Allure's Backstreet Boys Story

Hi! You might think I'm crazy, believe what you will, but I like to be creative (like a few of my friends). I'm writing this story just for fun, I am in no way connected to the Backstreet Boys and probably never will be. This is a work of fiction. If you hate it, I don't care, just don't send me any hate mail. But if you like it, feel free to send me your comments and suggestions. Thank you. Enjoy.

First I'll start with a description of the carachters, (who may have been inspired from real life people) Jayde: that's me. She has straight long blond hair, blue eyes, loves to dress up, but enjoys dressin comfortable too. Not really into sports, but likes to keep in shape (cheerleading and skiing) Fav Color: brown, gold Emily: The second blond in the group (except her hair is curly). Likes to look good, never leaves the house without makeup. Very active (soccer, synchro, aerobics...) Fav Color: pale blue, silver Abigail: Sort curly brown hair, prides herself in her nice stomach, legs (and yes, her butt!), but rarely ever flaunts it. Likes to wear really big pants with Tiny tops. Loves to dance. Fav Color: red Sarah: Short brown hair, darker complexion, the sportiest of the group, (soccer, ringuette...) Dresses comfortably (adidas). Duzn't let any male push her around. Girl power queen...but a pro at flirting! Fav Color: navy blue Victoria: Italian. Short dark brown hair, dresses classy yet casual. Active as well (soccer, tennis, skiing...)The most responsible of the crew. Fav Color: green?

Aiight, let the story begin... Jayde reached the door first, and tried to unlock it, panting and shaking with excitement. Emily caught up her, out of breath, just in time to see the door swing open in front of her. Both girls dropped their bags and stood there, in front of the doorway, staring inside in awe as the rest of their friends joined them. Then Abigail broke the silence. "Outta my way!" She shoved her friends aside and ran into house to let it sink in. Their dream wuz finally comming true. They were moving into their dreamhouse, together in Florida, for the whole summer. "Wow", Victoria said as she stepped inside, "You said it wuz big, but I never imagined THIS..." Her eyes trailed up the grand staircase. "Yeah, Sarah, your dad is an angel!" Jayde exclaimed. Sarah smiled. "You guyz, we earned this house. After all, we are paying for the rent and all the living costs. All my dad did wuz get us the house we wanted." "And fly us here in his private jet" Emily added with a smirk. "Did u guyz notice that hot flight attendant?" "I swear Em, all you think about is guys..."Jayde said, rolling her eyes. (the truth wuz that SHE had noticed him too...) She walked to the kitchen. "Oh and you have to thank your dad for getting us those jobs at the gym" Victoria told Sarah as they started up the stairs to put away their bags. Jayde wuz to work as a lifeguard, Emily and Abigail were to be dance/aroebics teachers, Sarah coached soccer and Victoria worked at the main desk. "I dunno about you guyz, but I really don't feel like unpacking. I'm starved. I think I'll go out and get us some food" Jayde said, returning from the kitchen. Her and Victoria were the only ones who had liscences to drive, so they both pitched in for the rental car, a nice lookin drop-top. "Wait up Jayde, I'll come with you" Abigail came out of the living room. "Aiight, we'll catch you guys l8ta" Victoria shouted fom upstairs. "Bye!" The door slammed. Two minutes l8ter, the doorbell rang. "They can't be back allready..." Victoria mumbled, rushing down the stairs to get the door. Two guys were on the doorstep, they looked about 17, 18 yrs old. (not bad lookin either!) Victoria openned the door just as Emily showed up behind her. "Hi! I'm Abs, and uh, this is Scott. We couldn't help but notice you girls from our house next door. I guess we're your new neighbors for the summer." They had a really strong British accent. Em smiled, stepping in front of Victoria. "It's very nice to meet you Abs", She said, shaking his hand, "I'm Emily, and this is Victoria. Sarah's upstairs unpacking, and our other two friends are out to get some food." Victoria looked over at their house. "That's a pretty big house for just two guys..." Scott spoke up. "Nah, it's not just for us, we're expecting our five friends to join us sometime soon". "We just wanted to let you know that if there's anything we can do to help you settle in, we're here." Abs chimed in. "Well, why don't you join us for supper?" Victoria suggested. They two guys looked at eachother. "Sure!" Abs said. "See you l8ter then!" Sarah showed up at the door and stood with the girls as they watched the boys walk away. "Who wuz that??" Victoria explained about them and how they were expecting five other guys to move in with them soon. All three decided that this summer wuz definately looking bright.


