The Aftermath by: Jen

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Joey came home this morning, with the aid of Mr. Potter, Viktor and I. Dawson and Pacey left yesterday afternoon, citing that they hadn't slept and they really needed to so they could get to class today. Jen, Jack, and Andie all went back to Boston early last evening so they could sleep before school.

Ryan, Alex and Bessie left around midnight yesterday, waiting until the last possible moment to return to Capeside for work today.

Being the unusually lucky person that I am, I never have classes on Mondays until noon, so I was on hand to help. Viktor was able to stay because, being a Catholic university, all classes for today were canceled for a holiday. Mr. Potter was staying in a Holiday Inn anyway, until Joey's 'settled', as he puts it.

Joey told us on the drive home that she plans to get back to her classes tomorrow, much to our dismay. Being slightly ambidextrous has its advantages in cases like this, and Joey won't miss but a day of classes. She is in her dorm right now, hopefully sleeping.

Viktor's hanging out playing with my computer while I'm in the shower.

Max never showed yesterday, so I didn't get a clean shirt, but he did do the laundry as promised. I might shave and wear clean clothes, even though I'm still sort of in my slump. I'm optimistic though, because everyone else seems to think we'll be back together in no time.

In the mean time though, creative writing is my first class, and I share it with Greg. I know I was ill-mannered and gave a bad impression Saturday night, so I have to apologize. It's something I'm not ecstatic about.

In the words of my father, "Never, ever make a bad impression."

God forbid the Reiker name be tarnished because I was a little steamed.

So I've definitely decided to shave, because I'm already done half my face. What a refreshing feeling this is, to be clean. I never realized how much I took being clean for granted. And slipping into clean clothes is great too. God, do I sound crazy, talking about how much I like cleanliness.

But I'm serious. I pull on my white t-shirt and khakis, followed by my favorite green sweater and white and green Adidas superstars. If I'm going to be in an uncomfortable situation, I might as well dress comfortably.

It's 11:45, so I better book it. I grab my backpack and start for the door, then remember Viktor.

"Hey man, don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone, okay?" He'll probably end up going to see Joey anyway, but I might as well try.

"Sure Erik."

I take off jogging because it's so cold and I forgot my jacket. Reaching the class room, I can see Greg in the front talking to a friend. I better just get this over with as fast as possible. I walk over, and sure, he's tall, but I've got at least three inches on him, so there's nothing to be intimidated about.

"Hey, uh, Greg."

He turns around to look at me. "Erik. Hey."

"Look, I wanted to apologize for Saturday. I was totally irrational. Thanks for getting her to a hospital."

"Hey, no problem. I would have acted the same way. How is she?"

"She came home today. She never hemorrhaged, and it's just her wrist and shoulder."

"Everyone, please take a seat," the professor just came in.

"That's great."

"Thanks again man," I stick my hand out and he shakes it. I head to the back to my regular seat, next to Evan.

"Hey Ev," I whisper.

"Hey. She home?"


And now it's time to focus, so I try. Creative writing is probably my favorite class this year, so it doesn't take much. For the next hour, my attention is at the front of the class.

There's a knock on the door, and I can pretty much assume it's not Erik, because he has creative writing now. That's his favorite class, and sometimes I wonder why he's not a journalism major or something, instead of pre-law. Maybe he really does like political science, but I'd be more willing to bet that he just wants to satisfy his father.

I open the door, and it's Viktor. Erik probably told him not to come here, but not is so many words of course. Never underestimate the brain in Viktor; he'll do what he wants, no matter what.

"Hi Joey," he pushes his way in and sits down at my desk.

"Hi Viktor." He's here for that aforementioned chat.

"So, how's it going?"

"The same as it was three hours ago. Anything you want in particular, because I'm supposed to be sleeping."

"Actually, there is a premeditated reason for my presence in your room. I came to talk to you."

"About what? No, let me guess...Erik."

"Actually, that was just going to be a subtext; a filler if the conversation turned to mush. He wasn't the main reason I came here. I just wanted to know how things were going with you. How's work? The law? Life in general?"

"Work's fine, law's fine, and life is, despite what you may think, fine. Cut to the chase Viktor, and palaver. We can prate some other time."

"You know me all too well. Erik loves you Joey, and it scares me. He's my best friend, and I don't want to see him hurt. I'm worried that he's screwing up royally. I know I shouldn't be saying this to you, but I'm afraid he's throwing a good part of his life away. Believe me Joey, I have nothing against you, but he can't get over you, and he either has to get it together, or come crawling back. I know Erik, and the latter is more a characteristic of him. When he does eventually come begging, do whatever it is your planning gently. He loves you too much to let you go easily, so if you don't want to be with him anymore, do it as nicely as possible."

"Can I let you in on a little secret of mine? I want Erik back more than you think. I love the guy, for God sakes. We're both too proud to crawl back to each other. We'll carry this on until one of us caves. And you have the friendly conversation skills of a hermit. Even Dawson can do the prying thing without being as obvious as you. And I'm sure he has."

Viktor laughs, knowing the last part was meant to be humorous. "I know, I'm transparent. I'm sorry for being blunt too."

"Don't say anything to Erik, please."

"I won't, just like Dawson won't say anything to you."

"You mean he did talk to Erik?"

"I'm not saying a word. I better go, so Erik doesn't catch me down here."

"I knew he'd tell you not to come here."

