Testing "e, err, san"
Gosh i'm a lingy!!??
No, a Duffy Site Rat from Shu Lin Kou
Vern Greunke - Webmaster Taiwan '67-'69
Let's hear it from all you "Devil Dogs"!
Gimme a G - "G" for Gimo's Island!Vern's second entry
you know you know!
yadda yadda yadda
I was sent to taiwan for my last 9 months in the Army - screw up by the
"expert file" at Devens. Worked 05D20
at the site at Linkou and Tai Chung. Also D30 - Anybody know if Tex Bruton
is still in the OK Penn - he murdered
his wife...??
Jim Hopkins
More memories - can it be almost 40 years ago ..--..
Jim Ketchum
058 from July61 to June63. It sounds like Linkou was fixed up pretty nice before they closed it.
Amateur Radio Call: N8GDMRichard Thurtle
Don Lamson
Bruce Redwine
U.S. Army Security Agency
Taiwan: 1966-1969
98G ChineseRonald L. Wise
Served at Shu Link Kou fm April 70 to Nov 70. Left to go back to VN, bad choice. Looking for Gerry Thompson and Mark Brandeis and others who lived in Peitou. Left a nice gal there.William Snyder
me again vern. i was at shu linkou from july 1971 until it closed in summer of 72. developed a close and continuing relationship with a foreign national that has lasted some 26 years now. will always love taipei.larry armstrong
I can't get to the Taiwan home page.Ron Wise
Motor pool-Linko 1957-58
Many things happened- Lots of black market. Many people went to jail- Many good times-Chinese burned embassy- went into mountains with Lt. Waller, Fred Yee (NSA) and chinese driver- drove east coast "highway"- names like Bob Latsha. EE Waller, ETBraton, Thorsky, Reagon, Chedister, Larry Fox, Jim Glenzell, Jim McDaniels,Ed Gordon. Anybody out there remember any of this give me a call. Siachen.Bill Reid
I was in Taiwan from 1966 to 1968 and again from 1969 to 1971. I spent most of my time (05D40) at ShuLinKou, and one year in Taichung (Det "C" I think).
It was a tough life, but someone had to live it! Ah yes, those were the days!
Gary YoungGary Young
Way to go Vern! 176th USASA at Shu Link Kou 056 and the DF site in Tainan. 1956 - 1960 but in Taiwan from 1957 to 1959. Had a blast!Jim Ketchum
I would like to hear from anyone who was
with the 176th ASA 1957-59.Dave Gorski
Served TDY in Taiwan during Chinese buildup off coast. 058 from Chitose, spent about 65 days or so working straight mids..sat around the pool during the day. Remember those mosquito nettings on the beds. had plenty of time to study for the pro pay test..scored well..big bucks! Well, it seemed that way at the time.John Joyce
located Daniel J. Schlegmilch
Taiwan vet Det c. and Lin Kou
daniel.j.schlegmilch@boeing.com- From the Webmaster
Served 176 ASA DUFFY 57-59 with Dave Gorski and Jim Ketchum in Shu Lin Kou, and Tainan. Yes Jim it's 40 years. Understand Dave is getting us together.Allen Hall
Counting down to DOUBLE TEN day. I get so excited!!!Allen Hall
Just testing ,,,, 1 2 3
Vern the Webmaster
station linkou apr '57 to june '58. an army dude 058. names remembered, jorgenson fm wis. and stevens fm chig.jerry steen
From the Webmaster ...
Have located Darrell "Adcock" Anderson
Also Steven Trbuza
Drop me a line if you want their snail-mail or phone numbers til i get this roster updated. - vernVern the Webmaster
Hello to all from Bartley, from Becker, from Sibulkin..etc.. Where and when is 76th asa reunion ???Pat Bartley
Hello to all from Bartley, from Becker, from Sibulkin..etc.. Where and when is 76th asa reunion ???Pat Bartley
testing to see if this guestbook still works???Vern is testing
TDY at Shu Lin Kou for 6 months in 1970. I'd still be in the Army if I could spend it there.Rick DeMaria
LinKou from '68 to '70, 05H. Tough duty. C.O.'s were Kelly and Norman J. Bacon. Oakley was Supply. Who else can you remember?