Jayde and Abigail had forgotten about getting food, they were having too much fun just cruisin the streets in the convertible, pumpin the music so loud (it wuz Robyn's song "do you really want me", the remix version). Jayde turned down the music a bit. "Hey, you know we have a much better chance of meeting the Backstreet Boys here than anywhere else..." she smiled mischeivously. But Abigail wuzn't listenning, she wuz staring at somethinhg in the distance with her mouth wide open in shock. "Earth to Abigail...what r u looking at?" Jayde followed Abigail's gaze and her jaw dropped too. "Omigod, is that really HIM???" Leaning on an expensive looking car at the corner of the street wuz Brian Litrell. Abigail suddenly came out of her trance. "Jayde, watch where you're driving!!" Jayde woke up and swerved the car back into her lane, stopped at the red light and breathed a sigh of relief. When they turned around to look, B-rok and the car were gone. "Aww man, where did he go? This can't be happenning!" Jayde exclaimed in disbelief. "We just saw Brian, for real..." It wuz just dawning on Abigail, she had finally seen the love of her life upclose, and didn't even get to talk to him! "Come on, we better go get some food and head back." Jayde said. L8ter when they pulled into the driveway, Abi wuz still thinking about Brian. She looked up as she stepped out of the car and noticed smething familiar. "Ohmigod, JAYDE! That's it! That's the car he wuz leaning on!!!" It wuz parked in their neighbors driveway. "Oh man, you're right! Let's go tell the others." They ran into the house. Victoria poked her head out from the kitchen and greeted them. "Hope you guys bought a lot of food cuz we have guests tonite!" "Guests?" Jayde asked.Sarah started to explain, but Abigail interupted her. "You can tell us l8ter. Right now we have something really important to tell you." She looked at Jayde, who began to talk. "Well, were on mainstreet, on our way to the store, when Abigail looked over and saw"--- Jayde wuz cut short by the telephone ringing. "Hold on." Emily said and answered the phone. She spoke to the person for a few seconds and hung up. "That wuz Scott. He says they can't come over for dinner cuz their five friends just showed up. Now, what were you saying Jayde?" Abigail looked over at her, her eyes wide. "No way..." Then they heard some shouting from outside. Jayde ran to the patio, her friends close behind her, and all of them stood there in shock at the sight they held before them. Over in the neighbors backyard were Scott and Abs, playing basketball with the Backstreet Boys. "EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Emily's scream pierced through the air like a knife. The guys looked over in their direction. "It's the Backstreet Boys!!!" she said, whispering this time. "And they're looking at us!!" "Geez, I wunder why Em, I bet our friends in Montreal heard that scream." Sarah said sarcastically. "Guys, we better go outside and introduce ourselves, we look kinda dumb just standing here looking at them..." Victoria said. "Aiight." Jayde opened the patio door and stepped outside, not taking her eyes off A.J. But she might as well have been invisible, cuz as soon as he spotted Emily he rushed forward to introduce himself. He pulled off his shades before taking her hand. "Hello there, who might you be?" he said with that charming smile of his. Jayde could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes as Emily smiled back. Em didn't get a chance to answer though becuz Scott and Abs interrupted. "A.J., Kevin, Howie, these are our neighbors, Emily, Abigail, Victoria, Sarah and Jayde. Girls, those two guys playing basketball down there are Brian and Nick." Abigail couldn't take her eyes off Brian. Then Kevin spoke up "I'm gonna go inside and sleep, I'm really tired" He looked sorta out of it. Sarah had alwayz loved Kevin, but the more she looked at him, the more she noticed how much older he REALLY wuz, and how she wuzn't really attracted to him in person. Victoria and Howie couldn't keep their eyes off eachother. "Well I better start dinner" Victoria said. "Would you like some help?" Howie suggested eagerly. "Sure!" Victoria brightenned. They dissapeared into the kitchen. Scott started chatting with Abigail and Sarah, while Abs returned to play basketball, but Abigail wuz too distracted by B-Rok to really listen. "I really like your hair color." Scott told Sarah, pulling on one of her curls. "Thanx" she said "but it's just highlights. So where are you from?..." They talked on as Abigail gazed lovingly over at Brian. Meanwhile, A.J. wuz leaning on the wall facing Emily, talking away while she stared at Nick. She suddenly inturupted him "Hey, have you met my friend Jayde yet?" Without waiting for an answer she called Jayde over. He shook her hand without even looking at her then turned back to Emily. Jayde saw the effort Em had tried to make but knew it wuz hopeless. Determined not to let this get to her, she walked over to Abigail. "Come on, let's go play some B-ball." Without giving her a chance to reply, she dragged Abi over to the court. She cleared her throat loudly and the boys stopped. Brian got one glimpse of Abigail and the ball dropped from his hands (just like in the As Long As You Love Me video). "Could we play?" Jayde asked. "Sure" Abs said, picking up the ball from the floor and shooting it at her. "Show us what you got." Jayde turned to face the net and took a shot. The ball went through the net. She wuz shocked but didn't let on. "that's 2 to 0" she said with a smirk. "That duzn't count!" Abs said. "we hadn't even started the game yet!" "Oh, so now you're afraid eh??" Jayde said, playfully shoving him. "You wanna start sumfin?!" He said jokingly, his face two inches away from hers. "I could take you on anyday." She replied, and with that she tickled him, making him drop the ball. "Oh, so you wanna play like that hun?" he said before picking her up. "What are you doing??" she shrieked. She noticed he wuz heading for pool in their backyard. "Nooo!!!" she screamed "Please! I REALLY don't wanna get wet, I'm going out tonite!" Abs stopped in his tracks, still carrying her in his arms. "I'll make a deal with you" he said. "I won't throw you in the pool, if you go out with ME tonite." he gave her one of those puppy dog faces. "Is this how you alwayz get your dates?" Jayde said laughing. "Sure, as long as I don't get wet." ''I promise." Abs said. "Okay, well, you can put me down now..." Jayde reminded him. "Oh, right." He placed her down.

