1 white females under 10.....1 white females 26-44...2 Brady, Isaac white males 19-25....1 Brisbois, Joseph white males 26-44....1 Brisboy, Poliet white males under 10...1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 26-44...1 Brown, Daniel white males 19-25....1 Brown, John white males 19-25....1 Brown, John white males 26-44....1 Burr, S. white males under 10...1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 26-44...1 Bush, Chauncey white males 19-25....1 Busset, Micheal white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Cable, Alvah white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Cadoth, Alexis white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Cadotte, Augustine white males under 10...2 white males 26-44....2 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Calaway, Poss. white males 26-44....1 Callahan, George white males 19-25....1 Campbell, John white males under 10...3 white males 19-25....1 white males 26-44....1 white females 16-25...1 white females 45 & over.....1 Campbell, John white males under 10...4 white males 26-44....1 white females 26-44...1 Cardinal, Louis white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Carlson, Niles white males 26-44....1 white females 16-25...1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Chanlee, George white males 10-15....1 white males 19-25....1 white males 26-44....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....6 white females 10-15.....5 white females 26-44...1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Chapman, Bela white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Chevalier, Louis white males 10-15....1 white males 16-18....2 white males 19-25....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 16-25...1 Cheaton, Pierre white males 19-25....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 Chrastier, John B. white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Churette, Charles white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Chus?, John A. white males 26-44....1 Clops, ----- white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Clapp, Benjamin white males 19-25....2 persons engaged in commerce.....2 Clark, Andrew white males 26-44....1 Collame, Louis white males 26-44....1 Collins, Charles white males 19-25....1 Conner, Thomas white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Corway, John white males 19-25....1 Corhain, David B. white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Costen, Wil----- white males 19-25....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Crawford, Lewis white males 16-18....1 white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Cridit, John B. white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Crook, Ramsey white males under 10...1 white males 16-18....10 white males 19-25....112 white males 26-44....63 white males 45 & over.....16 white females under 10....5 white females 10-15....4 white females 16-25...1 white females 26-44...4 foreigners naturalized.....157 persons engaged in commerce.....192 Cuff, Benjamin J. white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Cuguier, John Antoine white males 45 & over.....1 Cuillot, John Bt. white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Curba, Louis white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Cuttoe, ---- white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dinie, Laurent white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dart, Wilson white males 26-44....1 Davenport, Ambrose white males under 10...1 white males 10-15....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....3 white females 10-15.....1 white females 26-44...1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Danvenport, Ambrose Jr. white males 16-18....1 white males 19-25....1 David, + Negro males 14-25....1 Davis, William S. white males 19-25....1 Day, Jesse white males 19-25....1 Decanauy, Francis white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Delonpi, John B. white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Doroche, Jean M. white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 page 3

