~~~~~The Academy of the Faery Folk~~~~~~~

We have founded this cyber academy in the hopes of sparking 
further intrest and eurudition where the ancient ones are concerned.
There will be a variety of learning methods and, we hope that you will make use of them to your hearts content.


This site will be at Tripod.com permanently
Please feel free to explore as much as you like, and we hope you come back often.

If you have any comments or questions, please email us at the following addresses:



A photo of myself
A photo of my companion, my ONLY family... Isabeaux
A poem that Isa wrote on an anniversary of a very personal event in her life
              Our  Goals  Here  At  The  Academy:

             Our main goal here at The Academy Of The Faery Folk, is to
          share all that we know and hopefully learn all that you know 
          about the Faery Folk, or the ancient ones as I call them. I have
           also begun compiling the knowledge of others, who know far 
          more than I, and you will find hyperlinks to their sites. Some
           of those to whom this site is linked are wonderful artists, and 
          some are avid and learned scholars. This site will be subject to 
           updates when ever I obtain more information such as hyperlinks,
           book reviews and other forms of study material. 

               The  Academy's  Resources:
      To begin with, as stated above,we have a collection of
           hyperlinks which will give you a first rate introduction to the
           world of faery. We also have a few links to sites which address
           ancient celtic law, customs and history. Our main source of
           reference is the two volume set entitled "Faery Wicca" by Kisma
           Stepanich. We will draw heavily from this book when it comes to
           discussion material.

         The hyperlinks in our first set provide you with a vast wealth
           of legends, historical material and magical practices which
           strongly incorporate the faery folk. In addition to the scholarly
           sort of material, there is also a wealth of wonderfully creative
           art work..Please, if you have a site that you would like to see linked here,          
       email, and we will be happy to consider it's addition



              Ancient Celtic History, Customs and Law


             These Links Belong to Kisma Stepanich


              Suggested   Reference  Materials:

            It would be a big plus if you could get your hands on a copy of the
            two book set entitled Faery Wicca by Kisma Stepanich. Actually, it
            comes in two rather large volumes, and it is the most complete set
            of volumes about the Ancient ones that I've ever seen. Here is a
            short introduction in Stipanich's own words.

            "Faery Wicca is for those new to the ways of Faery Faith, and wicca
            in general. Book One will be both an educational workbook and a 
            magical tome.  Replete with practical instruction and exercises,
            historical documentation, poetry, meditations, and  valuable references 
            Faery Wicca, Book One imparts timeless wisdom along with the guidance
            necessary  for apprenticeship.
            But as the first publication on the oral Irish tradition, Fairy Wicca
            Book One will be of value to any follower of the Old Ways.
            The material on celebration and ritual, recipes, symbols, tools and faery 
            contact will serve as a life-long reference and enrich the most venerable 
            The publication of Faery Wicca, Book One reflects the resurrected pulse 
            of the Nature People--our desire to return to a life of simplicity and
            spiritual balance
            To this end, Faery Wicca, Book One will enlighten all who give it life by 
            living it's ways." 


">Celtic Green Corn Moon Gathering: Click to View or Add Event.

~~~Information About Our Mailing List~~~

        If you want to join our little community, you are
welcome to    do so. Frankly, we would love to have you;

To subscribe to Feri_Lyceum: click here:>~~~~http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Feri_Lyceum/ Use no subject but put "subscribe" in the body of the message and the email address where you would like to receive the messages.
the more the merrier.    ---"FaeryFaith" 

       You will be taken there immediately, and you will be
able to join  right up. If you have any problems with the
list setup, just drop  me an email, and I'll be glad to
take care of it for you. 



If anyone sees a graphic here they feel belongs to them... please let me know and I will either
remove it or happily give you credit. Please bear with me while we fine-tune this page which has been giving Isabeaux Heebie Jeebies. Must be...The Fairies are up to no good as usual!!!!

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