Meanwhile, on the courts, Abigail and Brian were having an intense 1on 1 game. So far it wuz 8-4 for Brian. Abigail wuz dribbling the ball towards the net when B-Rok grabbed her from behind and stole the ball away. "Hey!!" she shouted. (in her mind she wuz saying OmiGod he TOUCHED me!). "That's not fair!" "Who said we were playin fair?" Brian said with a smile. "Hey, what's that?" Abigail said, pointing behind him. When he turned his head to look she knocked the ball out of his hands and shot it through the net.

Nick had sat down to rest, and as he looked around, he noticed A.J. talking to some gorgeous girl. She looked over at him, and their eyes locked. "Wow" Nick thought. She took his breath away. "It's too bad A.J. got to her first". He sighed with disappointment. Meanwhile Emily wuz thinking to herself "Is this guy EVER gonna shut up??! I want NICK!!" A few minutes l8ter Kevin came back outside, and he had a blond girl with him. She looked like she wuz in her twenties. "Scott!!" he souted. "I'm going to Nina's for dinner. I'll probably be spending the night there. I'll see you guys l8ter okay?" "Okay!" Scott yelled and turned back to Sarah. "Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, it's cuz, I've alwayz had this crush on Kevin, and it's weird to see how he's nothing like what I thought he would be." "I guess that's why you can't judge people by their apearences" Scott said. "No, it's more than that." She said. "I thought he wuz like my dream guy. Maybe I should stop dreaming and see what's right in front of me." She looked at Scott. He hesitated a bit before talking. "Sarah, wanna go out with me tonite?" "Yeah, I'd really like that." She smiled. Back in the kitchen, Victoria and Howie were almost done cooking supper. They made pasta (of course) and salad. They had been talking the whole time, and discovered that they had a lot in common (and Victoria noticed he wuz a lot like her boyfriend Vinny who wuz spending the summer in Italy). Victoria took a spoonful of the sauce and waved it front of Howie's face. "It smells delicious." He said. "Taste it" Victoria said, placing the spoon to his lips. "Mmmmm, excellent" he said. "We're pro's." Victoria grinned. "I wanna taste it too" She went to take a spoonful but Howie stopped her. "Taste this..." he said, and kissed her lips. The kiss came so unexpectedly that Victoria didn't know how to react. She loved Vinny, but she couldn't help being attracted to Howie... She backed away. "Um, Howie, I think we should serve the food now." She turned her back to him and began taking out plates. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, Victoria plaese forgive me." "Howie, forget about it. Let's just get the dinner out on the table."