Derushe, --- white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Devost, William white males 19-25....1 Dickey, Charles white males 26-44....1 Dilsnoer?, John white males 26-44....1 Dingley, Daniel white males 19-25....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Dona, ------ white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dousman, Micheal white males under 10...2 white males 16-18....2 white males 19-25....7 white males 45 & over.....5 white females 10-15....1 white females 16-25...1 white females 26-44.......2 foreigners not naturalized.....9 persons engaged in agriculture....9 persons engaged in commerce....1 persons engaged in manufactures...1 Douts, George white males 19-25....1 Duba, ------- white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dubeuit, Louis white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dubois, Baptist white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Dubois, Etienne white males 26-44....1 Dunlap, Samuel white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Duosice, Baptist white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Durenscau, Baptist white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Edmond, Patrick white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Epey, James white males 26-44....1 Fable, Micheal white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Fable, Jabez white males 26-44....1 Farnsworth, William white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Faubert, Antoint white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Fenton?, Jesse white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Ferron, John white males 26-44....1 Fields, Cliakin white males 19-25....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Finnemore, Daniel white males 19-25....1 Fontaine, Joseph white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Fontaine, Joseph A. white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Gadupu?, Bournebint white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 Gagne, Louis white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Gagnior, Joseph white males under 10...1 white males 26-44....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....1 Gandy, Louis white males 19-25....1 Garratt, Robert white males 19-25....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Gauthice, Berthunie white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Geaberaet, Henry G. white males under 10...1 white males 26-44....1 white females under 10.....3 white females 16-25...1 Gedney, Joshua R. white males 26-44....1 Gibson, Robert T. white males 26-44....1 Gibson, Robertson white males 19-25....1 Gidders, John white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Gordon, Charles white males 26-44....1 Gordon, George white males under 10...1 white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Goriske, John white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Graham, John white males 26-44....2 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Graham, William white males 19-25....1 Green, Almon white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Gremare, P. white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Griffin, John white males 45 & over.....1 Grinier, Pierre white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Gugwire, Alexis white males 19-25....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Gurmon, Louis white males 26-44....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Hagerman, Tunis white males 26-44....1 Hemple, Adam white males 26-44....1 Herring, Nathan white males 19-25....1 Hodge, Alfred white males 19-25....1 white females 10-15.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Hodge, Lorin white males 19-25....3 white females under 10.....2 white females 10-15.....1 white females 16-25...2 foreigners not naturalized.....2 persons engaged in commerce.....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....2 Hogan, Mary white males under 10...1 white females under 10.....2 white females 10-15.....1 white females 26-44....1 Holt, Jean white males 26-44....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Homer, James white males 19-25....1 white females 16-25...1 Huffman, Jousha white males 26-44....1 Hugg, John white males 26-44....1 page 4 James, Thomas P. white males under 10.....1 white males 10-15.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....4 white females under 10.....1 white females 16-25....1 white females 26-44......1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Jaques, ----- white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Johnson, James white males 26-44.....1 Johnson, Louis S. white males under 10.....1 white males 19-25.....2 white females under 10.....1 white females 10-15.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....2 Jolieau, (P?)tienne white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Jones, Samuel white males 26-44.....1 Joy, Francis white males 26-44.....1 Keefer, Henry white males 26-44.....1 Kids, David white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Kinsey, George W. white males 19-25.....1 Knox, George white males 26-44.....1 Labatt, Phillip white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Labay, -------- white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Labott, Paul white males 19-25.....1 Labouche, Peter white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lamirand, John B. white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lasley, Samuel white males under 10.....3 white males 10-15.....1 white males 16-18.....1 white males 19-25.....3 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....3 white females 10-15.....1 white females 16-25.....1 white females 26-44.....1 Lebuffe, Edward white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Leubi, Amor white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lacroix, Micheal white males 26-44.....1 Laduc, Antoine white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lafleur, Pierre white males 19-25.....1 white females 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lemay, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Lemay, Simeon white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Levoke, Henry A. white males 19-25.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Lipine, Pierre white males 45 & over.....1 Lorah, Perish white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Louiscnois, Francois white males under 10.....4 white males 10-15.....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Louiscnois, Pierre white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Luivere, Francois white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 McBean, Henry white males 26-44.....1 McCarty, John white males 26-44.....1 McCullough, Cecelia white males under 10.....1 white females under 10.....2 white females 26-44.....1 McDonelid, Alexander white males 19-25.....1 McDonelid, Felix white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 McGinness, Raul white males under 10.....2 white males 16-18.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females 26-44......1 McGulpin, William white males 19-25.....2 white males 26-44.....1 white females under 10.....3 white females 26-44......1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....2 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 McKinney, Barnard white males 26-44.....1 Macue, ------ white males 26-44.....1 Marcebais, Charles white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Marchana, Baptist white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Marley, Charles white males 10-15.....2 white males 45 & over.....1 white females under 10.....3 white females 26-44.......1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Martin, Antione white males 45 & over.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Martin, Joseph white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Martin, Solomon white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Master, John W. white males 26-44.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Mateva, -------- white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 May, Richadson white males 19-25.....1 Micheal, --------- white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Miles, Williams white males 26-44.....1 Miller, Henry white males 26-44.....1 Mitchell, George white males 10-15.....2 white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....2 white males 45 & over.....3 white females under 10.....1 white females 16-25.....1 white females 45 & over......1 foreigners not naturalized.....6 persons engaged in agriculture.....3 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Mochant, Constant white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Morin, Andrew white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Morrin, Benjamin white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Mossaie, Antoine white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Montes, Pierre white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Morrell, Hugh white males 26-44.....1 Moses, + Negro males 26-44.....1 end of page

