More About Me . . .

Growing up overseas, as well as being a "military brat," I guess I was a little sheltered . . . I only knew what was around me . . . not paying attention to all the other happenings in the REAL WORLD.  So, when I left home for the first time . . . talk about culture shock!!

Well, I am proud to say that I survived college . . . and continuing to do my best towards my Masters degree.  I am ready to move on to bigger and better things . . . is there really anything out there for me?!?!  I can thank my friends and family for sticking by my side . . . always giving me encouraging words.  If it wasn't for all of them, I wouldn't be where I am today!

I am 24 years old and am half Japanese/half
American.  I spent all of my high school years in Japan, but I have also lived in San Diego, Guam and Hawaii.  I enjoyed living in Japan . . . I still do . . . it is a beautiful country, although a little humid at times.  I love sushi and absolutely cannot live
without my "fermented beans" and rice!  If you haven't been to this wonderful country, why don't you make plans to visit now

I realize that I have the world ahead of me.  Where do I possibly begin?  There is so much that I want to do and see.  My biggest dream is take an African Safari
.  Check out these great pictures of Africa!! I want to travel all over the world and
experience different cultures and customs. 
Hopefully I will make it there one day!

Well, that is enough of me . . . be sure to check out my What's New site . . . I will keep you updated on happenings around me, as well as list any new
websites I find out there.

Until next time . . .

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