Everyone chatted gaily at the table, enjoying the food and company. Emily and Nick were eyeing eachother the whole time, while A.J. talked her ear off. Jayde tried to concentrate on Abs, but she kept glancing over at A.J. and Emily. Abs noticed it, but he didn't say anything. Abigail, Brian, Scott and Sarah were sitting and one end, chatting away. Then Abigail looked over at Jayde. "Jayde, you know what we should do tonite instead of going out? Let's pitch up our three person tent in the backyard and the six of us can sit in there and chat!" Jayde laughed. "That's a great idea!" The guys looked at them wierd. Sarah explained about how they used to chill in thier friend's backyard in his tent, back in Montreal, and just talk there all night.

Victoria and Howie were sitting awkwardly at the other end of the table. Victoria wuz thinking to herself. "Vinny's gonna be gone all summer. And Howie's a great guy. When's the next time I'm gonna get the chance to go out with a Backstreet Boy?" With that she turned to Howie. "Wanna rent a movie and chill at my place tonite?" Howie looked uncertain. "You sure you want to spend time with me?". Victoria smiled at him. "Definately".

Finally Nick got up and interrupted A.J. "Emily, I belive that IS your name, um, would you mind showing me where the washroom is?" Emily's face lit up. "Sure!" She hopped up and led him into the house. "Thank you SO MUCH for getting me away from A.J. . I mean he's a nice guy and all, but he's just not my type." "Well, just out of curiosity, what IS your type Emily?" She stopped walking. "Well, I guess my type would be blond, with blue eyes, and a nice smile... and who's first name starts with N, and who's part of a very popular singing group..." Emily looked up at Nick and blushed... she couldn't believe she had just said that to Nick Carter! Nicks'a gorgeous blue eyes stared deep into hers. "Would you like to go for a walk on the beach l8ter on?" he asked. Emily's heart skipped a beat. "I'd love to".


Emily joined everyone outside while Nick wuz in he washroom. Everybody wuz picking up their dishes and stuff, except Jayde, Sarah and Abigail, who were putting up the tent. (or at least trying to). A.J. approached Emily. "Hey, I wuz wondering if I could take you out tonight". Emily hesitated. `Well, um, you see, it's cuz. um, I allready have plans..." She looked over at Nick who had just walked out and gave him the "Help me" look. He shrugged, not knowing what he could do. Em turned back to A.J. "Listen, it's not that I don't like you, you're a really great guy, but I don't think it would work. Not only do I have feelings for someone else, but my best-friend Jayde has been in love with you since forever and I couldn't do that to her." A.J. wuz thinking to himself, "I have made sucha fool of myself. I knew all along that she couldn't stop eyeing Nick. Ugh." Outloud he said "Which one is Jayde again?" He hadn't taken the time to really look at any of the other girls since he saw Emily. She looked around. "She must be inside the tent right now." "Allright, I guess I'll catchya l8ter". A.J. went back to the house and sat inside his room, listenning to music, wondering why he hadn't noticed Jayde before...

*** Scott and Sarah were walking towards his car, heading for the movies. Just then Kevin pulled up. He got outta the car and slammed the door shut, he looked pretty pissed. Scott shouted out to him. "Hey Kev, you okay?" Kevin looked over, saw Sarah, and stopped in his tracks. Their eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity. Finally he spoke. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. I just got in another fight with Nina that's all." He stared at Sarah again, then walked back to the house. They got in the car and Scott talked as they put on their seat belts. "He's gotta dump that chick man. He needs a girl to treat him right." Sarah couldn't help wishing that girl could be her.


