Alpha Centauri This is a three-star system. It is also the closest star to us! The main star in the system is a yellow main sequence star. It is of magnitude -0.01 It is 4.39 l.y.away. This star is 1.3 times the size of the sun and 1.4 times as bright.
The second star in the Alpha Centauri system is an orange main sequence star. It is of magnitude 1.33. It is also 4.39 l.y. away. This star is 0.9 times the size of the sun and 0.4 times as bright.
The third star in the Alpha Centauri system is a red dwarf star. This star is also known as Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri is of magnitude 11.05. This star is 4.28 l.y. away. It is 0.03 times the size of the sun and .00005 times as bright!

Beta Centauri(Hadar) This is a magnitude 0.61 star. Hadar is a blue giant star. It is 450 l.y. away. This star is 4.6 times the size of the sun and 8630 times as bright.

Gamma Centauri This is a binary star. It is of magnitude 2.17. Gamma is a blue-white subgiant star. This star is 120 l.y. away. It is 3.5 times the size of the sun and 137 times as bright.

Delta Centauri This is a magnitude 2.60 star. Delta is a blue subgiant star. It is 340 l.y away. This star is 3.5 times the size of the sun and 787 times as bright.

Epsilon Centauri This is a magnitude 2.30 star. Epsilon is a blue giant star. It is 470 l.y. away. This star is 2.6 times the size of the sun and 1977 times as bright.

Zeta Centauri This is a magnitude 2.55 star. Zeta is a blue subgiant star. It is 420 l.y. away. This star is 2.1 times the size of the sun and 1247 times as bright.

Eta Centauri This is a magnitude 2.31 star. Eta is a blue main sequence star. It is 360 l.y. away. This star is 3.5 times the size of the sun and 1138 times as bright.

Theta Centauri This is a magnitude 2.06 star. Theta is an orange giant star. It is 49 l.y. away. This star is 8.4 times the size of the sun and 26 times as bright.

Iota Centauri This is a magnitude 2.75 star. Iota is a blue-white main sequence star. It is 64 l.y. away. This star is 1.8 times the size of the sun and 24 times as bright.

Kappa Centauri This is a magnitude 3.13 star. Kappa is a blue subgiant star. It is 440 l.y. away. This star is 2.4 times the size of the sun and 787 times as bright

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