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push play button for: Yellow Rose of Texas



This is our choice!
We are licensed armed citizens.

We are fortunate, we live in one of the great 33 states that support right to carry. And for the present we have a choice. If most of the Democrats and a few Republicans in our government have their way that  freedom will end.
They are the ones that would like to destroy our Second Amendment.

Remember Gun control ONLY takes guns from law abiding citizens. As we all know, criminals don't obey laws.  How long does it take to get a response for police when you call 911? Are you willing to wait that long when you awake some night with an uninvited guest in your bedroom or someone trying to kick in your front door.




Criminals LOVE gun control,
it makes their jobs safer!



Crime Control, Not Gun Control!

Click for Hot Springs, Arkansas Forecast


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