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Is a hardcover really indicative of the quality of a story? Amanda Quick will definitely garner a strong following and mini-hardcover books like Emily Grayson's are in vogue, so they make a nice gift. But the best story of this bunch is a cheap paperback by relative unknown, Toronto writer Karyn Monk_ proof that you can sometimes get more than you pay for.

The Rose and the Warrior

By Karen Monk

(Bantam - April 2000, $ 8.99)

Funny situations interspersed with poignancy_ this is a formula that grabs a reader. Karen Monk has the knack of creating an ensemble cast that compels you to care.

A weary Scottish warrior, Roake of the MacTier clan, has one last mission for his Laird. He must bring back the notorious thief The Falcon. The Falcon drops out of the trees and captures Roarke and his men, who are shocked to find that their quarry is a young woman and a ragtag group of half-starved misfits.

Melantha has lost her father to the MacTier's ruthless raiding and she resorts to thievery to feed the remnants of the MacKillon clan. She will ransom these murdering MacTiers to benefit her clan. When Roarke's concern and assistance wins over her clansmen Melantha struggles to maintain her hatred.

Roarke's long-held soldiering values begin to disintegrate when he sees the devastation inflicted by his clansmen. His conscience cannot stomach the destruction of the proud and affable MacKillons, but he's sworn to the MacTiers. 

A sexy, fast-paced story peopled with a cadre of characters you will remember.


The Wicked Widow

By Amanda Quick

(Bantam - April 2000, $35.95)

Amanda Quick is the regency-writing pseudonym for incredibly prolific Jayne Anne Krentz and for consistent quality you can't go wrong.

It was widely rumoured that Madeline Deveridge murdered her husband. So when late one evening Artemis Hunt is invited to enter her carriage he is intrigued.

Artemis is a private gentleman, learned in the ways of a mysterious society so when he discovers that the Wicked Widow knows many of his secrets he resolves to help her in exchange for her silence. But Madeline has a peculiar problem. It seems the ghost of her deceased husband is haunting her determined to steal an ancient journal.

A lightweight mystery and witty banter provide the backdrop for a torrid attraction that rages between these two headstrong characters.

For a fan it's worth the hardcover price. The Wicked Widow is vintage Quick.


The Observatory

By Emily Grayson

(William Morrow/ HarperCollins - 2000, $29.95HC)

This pretty little hardback is a traditional romance that was slightly too dark for Harlequin.

Liz Mallory is a spinster librarian, the "poor substitute" for her vibrant twin sister Harper. Liz has been estranged from her sister for most of their lives, but when her niece dies tragically, Liz takes over care for her nephew, Nick. By the time Harper returns from her self-imposed grieving exile, Liz has fallen in love with David Fields, an amateur astronomer who is her nephew's teacher.

David lives in a private Observatory, and their love makes the place special for Liz. When she discovers the secrets in her lovers past, Liz must deal with her insecurities.

The Observatory is an quiet, elegant story about an adult finally reaching emotional maturity.  

Janine Taylor is a Halifax writer. She can be reached at or


Copyright (c) 2000 Janine Taylor

Distributed by Writers Syndication Services



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