"He didn't, actually, at least not in so many words. He said, and I quote, 'Hey man, don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone, okay?'"

"He wouldn't be blunt, it's not in his nature to come right out and say something like 'don't go talk to my ex-girlfriend'."

"I know. Too courteous. But I've gotta run 'cause he's out in ten minutes."

I look down at my watch, and it's one o'clock. "Actually, he just got out. You better run." Viktor makes a beeline for the door and bolts out and down the hall, before Erik can make it back. Just as he closes Erik's door, the elevator opens and Erik steps out, in all his favorite-green-sweater wonder, looking as dashing as ever. He glances down towards where I'm standing, and we make eye contact. Neither of us wants to look away, but I finally do, and duck back into my room.

I shouldn't have chickened out, but I did, and there's nothing that can change that. Besides, who stands in a hallway just staring at the ultimate object of their affection? Well, I would, but he's probably already in his room by now.

I just remembered, I've got to call Mary-Anne, my boss, and tell her I can't come in today. I work in a record store - why do they call them record stores if they don't sell records anymore? - where Jack used to work.

I took his job when he transferred last spring, only because he was gracious enough to recommend me. Sure, the new Icehouse is doing awesome, and the Potters are financially stable now, but I could still use the extra cash.

I pick up the phone and dial the number to Jubilare Records. I don't know where Mary-Anne got the name, but it's cool. Jubilare is the Latin word for shout, so that might have something to do with it.

"Hello?" It's Mack on the other line, the punk-wannabe, and Mary-Anne's younger brother, who works practically all the time.

"Hey Mack, it's Joey. Is Mary-Anne there?"

"Hey Joey, yeah, she's in the back. I'll get her."

There's a pause, then I can hear Mary-Anne telling Mack to go unpack something. "Hi Joey, what's up"

"Hi, well, I hate to do this, but I was in an accident Saturday night, and I won't be able to come in today."

"Oh, Joey, are you okay? Did you break anything? Is Erik all right?"

"I'm fine, it's just a fracture, and Erik wasn't with me."

"All right then. You take as long as you need to get better. I'll let you rest."

"I'll be in tomorrow, you can count on it."

"If you say so, but I think you might want to rest."

"Nah, I've got painkillers, I'll be fine. See you tomorrow."

"See you then Joey."

I hang up the phone and lay down on my bed. After ten minutes, I still can't get to sleep, so I reach under my bed for something to read.

What I pull out is the 'Guinness Book of World Records', so I thumb through, but finally fall asleep out of boredom. The last thing I read is that the longest recorded marriage was 86 years. Maybe that's a sign.

It's five o'clock, and I just dropped Viktor off to get the ferry back to Newport. He made sure to tell me that next time he came, he expected me to have a "lady friend", in his words. We all know who that means: Joey.

I decided earlier that I'd go se Mr. Potter, and get something off my chest. I'm pulling into the Holiday Inn right now.

I walk in, and go directly to the front desk. An older man is sitting there, and looks to be thoroughly enjoying watching the people go by.

"Hello there young man, how may I help you?"

"Can you tell me what room Mike Potter is in?" "Mike 117, second floor. Should I call ahead and tell him your coming?"


"And your name is...?"

"Erik Reiker. Thanks." I head for the elevator and get on with an older couple and a couple of about forty years old. I can't help but think that I want to be in an elevator one day, as an old man, with my wife right beside me. Sure, we'd look nothing like these two, who aren't much over five feet, but I still can't help it. I think I'm going crazy, because nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I get off, abandoning the two couples, and walk towards 117. As I near, Mr. Potter opens the door and steps into the hall.

"Hello Erik."

"Hi Mr. Potter."

"Please, Mike. We've known each other for two years. And chivalry is all but nonexistent these days." He leads me into his room and I sit down in a chair across from the one he takes.

"Well, that's pretty much true."

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"Actually, I came to ask you something."

"Well, spit it out."

"I know nothing's going on right now, and I saw her in the hall today, and we both ignored each other, not by choice on my part, but we did - god, I'm mumbling. Let me start over. Although we aren't together right now, I'm optimistic that things will work out, and I wanted to ask you something, just so I'm prepared when the time is right, whenever that may be, even though it's not right-"

"Erik, just ask me."

"Okay. I want to ask for your permission to ask Joey to marry me, when the time is right."

"You want to ask me? I give you my permission and my blessing. Erik, you are a great kid - young man, and I would love to have you as a son-in-law. Whenever you find the right time to be, you ask Joey to marry you. And I hope she says yes. I saw how you acted at the hospital. It takes a real man to be able to wait out life-or-death news about the woman he loves, and I envy your ability to do that. I'm glad that my little girl has someone like you, to love her like that. You go for it, and whether it be tomorrow, or in thirty years, you have my blessing."

"Thank you Mr. P- Mike. It means a lot to me."

"Your welcome. Now you get back to your dorm and think of a way to ask Joey to marry you."

"I will, and it will be good. Thanks again Mike." I get up and leave. In my jeep on the way home, I realize that I'm out of my slump.

Thoroughly pulled out of the two-week ditch I was stuck in. Hey, so what if Joey and I don't get back together tomorrow. I have it on good authority that she still loves me. Reassurance comes in small insights that everyone has given me, so I'm confident. It'll be a bumpy road getting her back, but I'll survive, and I'll come out on the other end, hopefully, a better person because of all this. I'm sure now that Joey is my one-and-only.

To Be Continued

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