Dick Bechtel
Been at all three places . all dets and all mooses. hung in after every trick.
that was so cool 3 days of hangin with the guys and and all the suzy wongs. oh well send back guys would like to hear from you. cannot believe asked for nam over taiwan skgary holtman
I served in Taiwan from April 70 to Nov 70 and had a house in Peitou with 3 other guys. Would like to talk to Gerry Thompson and Mark Brandeis again. Also a guy who lived in a house below us known as "stick."William Snyder
I served in Taiwan from April 70 to Nov 70 and had a house in Peitou with 3 other guys. Would like to talk to Gerry Thompson and Mark Brandeis again. Also a guy who lived in a house below us known as "stick."William Snyder
Tiawan 57-58, Motor pool, did some very naughty things. Places like Sin Alley, The Turks Bar, Irene's Bar, Linko club annex. (described by one commander as "A den of thieves") Travelled to the mountains to visit Ami tribesmen. High adventure. (I wish my spell check would work here) Had parties on Sun-Moon Lake. Many fire crackers. US embassy burned. Martial law in Tiapei. Much black market. Many court martialed. Post locked down and people called to the BOQ for questioning in middle of night.Bill Reid
i was on taiwan only for a short time oct 64 until apr 65. some of the best duty i ever had. it would be great to hear from some of the guys. i was a 05H
i rember a 1stsgt spivey i think he is in fla. would love to hear from anyone dwho rembers me.jimmy lecroy (LC)
i was stationed at shu linkou from december 1955 to march 1957bob leblanc
1/68 - 12/69 05H. My son was born in Taipei. Had some great times. Trying to locate Thomas Haddix, last known address was Valley Forge Hospital 1972 or 1973.William G. Lowe
Served in Taiwan, Det "A" and Det "C." Looking for John "pud" Patterson, Forrest "Frosty" Bishop and Glenn Vaughn. John and I were the last ones to close up shop in Taiwan. We lest when only Stratcom was left at Shu Link Kou.Efraim Lujan
Checked your duty roster and found a Charles Timmons on it. I was stationed with him at the 7th rrfs from 73' to 75'. Also looin for SFC Dick Scullins retired, was supposed to head back to Taiwan in 75' both 05d20's.
Thanx for the great page kilo sierraKerry Summers
was with the 76th from 1961-1963Rich Sekella
came to Taiwan with my whole class in 1969 or maybe it was 68..not sure..dont realize how good it was till u look back on it. great experienceMichael Keever
came to Taiwan with my whole class in 1969 or maybe it was 68..not sure..dont realize how good it was till u look back on it. great experienceMichael Keever
came to Taiwan with my whole class in 1969 or maybe it was 68..not sure..dont realize how good it was till u look back on it. great experience 05HMichael Keever
Was at LinKou mid '57 - mid '58 doing the language thing. Back in Taiwan working for last 3 years. Lot of changes. Lin Kou has been torn down, Took a ride up...can still locate the pool but that's about it. Taipei has really changed..some great memories.
Turk's, Black Cat, Hollywood...all great places. Old Airman's club downtown is not a Catholic Church. Club 63 is the American Club in China ( somewhat upscale from the old days ). And cannot find Tsui Pa Hsien for the life of me.
Anybody know where Ron Garska, Ken Roberts, Jim Davis, Bucholtz, Chuck Bledsoe, are...would like to get in touch.Bob Biddle
Hi Vern,
I was in here again just checkin' things
out. I didn't see Lyle Stokes name on
the roster. Girls in town used to call
him "moguay". Means ghost in chinese.
If he kept up the pace he was living
I sincerely doubt if he is still around.
Went to that big RRU in the sky most likely. I was going to sign in for him just to get his name added to the roster, but thought better of it. Does the old heart good to see some of the old names at this web site. Really brings back some very fond memories.
Gotta run, good "talking" to you again.Andy Henry