Abigail, Brian, Jayde, Nick, Abs and Emily were inside the tent. Jayde wuz leaning against Abs' knees, Brian kept tickeling Abigail, and Lisa wuz lying down, her head proped up on Nicks lap. "So how do you guys know eachother?" Emily asked. "We met Abs and Scott through the music industry" B-Rok said. Jayde turned to Abs. "Really?, what do you do?" "I sing in a group. We're called Five" The girls all looked at eachother. They had been dreaming of being singers together ever since they became friends, in high school. "sing something for us!" Jayde said. "Yeah, I mean, we know Brian and Nick can sing, let's hear you!" em chimed in. Abs looked really shy all of a sudden. "Nah, it's not the same without the other guys." He looked up. "I guess I could rap for you though." "Yeah!" Abigail said. So abs started freestyling completely, making it up as he went along. He wuz WICKED. B-Rok gave him a high-five and got up. "I'm gonna go get something to drink. NE1 want NEthing?" "sure" everyone said. Abigail got up to go help him. Emily turned to Nick. "Wanna go for that walk now?" He smiled. "Love to." They got up, leaving Abs and Jayde alone in the tent...


It seemed as though the house wuz empty as Brian and Abigail made their way to the kitchen in the dark. They passed by the TV room, where Victoria and howie seemed to be pretty cozy watching their movie. Once they reached to kitchen, B-Rock scanned the fridge as Abi got the cups. "So, do you have a boyfriend back in Montreal?" he asked turning towards her, gazing into her eyes. She almost melted. Even if she had a boyfriend back home, she would have totally forgotten his name. "Um, nah. I'm kinda shy when it come to guys." She felt like jumping him right there. He smiled that amazing smile of his. "It duzn't seem that way to me" She smiled back. "I don't really feel like going back to that stuffy tent. Wanna go check out the boardwalk near here? I haven't seen it yet." Brian put the pop back in the fridge and grabbed her hand. "Sounds great. Let's go"


Scott and Sarah were in the Cinepark, watching Halloween H2O. She had convinced him into watching this scary film, they alwayz make her laugh. (especially cuz the blondes alwayz get killed first). Scott looked really uneasy. Accually, the more Sarah looked at him , the more it seemed to her that he wuz scared shitless. "Scott, I thought your hair wuz spiky cuz you gelled it that way, but now it looks like it's standing on end cuz you're terrified." She laughed. "I-I-I, I'm not scared!" Just the someone got killed and let out a gruesome scream. Scott almost jumped outta his seat. "Okay, maybe these movies freak me out a little." Sarah grabbed his hand. "Relax." He looked at her, and their eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity, as their faces slowly inched closer and closer to eachother...


Jayde wuz lying on her stomach, her head propped up on her hands. Abs wuz in front of her, his back leaned up against the back of the tent. "So, what are you into, I mean, do you have any passions?" Jayde looked down. "Well, there is this one thing I've been striving for for a long time." She looked up into his eyes. "What is it?" She sat up next to him. "Singing. Abigail, Emily and I have been practicing and searching, but we haven't found a break. How did you do it?" "Just keep on trying I guess. Never give up. Hey,why don't you sing for me?" She looked down "Oh no, I don't think so..." He lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes. "It's just me. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice." He wuz so close she could smell his cologne. Just then they heard a rustling outside. Jayde looked up through the screen on the front door and saw a familiar figure walking away. She coulda swore it wuz A.J.


People have read my psycho fantasy times.

Hey all you Backsteet Boys fantasy fans, I'm sorry I haven't updated my page in SO LONG, but I lost the internet, it's not my fault! My e-mail address is no longer valid! So as soon as I get it back I'll update it, I promise! If you have NEthing important to tell me, you can write to my friend Lisa at and she'll tell me. L8ta!

My Snazzy List of Links

Dreams Do Come True: My wicked friend Pooky's page, with lotsa stories and fantasies. She inspired me to start my own!
Tha Hip Hop Banner Exchange: It's got all the best R&B/Hiphop/Rap/Old Skool/Funk/Reggea/Soca Sh*t you can find!!
Dru Hill- 5 Steps Higher: This is the biggest DruHill website there is, and my freind created it! Check it out!
Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction: A story my 5 friends and I wrote over a year ago. It all started with Pooky's dream....
Cruisin with these BSB Stories: some pretty wicked stories here...
Pooks Luvs Eric: My good firend made this site in dedication of her luv towards Eric, of No Authority. With his good looks, I don't blame her. Check it out!

Montreal, Quebec