Some people just have a knack with recipes… they can taste something once, analyze it, and match it pretty close first time out. Ken is one of those folks, and more. He's creative in developing his recipes. As with most great chefs, the recipes are rarely written down, so unless Ken is standing over your shoulder, you're going to play heck copying them. I've been twisting his arms for my favorites of his own personal creations, but that's not always easy because -- like with great chefs the world over  -- his ingredient lists don't specify exact amounts. Some of these recipes will have approximate measurements and you will just have to test and adjust for yourself. He claims that's half the fun! Browse around, copy anything you like and enjoy!

Recipes were recently added to the Salads and Oriental sections.  Enjoy!

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Hey, I'm not into this cooking stuff.
Take me back so I can call for dinner reservations.