page 5

Motta, Morrice white males under 10.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white females under 10.....3 persons engaged in manufactures......1 Mulleur, Peter white males under 10.....1 white males 10-15.....2 white males 26-44.....2 white females under 10.....2 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Muncey, Jesse white males 19-25.....2 white males 26-44.....3 white females under 10.....1 white females 16-25......1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Nevea, Joseph white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Nichols, William white males 26-44.....1 Niddo, Rani white males 45 & over.....1 white females 16-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Norwood, Philleomn W. white males 19-25.....1 O' Conner, Bryan white males 26-44.....1 Ollvaie, Joseph white males 45 & over.....1 Orr, James white males 26-44.....1 persons engaged in commerce......1 Orry, Edward white males 26-44.....1 Page, ------ white males 16-18.....1 white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Pagae, Francis white males under 10.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 16-25.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Parisian, Jacques white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Parker, Samuel white males 26-44.....1 Paro, John B. white males 26-44.....1 Paul, Joseph white males 45 & over.....1 Pendergrass, Richard white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Peon, ------ white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Percelly, Lapton white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Petermanly, Francis white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce......1 Petit, Joseph white males 45 & over.....1 Petit, Micheal white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Picar, Joseph white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Picard, Antoine white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Pierce, Benjamin K. white males under 10.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females under 10.....2 white females 16-25.....1 Pierce, John S. white males 26-44.....1 white females 26-44.....1 Pierce, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 Plumley, John white males 26-44.....1 Poison, Louis white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Pominvelle, Bastion? white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Pominvelle, Joachin white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Potviu, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Potviu, Joseph is underlined on transcript white males 26-44.....1 white females 16-25.....1 Provansalie, Louis white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Puffer, Nathan white males 45 & over.....1 Puthoff, William Heny white males 10-15.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 26-44.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Quizena, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Randall, James white males 19-25.....1 Readlion, Josiah white males 26-44.....1 Recheil, Hipolite white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Relle, Constant white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Reoit, Paul white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Rickmon, Samuel white males 19-25.....1 Robertson, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 Robinson, Elijah E. white males under 10.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 26-44......1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Robinson, Rex white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....3 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....2 Note: Spencer BeMent writes: "This is undoubtedly Rix Robinson, the very famous Michigan pioneer. It is well known that he was a fur trader and resided on Mackinac Island at that time." Rogers, Francis white males 19-25.....1 Rogers, Henry white males 26-44.....1 Rolette, L. white males 19-25.....1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 16-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Rollette, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Rupette, Benjamin white males 45 & over.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Sagathey, Thomas white males 19-25.....1 Sagissii?, Souchong white males 45 & over.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Scanlon, Jeremiah white males under 10.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 26-44.....1 Scarret, Peter white males 26-44.....1 Secard, Molish white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Secuyer, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Semars, Joseph white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 End plate 0406

Seriviere, Luc white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Seroncette, Antoine white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Shaw, Mathew white males 19-25.....1 Simkins, Alpheus white males 26-44.....1 Soin, Charles white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Solrell, ------- white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Southerland, John A. white males 19-25.....1 Spudman, John white males under 10.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....3 white males 45 & over.....2 white females under 10.....3 white females 16-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....2 persons engaged in agriculture.....3 persons engaged in commerce.....1 St John, Francis white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Steine, George white males 26-44.....1 Stephens, John white males 26-44.....1 Stone, Barnard white males under 10.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 16-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....2 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Stone, David white males 45 & over.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Stone, Jonas white males under 10.....2 white males 26-44.....1 white females 16-25.....1 Story, William white males 19-25.....1 Suts, William white males 45 & over.....1 white females 16-25.....1 Swinsin (Swinfin?), John white males 26-44.....1 white males 45 & over.....1 Sylvester, William white males 19-25.....1 white females 16-25.....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 Sestroe, John B. white males 45 & over.....1 white females 10-15.....1 Teuckey, Francois white males under 10.....4 white males 10-15.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white females under 10.....2 white females 16-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Thele, John B. white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Thomas, William white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Thompson, Francis white males 19-25.....1 Thompson, William white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Toheton?, John white males under 10.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 16-25......1 white females 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized......1 persons engaged incommerce....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 Trotochian, Jean white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Vaundreu, Micheal white males 19-25.....1 white males 45 & over.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Viette, Juleiu white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Vincent, Baptist white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Vincent, Benjamin white males 19-25.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 Valencourt, Joseph white males 19-25.....1 white males 45 & over.....1 white females 10-15.....1 white females 45 & over......1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 Waldon, Jabes white males 26-44.....1 Wallace, Theodore white males 19-25.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Wallace, William white males 26-44.....1 Warner, Elijah white males 26-44.....1 Warren, Lyman white males 19-25.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Warren, Truman white males 19-25.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Watson, Joseph white males under 10.....2 white males 10-15.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females under 10.....1 white females 26-44.....1 persons engaged in agriculture.....1 persons engaged in manufactures.....1 Welsh, Pierre white males 26-44.....1 foreigners not naturalized.....1 White, James white males 26-44.....1 White,William white males 45 & over.....1 Whiteman, Henry white males 26-44.....1 Whitte?, James I. white males 26-44.....1 Willard, Josiah white males 16-18.....1 white males 19-25.....1 white males 26-44.....1 white females 16-25......1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Willcox, Charles white males 26-44.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1 Willegus, Elias white males 16-18.....1 white males 19-25.....1 Williams, Thomas white males 26-44.....1 Winch, James white males 26-44.....1 white females 26-44.....1 Worthington, Timothy white males 26-44.....1 persons engaged in commerce.....1

signed Robert Garratt
Assistant to the Marshall of the Territory of Michigan

Transcribed and proofed by: Josephine Reed Garzelloni and Carole Mohney Carr

color line

A very special "Thank you" to Josie Reed Garzelloni and Carole Mohney Carr for their generous contribution of this material

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