372RRC Picture Page
372nd RRC - Cu Chi - Picture Page
Below are pictures taken at the 372RRC - Cu Chi - 25th Inf. Division
Cu Chi 5 - Support Personnel? - (1967)
Left to Right: Jasper Wilcher, Jr.- the cook, ?? Deleany (motor pool) blue shirt far right is Mike Crolick - (motor pool)
Anyone got the names on the others? Help me out~!!
PRD-1 Team Members
Joe Cotton (GA), Nick Manuel (LA), Ed Toone (UT), Kent Debruler,
Ed White and "Shithead" (TX), Jim MacNeil (?), & Steve Pitarro (LA)
Picture submitted by Bill "Jake" Jacobson
PRD-1 Team Members Reunion - Dayton 1999
Kent Debruler (OH), John "Ike" Eisenhower (NY), Ed Toone (UT),
Larry Caprari (MA), John "Mac" McCarthy (KY), Bill "Jake" Jacobson (VA),
Kris "Turtle" Tourtellotte (MA)
PRD-1 Set Up at HOC MON
Picture submitted by Bill "Jake" Jacobson
PRD-1 Set Up Near Tah Ninh. Kris ("TURTLE" - on front of jeep) Tourtellotte's
Kris was a PRD-1 Repairman. First day arrived at Tay Ninh. Ed Toone (UT) with shirt on.
Picture submitted by Bill "Jake" Jacobson
Vern Greunke - Webmaster
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